An Appointment with the Opthomologist

While Anakin’s weight has steadily been improving since his rescue in early December, his left eye has become more and more cloudy. The pressure in the eye has been monitored by his veterinarians, and it was recommended that we have him examined by an equine eye specialist. Yesterday’s appointment confirmed what we had feared: it’s glaucoma. It’s hard to know what caused it: it could be the…

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Introducing Lisa Garr, Weekend Barn Manager at Safe Harbor

As SAFE grows, we continually find ourselves wanting to do more for the horses in our care. Compared to even just three years ago, the amount of daily activity and labor at Safe Harbor has easily doubled. Every day we have volunteers cleaning stalls, throwing hay, and bagging grain…turning horses out and bringing them back in…grooming, blanketing, and wrapping legs…soaking hooves and…

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Aubrey Intake

Aubrey was surrendered to SAFE by her owner who was unable to provide care for her. She’s had it pretty rough for a while now, and has rain rot over most of her back and hooves that are in bad need of a trim. She also had a badly bowed tendon on her left foreleg which was hot to the touch and swollen. And she appears to have fibrotic myopathy in her left hind leg, a mechanical lameness that…

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Seattle Times: After donations, sick horse Anakin making steps towards recovery

After donations, sick horse Anakin making steps towards recovery Originally published February 2, 2016 By Jessica Lee, Seattle Times staff reporter Click here to view story on Seattle Times website The story of Thoroughbred Anakin, found neglected in Western Washington in December, spread across the country last month, striking a chord with horse lovers who now can take credit for his recovery.…

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Phoenix: Health update

To help understand Phoenix’s navicular diagnosis, we asked Dr. Devine from Pilchuck to write up a brief explanation of the diagnosis and treatment options. We are currently managing him with shoe that have a lift in the heels and he seems happy and is looking good. To Whom it May Concern: I first saw Phoenix in August 2015 for a lameness in the left front limb. The horse was a grade 2/5 lame in…

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KOMO‑4: Anakin’s remarkable progress: ‘He’s really come a long way’

Anakin’s remarkable progress: ‘He’s really come a long way’ BY STEVE MCCARRON Aired MONDAY, FEBRUARY 1ST 2016 Click here to view the news story on the KOMO‑4 website! WOODINVILLE, Wash. — A local horse that was near the brink of death in mid-December is making remarkable progress. 20-year-old Anakin was incredibly weak and thin when he was rescued from a small farm in Lewis County late last…

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January Volunteer of the Month: Nicole Brandenburg

People contribute to SAFE in lots of different ways. Some help at the barn, others work on fundraising or special events, others by donating, and some special individuals volunteer as members of SAFE’s Operations Council. Nicole is one of those and her position is not an easy one. Nicole is SAFE’s Intake Coordinator. She’s the first point of contact when people reach out to SAFE about a horse in…

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Home from the Hospital!

We welcomed Anakin to Safe Harbor Stables on Wednesday, a long awaited homecoming for everyone at SAFE. After four weeks at Pilchuck Veterinary Hospital, Anakin was released from their excellent care into ours. Finally strong enough to stand up without the aid of the hoist and sling, Anakin bid farewell to all his friends at Pilchuck and stepped into the trailer for the short journey home to…

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Health Update: Phoenix

We are again working with our farrier to find the best shoe package to help Phoenix’s soundness. Last summer, Dr. Devine from Pilchuck did a big work up on our golden child which included x‑rays. The conclusion was that the root of his lameness is navicular syndrome. Navicular is somewhat manageable with shoes but the condition can also require injections or anti-inflammatory drugs. Currently we…

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Health Update: Emmy

Emmy’s rehab after surgery went according to plan — or so we thought —until around the 6 week mark. We noticed her take a few bad steps in turnout and that raised a few red flags that something might be wrong. Dr. DeWard examined her and noted swelling in the stifle and sensitivity on palpation of the sesamoid ligament, where she had previously had some issues. He recommended performing a nerve…

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Professor Anakin Gives Back

We are preparing for Anakin’s release from the hospital on Wednesday, getting his feed delivered, getting his stall ready, and preparing for transport. In the meantime, we were delighted to find out that Anakin is already giving back to the horse community! We received the following email and photos from 4‑H Equine Leader Amy Wuerch: I am writing to share that our new equine 4‑H club, 4‑Happy…

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Getting to know Bean

New horses always take time settling into their new lives as SAFE horses. In the first few weeks they’re here, we get to know their personalities, what they like, what they don’t like. We start to dream of what kind of home will be the perfect match. Bean had been a pleasure to work around, right from the start. She is kind, gentle, and very sweet. She has large thoughtful eyes and has quickly…

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Anakin Update: Jan 13 2016

Anakin has now been at Pilchuck for three weeks. We continue to see improvements in his condition. He’s steadily gaining about a pound a day, topping the scales at about 865 lbs now. (For reference, a horse his size should weigh between 1100 and 1200 lbs.) His calorie count is slowly being increased, and this week, he’s being started on Purina Equine Senior Active, a low carb, high fat…

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Cameo: Making Progress, Getting Stronger

