SAFE Horses

SAFE News and Updates

Emmy and Gracie Find a Home Together! 

Sometimes timing and patience play a big role in finding the perfect match for our horses. Rebecca put in an adoption application last year, but at the time, SAFE didn’t have the right horse for her. But several months later, we took in a horse named Gracie who seemed like a good prospect for Rebecca. While Gracie moved through her rehabilitation, she got all the medical attention she needed,…

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Getting to know Renee 

We are starting to get to know one of the new mares at SAFE: Renee. We were told that she’s been ridden before, but we don’t know how long it’s been or how positive those experience were for her. Renee seems a bit “wide eyed” and unsure of it all but she is getting used to the routine at SAFE and learning to trust us. I have been doing some light ground work with her in preparation for saddling…

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Adoption Announcement: Harley 

We are excited to announce the adoption of Harley! Jennie came out to see Harley and Ruger early on in their rehabilitation. She understood we needed to get them both healthy before we could figure out if they were sound and rideable. Harley moved easily through her recovery and was able to go to Joel Conner’s for a quick training refresher. We knew right away that she was going to be a very…

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Getting to know Angel 

From the day we met her, this mare has proven to us that she is a fighter who has taken care of herself for a long time. We were told that no one had haltered her in the 15 years she had been on the property. It took us about two and a half hours to halter her for transport but once we caught her, she was very easy to load and manage. When we got home she actually seemed calm, not sweaty or…

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August Volunteer of the Month: Kino McFarland 

SAFE’s August Volunteer of the Month, Kino McFarland, “seemed to be everywhere at every moment” during the recent benefit horse show at Donida Equestrian Center.  “And when she wasn’t volunteering at the show, she had her camera in hand, working on a video to help promote next year’s show,” says SAFE Executive Director Bonnie Hammond. Kino and her video camera have become a familiar sight around…

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Farrier day for the new horses 

Farrier Daphne Jones came out today to work on the badly neglected hooves of our new horses. She was able to trim all of them, except for Angel, who was very reluctant to have her hind feet handled. Daphne worked with her to get her more accustomed to having her hinds picked up, and will be back out very soon to attempt another trim. The good news is that as bad as their feet looked when we…

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Not how a tail should look!! 

Poor Nashville and Angel had tails that resembled baseball bats!! With a lot of patience (and a fair amount of Tail & Mane Detangler) we were able to save a lot of Nashville’s tail. The matted clump that was Angel’s tail was cut out. 

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Six new horses to introduce 

SAFE has recently taken in 6 new horses. They were surrendered to us by their owner, who was no longer able to care for them, due to physical and financial set backs. The horses were all in decent weight, but had not received farrier or dental care in many years. Most had extremely overgrown feet, causing lameness and discomfort. Two other horses belonging to the same owner were humanely…

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Denton and Phoenix, a band of brothers! 

King, who is now known as Denton, was reunited with his good friend, Phoenix, when he returned to Joel Conner’s ranch after being adopted by Lauren and Bryan Engle!! The two are great friends, and their new parents ADORE them. Here is just a small sample of images stolen from Lauren’s Facebook page!!

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Ben: SAFE Show August 2017 

Ben had an amazing showing at this years SAFE show. Everyday he was more and more relaxed. Lisa has been working hard gaining his trust and supporting him through his anxieties to feel calm and relaxed. He did a great job in the trail course and looked right at home! He even came home with a few pretty ribbons!…

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SAFE Horses at the SAFE Show! 

Here are just a few of the photos from Jessica Farren of the current SAFE horses that competed at the SAFE Benefit Horse Show. It was a fabulous weekend of competition, and we all had a marvelous time! Click to enlarge: 

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SAFE Alumni at the SAFE Show 

We had several SAFE Alumni come out to compete at the 2017 SAFE Benefit Horse Show. SAFE Alum Bucky B Lucky won the Champion SAFE Alumni award, competing successfully in English, Dressage, and Western Halter & Showmanship. SAFE Alums Owen, Moonshine, and Baxter also came out to the show.

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July Volunteer of the Month: Samantha Jacobsen 

Native Washingtonian Samantha Jacobsen is being recognized by Save a Forgotten Equine (SAFE) horse rescue as July Volunteer of the Month for serving on multiple chore shifts and helping out at special events, most recently at Redmond Derby Days. Sam has been interested in and involved with horses since childhood. When she was 15, her family moved to Redmond, “where we had about 15 acres and…

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Mason goes around the world! 

