SAFE Horses

SAFE News and Updates

Lacey in the Sunshine

Lacey in the Sunshine 

Have you seen a cute red mare recently? Even if the answer is ‘yes,’ it’s never a bad time to see another. When the sun is out at SAFE, Lacey never misses an opportunity to find the most optimal spot for a sunbathe. When the light hits her just right, she looks like a little sun herself. 

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Jupiter’s Soundness Evaluation

Jupiter’s Soundness Evaluation 

Jupiter’s great red spot, as it were, is a slight hitch in his step that we first noticed when restarting him under saddle. In our efforts to better represent our riding horses as we move them into the ‘adoptable’ category, we had our vets out to evaluate Jupiter’s movement to give us a better idea of what he has going on, soundness-wise. The long and short of it is, an initial assessment…

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Artie Shaw, Friend to Many

Artie Shaw, Friend to Many 

If SAFE had class superlatives, Artie would definitely win ‘friends with everyone.’ He is the horse that most other horses (at least if they’re geldings) first meet, and for good reason. Artie’s mellow demeanor around other horses helps introduce even the most unseasoned herd members to the idea of drama-free interaction. A lot of ex-studs come to Artie, all with varying degrees of politeness,…

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Theo’s First Groundwork Session

Theo’s First Groundwork Session 

We speak a lot about time here at SAFE — specifically as it relates to giving a horse the hours, weeks, months, years they needs to gain. Gain weight, gain confidence, gain the skills and tools they need to be successful going forward in life, be it as a companion or as a riding horse. This time varies between individuals, but it is tremendously reduced when the horse does not have a lot of…

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Rest in Peace, Scotty

Rest in Peace, Scotty 

It is never easy to announce the passing of one of our horses, and harder still when the passing is so unexpected. Scotty left this earth last week, following a sudden and painful colic. This was his third colic in five months, in addition to the ulcers we had been trying to help him combat. Clearly, Scotty’s GI system was not a happy one, but last week’s battle was the last it will ever have to…

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Introducing “Safe at Home” Community Assistance

Introducing “Safe at Home” Community Assistance 

For the past 19 years, SAFE has helped hundreds of horses and their owners through our Community Outreach Program. This safety net program was created to provide short-term assistance to horse owners struggling to care for their animals, with the ultimate goal of keeping these horses out of the rescue pipeline. Over the years, we’ve paid for hay & grain, veterinary care, gelding surgeries,…

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Alumni Update: Mason

Alumni Update: Mason 

Mason is looking great and loves his home with adopter Lori M. Mason is great at groundwork and knows what to do, so he has a job as a groundwork trainer for new volunteers at Lori’s barn.

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Frosting’s Trick

Frosting’s Trick 

What better way to jumpstart your weekend than to watch Frosting exhibit her new trick? No smoke and mirrors — just a smart little mare who learned she could get scratches in exchange for curling her lip, and with that knowledge, is ready to do so on command. You really have to ask yourself, who actually trained who here?

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Inula, Teacher and Student

Inula, Teacher and Student 

Inula’s ringbone will keep her from being a riding horse, but it doesn’t mean that she can’t develop and hone her skills on the ground. While she is still young and relatively new to everything, Inula has been a fast learner. Our first impressions of Inula, when she was still sloughing off an unhealthy and smelly coat from her previous home, getting halter started under a warm May sun, were that…

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Groundwork with Blanche

Groundwork with Blanche 

Blanche has begun her foray into our training program, where she is proving to be a quick study. Based on how she is for the handling we’ve done so far (tremendously reasonable and very sweet), it maybe shouldn’t have come as such a surprise that she would be similarly minded when we began our groundwork. For each new stimulus, she was responsive but not hugely reactive (her initial reaction was…

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Reseeding, Thanks to Nature’s Seed

Reseeding, Thanks to Nature’s Seed 

Will you be reseeding your pastures this spring? SAFE will, thanks to a generous donation from Nature’s Seed, who are providing us with many bags of their Pacific Northwest Horse Forage Seed! Visit Nature’s Seed’s page for lots of tips for successful reseeding! A huge thanks to Nature’s Seed! Our horses will be thinking of you this summer!!

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An Update on Roy

An Update on Roy 

After playing in the arena with Mirana this weekend, the next day, Roy was more sore on his feet than he has been in a while. He has been out of glue-on shoes since early January, and has been mostly sound since then (a few off steps here and there, but nothing compared to how he was pre-shoes). Since his first foray into glue-ons, he has grown a lot of sole depth, and our farrier did express…

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Field Trip to Bridle Trails

Field Trip to Bridle Trails 

Winter Washington weather (say that five times fast) does not often conjure visions of sunshine and blue skies. But every so often, the metaphorical stars align to grace us with a January or February day that feels more akin to early summer.   Such was the luck we had for our first off-property excursion of 2024, a trip down the road to Bridle Trails state park. We loaded eight horses into…

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Declan is Adopted!

Declan is Adopted! 

