SAFE Horses

SAFE News and Updates

Rosie Walks the Trails 

Sweet Rosie is getting some exercise out on the trails with our wonderful volunteers. Here is a quick video of her out on the trail with her buddy Prince and the minis Sunny & Shasta. Rosie did great on the trails and even “ponied” off Prince when the volunteers needed to concentrate on getting themselves and the minis through the deeper water. Rosie is such a great horse! While she plays…

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Ru Gets his Teeth Fixed 

At the end of January, Dr. Fleck came out to sedate Ru and perform a dental procedure to take down excess tooth on his lower incisors. He has a mild underbite and, likely due to lack of dental care in his past, they had grown in a way in which they ended up being pushed out of their normal position. If the teeth were left as is, he would end up having trouble eating due to the abnormal occlusion…

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Raven is Growing Up! 

SAFE volunteer rider Casey has been working with Raven in preparation for our Colt Starting Clinic with Joel Conner on March 15–18th. Our goal is to make her first ride as uneventful as possible and for Raven to be as relaxed about a rider up top as she is with her handlers on the ground. Casey is putting many hours into introducing Raven to new things and supporting her through the process.…

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New Glamor Shots: Valor 

This boy is a rock star in the making! He has the looks, style, and swagger that will make anyone fall madly in love. He is going to be an amazing riding partner too! 

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Alumni Update: Ruby is Getting Started! 

Ruby is so beautiful all grown up and wearing a saddle! Sophia and Matt have her in training near Portland, Oregon with a very skilled and kind trainer named Nick Donohue. Ruby is in great hands and Sophia is looking forward to working along side her to become a great riding team!

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Stormy Under Saddle 

Our blind and beautiful mare Stormy never ceases to amaze. She approaches life with incredible bravery and capability. But it turns out that there is more to Stormy than just being a treasured pasture pet. Last week, Stormy allowed her trusted friend Melinda to place a saddle on her back and climb on. She accepted a rider as if it was the most normal thing in the world. She’s now proven herself…

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Duchess Under Saddle 

Duchess is back under saddle again. She and Jolene had a quiet first ride in the round pen and a lovely 2nd ride in arena this evening. Duchess is coming back after some years off and settling in nicely to the work. Her gentle disposition will make is suitable to many riders and we expect her to find a home quickly. She is ready to start meeting potential adopters now! Email…

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January Volunteer of the Month: Marie Jainga 

Lifelong Bellevue resident Marie Jainga has been named as the Save a Forgotten Equine’s January Volunteer of the Month. She was selected for this honor because of her tremendous work ethic, her unfailingly positive attitude and her willingness to take on extra responsibilities. Marie has always been an animal lover and has had animals since she was a little girl. Currently, her family is happy…

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Lacey Video 

thank you to Kino McFarland for this video and to rider Alicia for helping find the softer side of Lacey!

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Stella Video 

thank you to Kino McFarland for this video and to rider Casey A for guiding Stella on this journey!

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Catching up with Prince 

In the year that Prince has been with SAFE, he has grown into one of the barn favorites. This handsome fellow has been developing his arena skills and enjoying trail rides. Prince has a very important job helping the newer SAFE horses walk confidently out on the trails and in the new surroundings. We really aren’t sure why this boy hasn’t been adopted yet! Maybe this new video showing off all…

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Zoe’s Leg 

Zoe has been with us for a little over a month now, and her leg continues to look better all the time. We are relieved that a laceration that was so ugly to begin with has left her with no permanent lameness. When she originally came to us we were still at the point of cleaning the wound daily with betadine, but Dr. Devine saw her a few weeks ago and said she’s healed enough to where we can…

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Ben bangs up his knee 

Boys will be boys. In December, Ben played a little too rough in turnout and got himself a nice swift kick to the left knee by one of his buddies. His knee swelled to the size of a grapefruit and had a minor laceration. Our Barn Manager, Lori, put her equine bodyworker skills to use immediately and applied equi-tape to the knee to bring the inflammation down. Luckily the injury didn’t cause any…