Barn Manager Lori McMasters has a huge place in her heart for Mason, and spends lots of time working with him on the ground in preparation for returning to saddle work when he is ready. (And only when he is ready — he will tell us when it’s time!) Lori built this bridge from pallets for SAFE’s work-in-progress trails course, and she demonstrates just one of the ways that the bridge can be used…

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Clinic & Photo Update: Jessel 

We got a chance to see Jessel recently when Joel brought her along to the June clinic. We were amazed to see how well this youngster is going under saddle — it only goes to show you the value of good foundations and a proper start! She had her moments — testing Joel, or deciding she should be done for the day — but overall she was very pleasant and well-behaved. Jessel is smart, talented, and…

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Clinic & Photo Update: Raven 

Raven was such a brave girl for her first groundwork clinic with Joel Conner this past month. Thhe transformation in her was really something to see. Raven is learning to relax and accept new things and find peace and comfort from her handlers. She is beautiful to watch and we are very hopeful for her future! Here is a recap of the clinic from Lisa who is working with Raven: Raven and I…

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Vida is officially a companion horse 

Unfortunately we are going to have to retire Vida as a riding horse. Off and on since we got her, she has had a slight lameness in her front right hoof. It would come and go but recently it was enough for us to call Dr. Fleck to come take a look. He discovered in the x‑rays that she has a very old medial lateral collateral injury. Generally these are not something you can see on just an x‑ray…

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Nora at Liberty 

You don’t have to ride to enjoy horses! Take a look at Sarah doing liberty work with Nora. This is an incredible way to create a bond with your horse. SAFE has so many unrideable horses that are waiting for homes! These are horses who have so much to give and so much they can do for you. They will brighten your life as you care for them, spend time with them, even just as you look at them. All…

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Nora’s World 

Nora has been back at SAFE for several weeks now, and she’s settling in well. She spends her days in a field with Vida, Rosie, and Prince, and her evenings resting in her stall. She’s being re-introduced to good ground manners, and although she’d probably prefer to act like a kite on the end of a leadrope, she is learning how to be good. She’s got a lot of energy, this one! [gallery link=“file”…

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Lovely Tasara 

Our new friend Tasara got the fashion model treatment from Jessica and her camera. Isn’t she pretty? She’s so petite, and just a love. We are enjoying getting to know her! 

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Clinic & Photo Update: Lacey

Clinic & Photo Update: Lacey 

Here’s an update from Terry, who rode Lacey in the recent Joel Conner clinic: Lacey did wonderful in this past Joel Conner clinic! She was forward and willing and kept a good attitude for most of the workshops. She is still young and at 4 there is just only so much arena time you can take in a day so I was mindful to take breaks and to put her away on a good note and not make her work past what…

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Bothell Family Honored as SAFE June Volunteers of the Month 

Save a Forgotten Equine (SAFE) is pleased to recognize the family of Tim Clancy and Stephanie Norman and daughter Jennifer Clancy as Volunteers of the Month for June. Stephanie and Jennifer work a weekly barn chore shift, while Tim steps in to work alongside Jennifer when Stephanie is unavailable (she works full time as a wildlife veterinarian and epidemiologist specializing in marine…

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Meet Tasara 

Tasara joined the SAFE herd last week. She is a petite and pretty 10 year old Paso Fino mare. She was signed over to SAFE because her owner, who loved her dearly and provided the best of care, is facing a terminal illness and is now in hospice care. Her family made a genuine effort to rehome her themselves, but were unable to find a suitable home before the sale of the property where Tasara…

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Happy Just to Walk and Trot 

Once again, Stella was a rock star for her rehab process after the injection of her sacroiliac joint. Once we were able to ride her again she was looking a feeling great. We started to add canter work and for a few weeks it was looking better than before. But after some time, she began again to feel unbalanced to the right and swapping the canter lead in the hind. Overall this procedure sadly…

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Dyna Finds Her Perfect Match! 

Some adoptions are just meant to be and have us saying YES without any hesitation. We are all literally jumping with joy to announce that Dyna has found a forever home with our amazing volunteer Jane! There was an instant connection between these two from the day Dyna arrived at SAFE. Even before we started riding Dyna, Jane volunteered her time to care for her and start her through…

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