SAFE Horses

SAFE News and Updates

Clinic & Photo Update: Raven 

Raven was such a brave girl for her first groundwork clinic with Joel Conner this past month. Thhe transformation in her was really something to see. Raven is learning to relax and accept new things and find peace and comfort from her handlers. She is beautiful to watch and we are very hopeful for her future! Here is a recap of the clinic from Lisa who is working with Raven: Raven and I…

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Vida is officially a companion horse 

Unfortunately we are going to have to retire Vida as a riding horse. Off and on since we got her, she has had a slight lameness in her front right hoof. It would come and go but recently it was enough for us to call Dr. Fleck to come take a look. He discovered in the x‑rays that she has a very old medial lateral collateral injury. Generally these are not something you can see on just an x‑ray…

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Nora at Liberty 

You don’t have to ride to enjoy horses! Take a look at Sarah doing liberty work with Nora. This is an incredible way to create a bond with your horse. SAFE has so many unrideable horses that are waiting for homes! These are horses who have so much to give and so much they can do for you. They will brighten your life as you care for them, spend time with them, even just as you look at them. All…

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Nora’s World 

Nora has been back at SAFE for several weeks now, and she’s settling in well. She spends her days in a field with Vida, Rosie, and Prince, and her evenings resting in her stall. She’s being re-introduced to good ground manners, and although she’d probably prefer to act like a kite on the end of a leadrope, she is learning how to be good. She’s got a lot of energy, this one! [gallery link=“file”…

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Lovely Tasara 

Our new friend Tasara got the fashion model treatment from Jessica and her camera. Isn’t she pretty? She’s so petite, and just a love. We are enjoying getting to know her! 

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Clinic & Photo Update: Lacey

Clinic & Photo Update: Lacey 

Here’s an update from Terry, who rode Lacey in the recent Joel Conner clinic: Lacey did wonderful in this past Joel Conner clinic! She was forward and willing and kept a good attitude for most of the workshops. She is still young and at 4 there is just only so much arena time you can take in a day so I was mindful to take breaks and to put her away on a good note and not make her work past what…

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Bothell Family Honored as SAFE June Volunteers of the Month 

Save a Forgotten Equine (SAFE) is pleased to recognize the family of Tim Clancy and Stephanie Norman and daughter Jennifer Clancy as Volunteers of the Month for June. Stephanie and Jennifer work a weekly barn chore shift, while Tim steps in to work alongside Jennifer when Stephanie is unavailable (she works full time as a wildlife veterinarian and epidemiologist specializing in marine…

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Meet Tasara 

Tasara joined the SAFE herd last week. She is a petite and pretty 10 year old Paso Fino mare. She was signed over to SAFE because her owner, who loved her dearly and provided the best of care, is facing a terminal illness and is now in hospice care. Her family made a genuine effort to rehome her themselves, but were unable to find a suitable home before the sale of the property where Tasara…

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Happy Just to Walk and Trot 

Once again, Stella was a rock star for her rehab process after the injection of her sacroiliac joint. Once we were able to ride her again she was looking a feeling great. We started to add canter work and for a few weeks it was looking better than before. But after some time, she began again to feel unbalanced to the right and swapping the canter lead in the hind. Overall this procedure sadly…

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Dyna Finds Her Perfect Match! 

Some adoptions are just meant to be and have us saying YES without any hesitation. We are all literally jumping with joy to announce that Dyna has found a forever home with our amazing volunteer Jane! There was an instant connection between these two from the day Dyna arrived at SAFE. Even before we started riding Dyna, Jane volunteered her time to care for her and start her through…

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The latest on Ruger 

SAFE volunteers have been working hard to get Ruger through his rehabilitation. His weight has been holding steady for a while now and he seems to be doing well on a maintenance feeding of ten pounds of senior feed per day, broken into three meals. He is out on pasture for half the day and grazes a bit, but due to the condition of his teeth, he does not get (nor will he ever get) the amount of…

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Bridgit finds a home! 

