SAFE Horses

SAFE News and Updates

Joel Conner Clinic Report: Prince 

SAFE’s volunteer riders and their horses spent last weekend working with Joel Conner. Here’s a report from Lori about her sessions with Prince: Prince and I entered the Saturday groundwork class. Prince started out being extremely herd bound and more focused on his buddies rather then on the tasks at hand. He would try to push over you instead of moving away. He was pretty worked up and a bit…

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Joel Conner Clinic Report: Rosie & Bridgit 

SAFE’s volunteer riders and their horses spent last weekend working with Joel Conner. Tess worked with Rosie, our new intake, in the morning groundwork sessions and with Bridgit in the afternoon riding workshop. Tess writes about the clinic and shows a ton of good insight to these two horses and her experience with them. Thank you Tess for your volunteer work with SAFE and for sharing how…

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Joel Conner Clinic Report: King 

SAFE’s volunteer riders and their horses spent last weekend working with Joel Conner. Here’s a report from Ann A about her session with King: I worked with King in Sunday’s groundwork session. I had not worked with him before and really enjoyed getting to know this sweet, sensitive boy. He responded well when I kept everything calm, quite and slow. I started by working him in a half circle…

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Training Update: King 

We have begun the process of evaluating and setting a training plan for our new horse King. He is currently started training with Jolene, one of our volunteer riders, and they are already making strides to a great partnership. Here is an update from Jolene about her experiences so far with King: King came to us with some history. We were told that he had charged at someone and been aggressive.…

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SAFE Holiday Card Sets Available Now! 

SAFE is thrilled to offer this great holiday card set featuring Sunny D and Shasta playing in the snow. This set of 15 greeting cards with envelopes is just $20, which supports the horses in SAFE’s care. Quantities are limited and you must act quickly! Pre-order before the end of the day on Sunday Nov 19th. Save shipping costs by picking up your order at SAFE’s Holiday Open House on Sunday…

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Love and good wishes for Stormy today! 

Please think healing thoughts for Stormy, who will be undergoing surgery today to remove her left eye. Her friend King accompanied her to Rainland Farm Equine yesterday afternoon, and the two should be returning to Safe Harbor on Friday if everything goes as planned. We are very hopeful that Stormy’s quality of life will be improved when she is no longer feels the pain that her damaged eye has…

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Stormy Weather 

We’ve continued to treat and monitor Stormy’s eyes. As we told you before, she was put on a medication that initially seemed to be helping in both eyes. However, within a week, Stormy was back to squinting her left eye, which is a pretty clear sign that it’s hurting. Dr. McCracken came back out to check Stormy’s eye for ulcers (which is a common problem in blind horses if they bump their heads…

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Bridgit & Gracie Get Massages 

Brigit and Gracie were treated last week to massages from Lara Lutz of Island Equine Massage. Lara is a long time SAFE supporter, adopted mom to Amber & Louie, and a member of SAFE’s Board of Directors. She is also now a licensed equine massage practitioner. Lara has offered to come help give some much needed TLC and bodywork to a few of our horses. Here are a few things she had to say about…

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Mason gets some TLC 

Mason has had a bit of a tender hoof lately. To help him feel better, he got a circulation taping on his right hoof to help increase blood flow and promote healing. SAFE Barn Manager Lori, who has been working on both training and bodywork with Mason, said that the tape can help him not only heal faster but provide him with some extra comfort. She is also treating the soles of his hooves with…

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A Home for Every Horse Visits Save a Forgotten Equine (SAFE)

A Home for Every Horse Visits Save a Forgotten Equine (SAFE) published June 28, 2016 written by Mariah Hammerschmidt Link to Article Online In mid-June, A Home for Every Horse (AHFEH) and AIM Studios traveled to Woodinville, Washington to visit Save a Forgotten Equine (SAFE). This is the first in our series of rescue visits to highlight all of the hard work rescues are doing inside of the Equine…

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Brave Lacey! 