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Cosmo Finds a New Home 

Sometimes we come across families looking for horses that we know will give the absolute best home for any of our horses. The sad part is we might not have the perfect match in our herd while they are looking. When Cosmo was ready to meet potential adopters, we called Rebecca first. Rebecca and her family had come out a few months before but at the time we didn’t have the perfect horse. Hoping…

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Stella is Ready 

SAFE owes a very big thank you to volunteer rider Casey for all her efforts and steadfast devotion to Stella through her rehabilitation and training. This little mare is full of life and has a BIG heart. She is more than ready to find her special someone and a family to love her forever! Here is an update from Casey about Stella and their work together: Stella has been doing very well on the…

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Always Improving Lacey 

Since November, Lacey has been ridden by SAFE volunteer rider Alicia. The two are getting along great and Alicia has found out how sweet this mare can be when you get to know her and she respects you. Jessica came out on a rare dry winter day and got some great photos of Lacey in our outdoor arena. The more miles this mare gets the better she is! She would be suitable for an intermediate rider…

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Evaluating Nashville 

Last September we noticed that Nashville appeared lame during her groundwork sessions. Cantering seemed problematic for her and she had a tough time keeping her leads and not “bunny hopping.” It was concerning considering her son, Valor, had just had surgery to fix his locking stifles. A lameness evaluation was performed by Dr. Renner from Rainland. On exam the pain seemed to be originating more…

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Teddi and Roscoe Intake Photos 

Teddi and Roscoe arrived at SAFE in mid January, after being in Animal Control custody for three weeks. When they came to SAFE, we were asked by Animal Control to keep quiet about them because of the legal case against their former owner. Both horses were quarantined here for three weeks to protect them as well as the other horses here at SAFE. They were treated for rain rot, dusted for lice,…

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A Home for Stevie 

We are so excited to announce the placement of Stevie into a wonderful forever home with Diana! The pair hit is off right away. Diana was looking for a riding partner she could grow with and was taken with this dark eyed love bug! Diana took time to get to know Stevie before moving him. She asked a lot of great questions and was a very conscientious adopter. Casey and Diana met a few times and…

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Piper begins her life at Safe Harbor 

If you are missing one of your fellow volunteers during your shift at Safe Harbor there is a good chance you will find that person making googly eyes and stealing kisses from our baby Piper! She is a very sweet filly with a naturally lovely disposition. We have started adding some very light groundwork and handling to begin her education. She catches on quickly and is a smart little cookie! She…

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Training and Health Update: Raven 

When you look at Raven, it’s hard to believe that this big, beautiful filly was a rough-coated, dull-eyed, rain rot covered baby less than a year ago. She has truly blossomed! She amuses us daily with her playful personality and enthusiasm for life. Right now our biggest challenge with Raven is with keeping her GI tract happy. She has continued to be incredibly sensitive to changes in feed, and…

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Training Update: Ru & Valencia 

Terry and her volunteer riders have been working with Ru and Valencia regularly since the last Joel Conner clinic in November. She has this to report on their progress: The more time I spend with Ruach and Valencia the more I fall in love with them. Both are probably two of the sweetest horses to be around. When in the round pen grooming and getting them ready to ride they are kind, gentle and…

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Training Update: Jessel 

Jessel is back on the payroll at Joel Conner’s after a light fall schedule. She is now old enough to be in full time work and so we have bumped her work up in preparation to move her back to Safe Harbor in the spring. Joel’s ranch has been a great place for Jessel to mature and learn how to be a “good citizen.” Joel has been able to turn her out with many different horses and she has had…

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Getting to know Duchess 

Duchess is a lovely gentle mare that we really hope will prove to be suitable for a beginner rider. She settled into Safe Harbor last week nicely and we have lightly started groundwork as we becomes accustom to our barn and getting back into work. Overall, things are going very well. The only thing she has had trouble adjusting to is not being with a pasture mate 24/7, as she’s been accustomed…

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We welcomed back an old friend today. Duchess is a 12 year old palomino Saddlebred mare, who came to SAFE as a two year old during a major Animal Control seizure in 2008. Duchess arrived at SAFE emaciated and unhealthy with badly overgrown feet and a dreadful parasite load. She made a perfect recovery from her neglect and spent the next ten years in a wonderful home where she was loved and cared…

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