Harley and Ruger Intake Photos

Harley and Ruger were seized from their owner in mid January 2017 by Snohomish County Animal Control. Both horses were emaciated, suffering from rain rot, with overgrown hooves. They were both found standing in deep mud and manure on their owner’s property and appeared to have been abandoned. They remained in county custody for several months while their court case began, and were signed over to…

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April Volunteer of the Month: Candi Kintzley

Mini wrangler, facilities helper, auction procurer and general all-around energetic assistant, describe SAFE’s April Volunteer of the Month Candi Kintzley. Candi lives in North Bend with her husband Kerry, a sergeant with the Washington State Patrol, and their four dogs. The couple have identical 21-year-old twin sons. “I have always had a love for horses since the first time my aunt Jackie put…

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Annabelle & Aubrey: The Best of Friends

You never know when you introduce horses to each other how exactly they will get along and there is always a risk it might not work as well as you had hoped. I have to say whatever told me to try Annabelle and Aubrey together was right on! These two are inseparable and have become the best of friends. Jessica Farren was able to catch some incredibly beautiful photos of the two mares. You can see…

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Happy Help A Horse Day!

Happy Help A Horse Day!

April 26 is officially ASPCA Help a Horse Day! SAFE officially celebrated last Sunday with a huge Open House Celebration at our new home in Redmond. Huge thanks to the over 400 people who joined us on Sunday for the End Hunger Games at SAFE. Our volunteer team walked guests through 13 Districts where they learned about each step in the horse rescue process – from rescue and rehabilitation,…

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Training Update: Dyna

For the past few months, we have been slowly getting Dyna into riding shape. SAFE volunteer Jane has been doing groundwork and trot poles help her gain some stamina and balance without having to carry a rider. Three weeks ago, I started riding her and slowly have increased the amount of time and work asked of her. She has remained sound and happy with the work. In the beginning, Dyna was a bit…

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MyNorthwest: Redmond Rescue Organization Fighting to Save Equestrian Lives

Redmond Rescue Organization Fighting to Save Equestrian Lives Originally published April 21, 2017 By Kim Shepard, Redmond Reporter Click here to view story on the My Northwest website When local animal rescue agencies find puppy mills it can fill up most of a shelter. But when the animals being rescued weigh thousands of pounds, it’s what you might call a horse of a different color. Bonnie…

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Another Perspective on Bridgit

Here is a letter from Ian about his time getting to know Bridgit and working with her in the Joel Conner clinic. Ian is a wonderful horseman and a absolute joy to have volunteering at SAFE. I am very happy that he enjoys working with this very sweet mare! Hi Terry, I really want to thank you for getting the two of us to be ‘friends.’ Every session with her is a great experience, and the clinic…

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Something new for Rosie

At SAFE, we realize that our horses have many different gifts to share. As we learn about who they are and what they are capable of, we find that their future may not be as a “riding” horse. Dear Rosie has had a lot of miles on her in the past and from what we can tell they were not always very pleasant. There is a lot of fear around saddling and riding and we have decided to take it easy with…

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Ben: Training Update

Here is a wonderful training update from Lisa, Ben’s volunteer rider: Ben continues to amaze! When I broke my wrist in December and was forced to take a 3‑month hiatus from his training, volunteer rider Jolene took over, continuing his groundwork, re-introducing lunging, and teaching him to stretch while in movement, which helps him connect comfort and relaxation to movement and work, instead…

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Can you love one a little too much?

Being “horseless” is a choice I have made. I work many long hours for SAFE and when I come home, my family needs me. I could not justify running off in my free time to ride my personal horse or spend the many hours a week I would want to spend with one. I don’t think I know how to do anything but go all in. So I get to still enjoy working with horses thorough my job at SAFE. I always have one…

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Sierra: Training Update

Horses never cease to surprise and amaze me, both in their adaptability and intelligence. For the past 10 years, Sierra lived at the same farm with the same people and the same horse friend. So bringing her back into the rescue was undoubtedly going to be a bit of a shock to her world. However everything I thought she might have trouble with, she has been able to cope with and carry on. She…

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Lacey: Training Update

Lacey, Lacey… Lacey… Where do I begin? To love horses you really have to accept everything about them. They have good and bad days; they have personalities and little quirks just like us. I think I will write this report like my teacher did in my parent-teacher conferences… like an Oreo cookie the good, the challenges and then some more good. Miss Lacey went to Joel’s to get started a few months…

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Emmy: Joel Conner Clinic Update

This is what Sara had to say about her work with Emmy in the riding workshop with Joel: I have been working with Emmy for a while now, and can see how she has come along (with the work of many riders) since she came back to SAFE after her surgery and rehab. She has a lot of try and great big strides so she’s a pleasure to ride. Emmy’s main areas for improvement are in her transitions (being more…

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Bridgit: Riding update Joel Conner Clinic