Cameo continues to make good progress in her rehab from last July’s injury. Volunteers have been walking and trotting her in hand for the past several months. Cameo is a pretty good girl for her exercise sessions but she is easily spooked if there is too much noise or commotion near the arena, so her handlers have to stay on their toes.  We are now able to saddle her up for short walks with a…

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Getting to know Jessel

Well color me impressed! Jessel had her first health check up with Dr. McCracken and she was a superstar. She was a little shocked by the first vaccine but it only got better with the others. We will be giving her more boosters in a few weeks but at least she won’t need a dental exam until closer to when she is started under saddle. She has gained a good amount of weight and is very playful and…

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Getting to know Tess

We are happy to have three sweet new mares in our care: Tess, Bean, and Jessel. They were rescued from a very tough situation of neglect and starvation, and it’s going to take some time and TLC before they are ready for adoption. At the moment, we are letting them setting in to their new lives at SAFE. They are at a stage in their re-feeding program where they can have as much hay as they want,…

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Training Update: Mesquite

Sometimes you meet a horse and say, wow, now that’s my kind of horse!  Mesquite has had my heart from the beginning. Once I rode him, I was done for! He is an amazing horse! He is kind, gentle, intelligent and fun. Plus, he has three smooth gates. Oh, and did I mention, he’s also quite HANDSOME! Between you, me, and Mesquite, somebody better adopt this boy soon or I might have to do it myself!…

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Banjo and Finn: Foster Buddies!!

Banjo spent about a month at Safe Harbor Stables before heading out to a foster home with Finn. These two Palomino geldings are like brothers!  After a little “play fighting” to establish that Finn was the boss, they have now settled in and are good buddies. This is the perfect foster home for Banjo and Finn!  Both horses need to be kept off the grass for the most part due to their tendency…

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Foster and Health Update: Rocky

I recently spent the morning with Rocky during a routine vet visit from Dr McCracken. His foster parents, Kellie and Peter, have done wonders in gaining his trust with their kind and patient handing. Rocky has come a long way from the timid boy he was when we first met him. His eyes are bright and he even has more spunk, which is nice to see! Dr. McCracken drew blood to check his Cushings and to…

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Health Update: Karma

Karma’s rehab has been going well. She is progressing with her trot work and the transition to having a rider was uneventful.  She has been easy to handle in every way.   Karma is available for an adopter who is willing to carry on with her rehab plan. We are very hopeful for a full recovery. 

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Grandma Dottie Belle

Dottie has a new friend at her foster home at Pacific Moon Equestrian Center —an 8 month old KWPN gelding named Frido! This young son of Freestyle seems to really enjoy life in the big field, as long as Dottie is by his side. Dottie has taken the little guy under her wing, and is now affectionally known as Grandma by everyone at Pacific Moon. Dottie received another surprise when, as an early…

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Seattle Times: Celebrated horse, found neglected and starving, faces uphill course to health

Celebrated horse, found neglected and starving, faces uphill course to health By Jessica Lee Published January 8, 2016 at 8:24 pm Link to story on the Seattle Times website With a starved frame, Anakin lacks strength to stand on his own. The 20-year-old Thoroughbred was found neglected in Western Washington early last month following a celebrated career in research years ago. But now, several…

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Training Update: Anderson

Anderson made his way home from training a few weeks ago. It has been a lot of fun getting to know his personality and to start riding him. I have 100% confidence getting on him. With unfamiliar horses you don’t always know how they are going to react to a new rider, but Anderson was honest and not at all afraid or unsure about having me climb aboard. While he is still a little leery about…

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Adoption Announcement: Hickory!

Hickory has been adopted! It is wonderful that this gentle boy has found a perfect home while he’s been training with Joel Conner. Fran, his new owner, is an avid trail rider who is looking forward to having him join her two older horses. Fran plans on leaving Hickory in training with Joel for a few more months.  This is a great chance for him to learn more and for Fran to get to know him better…

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A perfect place for Lola!

The end of 2015 was a very busy time for us as a few of our horses made their way to join new families.  One that has been a LONG time coming is LOLA’s adoption! It has been quite the journey for this little mare.  SAFE and our volunteers have been with her through many transitions. People would often ask the question: “Why hasn’t Lola found a home yet?” and we were just as baffled. All we can…

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Anakin Update — Jan 5, 2016

Anakin continues to make progress in many important ways. He’s slowly gaining weight–topping the scales at 856 lbs at yesterday’s weigh in — and his appetite remains hearty. He’s drinking plenty of water, passing manure, and his protein levels seem to have stabilized. He did appear to have a mild episode of colic over the holiday weekend, but after a dose of banamine, he seemed fine again.…

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Wrap up from Joel Conner Clinic Dec. 12–13, 2015

We had a great time hosting Joel again at Safe Harbor. The horses and volunteers had an amazing weekend and everyone progressed in their feel and training. Here are a few accounts from the volunteer participants about what they learned about the horses they were working with during the clinic: Jolene D:Khianna- At the time of the clinic Khianna had a total of 4 or 5 rides on her since her return…

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SAFE Horses

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