SAFE Horses

SAFE News and Updates

SAFE Benefit Horse Show, July 30–31, 2016 

(as reported by his regular rider, Lisa Garr) On July 27, 3 days before our annual SAFE Benefit Horse Show, I decided to go for it and ask if our biggest redhead could go along – even if just to BE at the show, competing or not. Ben was reported to have a lot of anxiety in a show environment the previous summer, even when not participating, to an almost-dangerous degree. But he had come SO FAR…

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Cheers to our Show Volunteers! 

There are not enough words to say how extremely grateful we are to all the magnificent volunteers, sponsors and judges who helped make this years SAFE Benefit Horse Show possible. So much energy and love was given in preparation and execution to make this show a success. Here are a few words of thanks from our Executive Director, Bonnie Hammond: “My dear friends — my heart is filled with so…

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and the Champion SAFE Alumni Horse for 2016 is… 

…Tess!!! We were thrilled to have Tess (now known as Purty Girl) and her adopter Kelly competing at this year’s SAFE Benefit Horse Show! Out of all the SAFE Alumni who competed at the show, Tess and Kelly earned the most points, competing in Western, Ranch Riding, Trails, Agility, and even the Gambler’s Choice Trails Challenge. Here are a couple of photos taken of Tess and Kelly by show…

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Spa Day for Gracie 

New girl Gracie got her first spa treatment.…. she is SUCH a sweetheart!! Her tail was saved by Canter Main & Tail…Gracie says that if Canter is looking for a spokes-horse, she should be the one!

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July Volunteer of the Month: Candace Carlson 

Organized, efficient, motivated, wonderful! The list could go on and on about our July 2016 Volunteer of the Month, Candace Carlson. Candace has truly found her niche here at SAFE, she is the Tack Queen. She is cheerful and willing, and most important of all, undaunted by the volume of tack we get on a regular basis. Not that her specialty stops her from helping in other ways. Candace is always…

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Meet new SAFE horse Gracie! 

Gracie is a sweet and elegant half Arab mare who was surrendered to SAFE in July 2016. Her owner’s declining health and finances made it impossible for her to continue to care for her. She’s not been ill treated but she’s essentially spent the past 6 years turned out to pasture. As a result, she’s gone far too long without basic care, like teeth floating and regular farrier work. She came to us…

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Jewel: Training and Photo Update 

Jewel is now officially confirmed in her walk trot and canter work under saddle. She’s been getting constant work here at Safe Harbor and has recently added a few new volunteer riders to her workout team. Just five years old this year, Jewel has filled out into a very good looking pony! She is suitable for an intermediate rider, due to her age and just having one year under saddle. She only…

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Oscar: Training Update and Photos 

Oscar has been a superstar for many of our volunteer riders. He continues to do well as a riding horse and has great ground manners. We love him very much and hope that his forever family comes to find him soon! He is a gentleman and a volunteer favorite. He deserves a loving family to call his own. Here are some handsome new photos of Oscar and volunteer rider Erika. SEE OSCAR IN ACTION at the…

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Sophie: Training Update and Photos! 

Sophie is doing wonderfully in her training and preparation to be started under saddle. Volunteers have been introducing her to tack and doing groundwork with her so she’ll be ready to start training with Joel Conner in August. She has been a doll for everything and we expect that it will be a very easy start since she is so level headed and accepting of new things. Sophie had a photo shoot with…

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Health Update: Rocky 

From Rocky’s foster mom Kellie: Just giving you an update. Overall, Rocky is doing well. Jim should be out this week or next to do his front feet. He is looking long, but most of that is how his feet grow these days. He is cantering and trotting around when you turn him out and seems pretty comfortable moving around. He is eating very well and cleaning up all of this feed. He is on the max meds…

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Lacey: New Photos 

Sweet baby Lacey! She is a doll and we are enjoying getting to know her. She is already a volunteer favorite! Here are a few photos that Jessica Farren took on our 3 week from intake. [gallery link=“file”…

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Stevie: New Photos 

Stevie has been with us now for just 3 weeks and he is settling in to life at Safe Harbor. He is a VERY sweet boy who is sociable and wants to connect with people. Here are some beautiful photos Jessica Farren took of his body condition after 3 week re-feeding. We are not working him yet since he needs all the calories he can get to gain weight but he is getting a little turnout to move around…

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Health Update: Stevie & Lacey 

We have taken them slowly through the re-feeding process, starting with just what they were getting for hay when they came to us and slowly increasing that to the full amount required. Horses need between 2–4% of their body weight in hay. Our flakes are about 5 pounds each so since Stevie needs to be around 900 pounds to be at full weight he requires 18–36 pounds of hay, Lacey requires 13–26…

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Dusty in Colorado 

In 2013, Dusty and his family made the move to Colorado. Dusty’s adopter, Beth A, served on the SAFE Board of Directors, and remains in contact with several people in the organization, so we get updates on Dusty all the time. Here are some photos that Beth sent us of Dusty in his Colorado home:

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Emmy’s new friend! 

What is cuter than pictures of sweet Emmy? Pictures of Emmy and a PUPPY! Molly is our volunteer and neighbor’s new golden retriever puppy and Molly along with her big sister Maggie, came over to say hi this week. These photos are absolutely ADORABLE! Jessica Farren caught some very sweet kisses between them! [gallery link=“file” columns=“2” size=“medium”…

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Not impressed. 

Jewel, who helped out as an anatomy model at yesterday’s Equine Health Fair & Open House, is not impressed by Ben’s posturing.

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Meet the new kids on the block! 

Please join us in welcoming the two newest faces at SAFE! Stevie and Lacey are two young mustangs who were born in the wild, then rounded up and sold at auction. They are now three and a half years old and while they haven’t had the easiest life so far, they have landed in a place where their future is bright. Stevie and Lacey were born at the Wild Horse Sanctuary, which is located on 5,000…

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Meet the SAFE Operations Council 

What is the Operations Council you ask? Only the glue that holds everything together here at Safe Harbor! From a broken faucet to a horse with hives, these volunteers are the ones we call to ensure things run smoothly and are here supporting our horses behind the scenes day and night. This core group of volunteers is always the first to stand up and say “yes” when help is needed. They are a…

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