Lacey has been doing a lot of ground work in preparation for starting her under saddle training. Today she got to face off against the scary tarp…and she did great!!! This is a terrible Halloween costume! Lacey shows the tarp who’s boss 

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SAFE Receives a Training Grant from the ASPCA 

We are proud to announce that SAFE has been awarded a $5,000 Training Grant from the ASPCA Equine Fund. This grant was given in recognition of SAFE’s commitment to producing good equine citizens who are ready to succeed, through the use of professional training and the development of our Volunteer Riding Program. The APSCA Equine Fund’s Training Grant was created to improve adoption rates…

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An update on Hickory (now Listo) 

this just in from Hickory’s adopter: I thought you might like a Listo (aka Hickory) update. Listo has been with us for 8 months now. He is doing great and has settled in with my other two horses. There have been some challenges along the way but none to great and none requiring a vet visit for anyone. I rode LIsto lots this spring and summer. Now that it is fall and the rains are here I have…

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Saddling Stevie 

Today, after much preparation and groundwork Stevie was ready to be introduced to the saddle. He had just a few bucks feeling out the saddle but quickly settled to a nice comfortable and relaxed walk, trot and lope. Volunteer rider Casey A. has done great work preparing him for this day! The fact that saddling this young horse for the very first time was so easy and uneventful is a direct result…

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October Volunteer of the Month: Lexee Navarre 

Lexee Navarre is one of the best neighbors, friends and volunteers SAFE has ever had. Selected as October’s Volunteer of the Month, Lexee regularly pitches in to do nightcheck, pinch hits on short shifts, and on Day of Caring in September, led a team of adult engineers from Allytics on a construction project, prompting the Allytics CEO to describe her as “amazing.” She has been on our official…

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New Friends: Annabelle and Aubrey 

It’s always interesting to pair up two horses for the first time…you never quite know how they’re going to get along. Happily, Annabelle and Aubrey, two mares looking for companion homes, hit it off right away when turned out together for the first time. Since this video was shot, the two have been seen grooming each other in the field, the sign of a true friendship! Good girls!

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Alumni Visit with Anakin, Strider, Einstein, and Kai 

We had the amazing good fortune to visit some old friends recently: Anakin, Kai, Einstein, and the big hoss Strider. All four boys are living the good life in their neighboring adoptive homes. Thank you so much to Barb and Michel for inviting us over! Can’t wait til next time! [gallery columns=“2” size=“medium” link=“file”…

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The Evolution of Sophie 

Today Sophie was officially upgraded from a Prospect to a Riding Horse. Admittedly, this is a fairly minor development in Sophie’s career, but quietly behind the scenes, Sophie is making a big impact on how we think about horses here at SAFE. As a SAFE horse, Sophie is what most of us would consider a Rescue Horse. A near-death experience was what turned Sophie into a Rescue Horse: she was…

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Good girl Gracie! 

Gracie has been making super progress under saddle, learning to relax and listen to the feel of her rider. She seems to have been ridden with a lot of rein aid in the past, so we are working on getting her to tune into the presence of her rider rather than relying on heavy use of the rein. Gracie is very sensitive to being asked to move forward, and she easily leg yields with very little asking…

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Go Joey Go! 

After a couple of days cooped up inside by bad weather, Joey was feeling good, good, GOOD to get outside for a nice little jog!

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Adoption Announcement: Scarlett! 

Since coming to SAFE last spring, SAFE barn manager Lori, who is an equine bodyworker, spent a lot of time massaging and working with Scarlett. And it wasn’t long before Scarlett’s charm and beautiful soulful eyes made Lori fall in love with her. This is truly one of the best homes we could imagine for our sweet senior girl. She not only has a loving human family but Lori has been able to…

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Anderson in Training 

Early in July of this year, we made the decision to put Anderson back into training, this time with Joel Conner. Although Anderson had a good start as a riding horse, there were some holes in his training that had started cropping up. A bucking incident unseated SAFE trainer Terry Phelps, and although she was unhurt, her confidence in Anderson was a bit shaken. Other holes in his training were…

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Stormy’s Eyes 

Stormy got a visit from Rainland Farm Equine veterinarian Megan McCracken DVM earlier this month, including an eye examination to try to determine how serious her condition is. Below, you can read the report from Dr McCracken in all its clinical detail. Stormy has a condition called Uveitis in both her eyes. Uveitis is fairly common in Appaloosas, especially those that are grey or white like…

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Intake Photos 

Prince, Rico, Vida, Rosie, and Ruckus were surrendered to SAFE after their owner passed away unexpectedly from cancer. The five horses were transported without incident to a SAFE foster home, where they will remain until their quarantine period is over. We’ve been told that the four full-sized horses are well started under saddle and some are very easy to ride. They all seem to be very well…

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Congratulations to Ruth and Bucky B Lucky! 

SAFE Alum, Bucky B Lucky (who now goes by Lorenzo) and his adopter Ruth Jelinek were named Reserve Champions overall at the Ride for the Roses Thoroughbred & Half-Thoroughbred Show at Donida Farm this weekend. Along with this honor, they also achieved the High Point English English Pleasure award as well as the High Score Dressage award with a 75.45% in Training 3. Congratulations to you…

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