All the horses that pass through the gates of Safe Harbor are special and placing them into wonderful new homes is the best part of our work. SAFE is happy to announce that Bridgit’s new family has been found and she is adopted! Bridgit’s sweet and gentle disposition was exactly what Kristina and her family needed. The family was looking for what we call a “unicorn,”  one that is good for the…

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Training and Clinic Update: Mason 

Ian took Mason into our last clinic with Joel Conner. Here is what he had to say about the experience: Mason – Joel Conner Clinic – Groundwork – Day 1 – 6/10 Mason and I have slowly been building trust together since he first appeared at SAFE with both sides “mysteriously” scarred and deep fear that would surface if I held a rake or broom near his right side. Lori has done an amazing job slowly…

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Health Update: Stormy 

Here is a medical update from Melinda our Herd Health Manager about Stormy: A few months ago, we still believed that Stormy’s right eye maintained some ability to sense light and shadows. We continued to administer medication to manage the uveitis and save that eye in hopes that it was still helpful to her. Unfortunately, her condition worsened. Her eye was no longer responding to medical…

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2017 Q2 Impact Statement 

New Horses Intake Date: April 5, 2017 Nora (returned to SAFE by adopter) Intake Date: April 20, 2017 Ruger (Snohomish County Animal Control) Harley (Snohomish County Animal Control) Intake Date: June 30, 2017 Tasara (owner surrender) Placed Horses Ruckus Rico Bridgit Dyna Emmy Gracie King Harley Deceased Horses Annie (died due to extreme neglect)

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Nora moves to Safe Harbor 

Sweet Nora arrived at Safe Harbor Stables today after her foster home needed to lower the workload at home. Nora jumped right into the trailer without trouble to make the trip to Redmond. For her daily turnout routine, and because Nora does not like to be alone, she was introduced to a small herd of horses: Vida, Rosie, and Prince. She was respectful of Vida, the herd leader, and cautiously…

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Clinic & Photo Update: Harley 

Volunteer rider Erika worked with Harley in the Joel Conner clinic last weekend. Here is what she had to say about working with her: This was my first time working with Harley. She is a very nice horse, who has obviously been through a lot of training in her life. She picks up a soft feel very quickly, and she responds well to minimal pressure with legs and seat. She moves very smoothly and…

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Rico Finds a Home 

We are thrilled to announce that Rico has found a home! After a successful 30 day trial, this handsome boy has settled into his new home and is already part of the family. Barbara came to SAFE looking for a companion for her horse, Fiona. She was lonely after losing her pasture mate and Barbara knew she needed a friend. When she came out to meet some of the SAFE horses available for adoption, we…

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Lacey is All Grown Up 

An update from Terry who has been working with Lacey: We have been working hard in the arena over the last few weeks and Lacey is improving every day! She has been doing a lot better with things touching her hind end. While she still might squeal and kick out from time to time, it has improved a great deal. I can now get the rope tossed over most of the time without a reaction. She is good about…

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King, the Beautiful Riding Horse 

King returned from training with Joel Conner recently, and we are so impressed with this black beauty! He’s being ridden on a regular basis by volunteer rider Jolene and doing wonderfully, even on the trails next door. He’s become so gentle and willing. King is ready to move on to a new home, and we don’t expect him to stay around too long, so if you’re interested in this horse, submit an…

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Trail horses available for adoption! 

Here at SAFE, we are enjoying the wonderful sunshine by exploring the trails at Farrel-McWhirter Park next door. The horses love to get outside and get a break from arena work. Last week, both King and Stevie went out for their first trail rides and did perfect! We had a nice steady group to help them along, with Anderson in the lead and Cameo bringing up the rear. You can bet we’ll be enjoying…

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Happy Birthday, Phoenix! 

Super cute photos from Phoenix and his family Lauren and Bryan. They celebrated Phoenix’s 9th birthday this past weekend and told Phoenix that he is going to be a big brother this fall when Lauren and Bryan welcome their little cowboy into the family. So great to have wonderful updates about this special boy. He has a great life and an all-star adoptive family! Thank you Lauren and Bryan for all…

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