This little mare is looking GOOD!! Our volunteer riders have been working on getting Bridgit strengthened up and she is looking sound and soft. We really have to commend their dedication to the work. Sometimes it isn’t a very glamorous process… lots of boring trot poles and strengthening exercises. Butthey have chipped away at it and the work is paying off. Every time Joel sees this little…

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Redmond Reporter: Playing it SAFE Around Horses

  Playing it SAFE around horses: Equine rescue organization moves to Redmond Originally published April 13, 2017 By Samantha Pak, Redmond Reporter Click here to view story on the Redmond Reporter website When Save a Forgotten Equine (SAFE) first started in 2005, it wasn’t even an official organization. It was originally just a group of people who pooled their money together to rescue a…

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Stella’s Rehab

Stella has been a very good patient during her rehab work! She is calm and relaxed and has taken this all-in stride. Her volunteer rider, Casey, has been doing canter work as part of Stella’s strength building program. Unfortunately, she is showing some discomfort at the canter. Casey reports that she is swapping her leads and feels unbalanced. Dr. Fleck came out to examine her in April and…

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Dyna: Training update and Joel Conner Clinic

Our sweet mare Dyna came to SAFE right before the big move to our new facility. By no fault of her own we failed to post about her story and properly introduce her. We hope to rectify that now! A woman who had owned her for just a year surrendered Dyna to SAFE due to life changes that made her unable to continue to care for her. She told us that Dyna was 15 years old but as soon as Dr. Fleck…

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Raven: Health Update — Refeeding

Lisa has been working with Raven and SAFE’s Herd Health team to care for Raven. Here is a a recap from Lisa about Raven’s journey so far here at SAFE: Raven came to SAFE in January severely underweight, having come through two nasty bouts of colic while in the care of Snohomish County Animal Control. In cases of equine starvation, it is VERY important to introduce the proper amount and balance…

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Ruckus is Adopted!

Congratulations to the Hiner family on their adoption of Ruckus! The Hiners were looking for a companion for their 15 year old retired racehorse, Aurie, also known as The Great Face. Aurie and Ruckus have developed a wonderful friendship, and the two are inseparable! We are so happy for our little friend and wish him the best in his new life!

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Cameo: Joel Conner Clinic Update

This was Lindsay’s first clinic with Joel and Cameo. They did very well and it was a great experience for Cameo. Here is what Lindsay had to say about Cameo in the clinic: Cameo was a very good girl in the Joel clinic! She started out a little tense — lots of people and horses — but the exercises really helped her balance and settle in mind and body. We did lots of one rein stops, moving…

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Jessel: Training Update

Our baby girl Jessel is growing up to be a fine young riding horse! She has spent the winter in Ellensburg with Joel Conner. He has been fostering her and riding her part time. Since she is so young we don’t want to put too much pressure on her to be in full training but this light and easy approach is really turning out a nice horse! We are going to work on getting her AQHA papers this spring…

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Marta: Foster Update

We have been so busy moving Safe Harbor Stables that we have neglected a few very important updates. Our sweet mare Marta has a new foster home. Marta’s long term foster mom and dad, Eileen and Andy, cared for her for many years as if she was their own. They loved her very much but at this time needed to move the horses off their property. SAFE is incredibly grateful for all their years of care…

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Vida: Joel Conner Clinic Update

Here is what Sara had to say about working with Vida in the clinic: This was my first time working with Vida, and I was very impressed by this mare. She has a lot of try, and was always paying attention to my feel (even if she did not always respond to it physically). Her main areas that need work are becoming less stiff in her front leg yields in the circle (she currently hops when forced to…

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Prince: Training update and Joel Conner Clinic

Lori had this to say about her work with Prince in the clinic: I entered Prince into the riding portion of the Joel Conner clinic on March 18th and 19th. Prince is new to some of the tasks that were asked of him. He performed the yielding the hindquarters and forequarters under saddle extremely well. We worked on getting him to feel me through my seat. Asking him to slow and pick up speed…

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Nala: Training update and Joel Conner Clinic

A lot has been happening with Nala girl! Once we moved to the new facility, we had enough room to move her back to the main barn and get her back into rehab and training work. Lindsay took her on as her riding project and did a fantastic job getting her going walk trot and canter again. She has been ridden for the last 4 weeks and looks great! We have taken her on a trail ride too and she led…

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Gracie: Training update and Joel Conner Clinic

Erika had this to say about her work with Gracie in the clinic: This clinic was the second one that I’ve participated in with Gracie. She is such a sweet mare, and I really can’t say enough good things about her. She connects with humans very quickly, and will try anything that’s asked of her. From the ground, she can easily be sent out on a circle in either direction, and she continues to…

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Mason: Training update and Joel Conner Clinic

Lori had this to say about her work with Mason in the clinic: Mason and I attended the Joel Conner clinic on March 18th and 19th. I entered Mason in the groundwork portion of the clinic. Mason did a wonderful job of moving out of my way while doing the groundwork. We worked on yielding the hindquarters and the forequarters. We worked on the basics of leading and moving on the lead with no…

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SAFE Horses

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