The word ‘failure’ does not typically have positive connotations, but when placed in conjunction with the word ‘foster,’ it takes on a whole new meaning. When Sue called to let us know she was a failure (a foster failure, that is) we could not have been more overjoyed. Last October, Declan moved to Sue’s place to be a buddy to her gelding, Cal, and live beside the sheep that she raises. Sue had…

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Bijou Seeks a Valentine

Bijou Seeks a Valentine 

This Valentine’s Day, Bijou is looking for love! And by love, we mean the forever home she deserves. We sat down with Bijou to talk about who she is with the hopes of finding her the perfect match! SAFE: Hi Bijou! We were hoping you could tell us about yourself. Bijou: Well, my backstory is rather dramatic. I was found abandoned on the Arlington Tree Farm along with my (since adopted!) buddy,…

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Jupiter in the Outdoor Arena

Jupiter in the Outdoor Arena 

Jupiter falls under the somewhat rare category of horse we get in at SAFE, which is ‘previously ridden, relatively uncomplicated.’ Don’t get us wrong, there are ways in which Jupiter needs assistance both on the ground and under saddle, and there certainly exists a timeline in which he was not given as much support and therefore did not come along so quickly or so nicely, but Jupiter and SAFE…

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Q1 Report Card: Artie

Q1 Report Card: Artie 

Notes: Artie tends towards the dull side, but has a lot of try. He will work hard knowing a break is coming. Poll shyness — can be reactive to things in that area, especially if they are sudden. Has come a LONG way with this. Can be reactive to flag by his poll or in his blind spots — new environmental factors can bother him (see can bag) If you prove your leadership skills to him, that…

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Frosting Gets Floated

Frosting Gets Floated 

One of the very best things about rescuing young horses is that we are able to shape so many of their formative experiences in a positive way. Frosting had her first dental this week, and was as good as gold. She had a few little sharp points, but nothing that would be seen outside of a routine float. She had a cap on a right molar that our vet helped to pop off (with ease!), revealing a healthy…

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Wren’s Soundness Evaluation

Wren’s Soundness Evaluation 

The topography of a horse tells a story, albeit usually one in a language we only partially understand. Each scar, bump, and blemish they arrive with has a history attached. We can draw assumptions, make educated assessments based on professional opinions and our own previous knowledge, but there exists a degree of mystery in even the most straightforward seeming marks. This says nothing of what…

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Unicorns Get Ulcers Too

Unicorns Get Ulcers Too 

Don’t ever let anyone tell you that unicorns don’t get bellyaches. Scotty, our grey arab gelding, is short only the horn when it comes to resembling a mythical creature. His stately figure and long, flowing locks are something out of a story book. His personality, too, is somewhat fitting with what you might expect from a creature who has made a job out of leading people to feel it does not…

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Poppy in the Arena

Poppy in the Arena 

Each horse at SAFE has a different timeline when it comes to getting where they’re going — be it to live out their days as a companion or to wear a saddle and carry a rider — but for the most part, the milestones they complete and the skills they learn are standardized across the board. They all learn how to lead politely, how to have their feet handled, what it feels like to wear a blanket.…

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Nova’s Spay

Nova’s Spay 

Nova’s journey from foal to adulthood has been a tumultuous one to say the least. She was a delightful and friendly girl for the first two years of her life…but then we started to see changes. Her heat cycles, which started out normal, became problematic. She began to exhibit more and more hormonal behavior, and as she got older, she started to show worrisome signs of aggression,  What made…

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February Volunteer of the Month: Blake Hart

February Volunteer of the Month: Blake Hart 

Congratulations to our February Volunteer of the Month, Blake Hart! We feel so lucky that Blake is part of our community, where they have made caring for SAFE horses part of their regular weekend plans for the last year and a half! Blake is super busy between school and helping at another horse barn, but still makes the time be be at SAFE whenever their schedule allows. Blakes official shift is…

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Theo is a Gelding!

Theo is a Gelding! 

Following a successful surgery this past Wednesday, Theo made the transformation from handsome stallion into arguably even more handsome gelding. The unseasonably warm weather made it a good day for the procedure, and the cushy footing in the arena made for a pretty good hospital bed. Theo was a great patient, and even had time post-procedure for a snuggle with Dr. Wollman as he woke up from his…

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Alumni Update: Rhythm

Alumni Update: Rhythm 

Rhythm truly appears to be Hillary’s heart horse. They have been together since Hillary was 14 years old. Rhythm is enjoying semi-retired life, having nice, long days in pasture with his 28-year-old pasture mate. Hillary is finishing up her college studies this spring and occasionally rides Rhythm around the pasture. After graduation, Hillary anticipates having more time for riding and taking…

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Flagging Off Moshi

Flagging Off Moshi 

Last November, 16 horses came to SAFE as part of the Graham 27 seizure — now, a little over a year later, only two remain. Moshi is one of the two (the other being her near-doppelganger, Poppy). Neither of these cuties had experience under saddle, so they’ve spent their time at SAFE learning to carry first a saddle, and then a rider. Moshi has been going well under saddle for some months now,…

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Q1 Report Card: Esme

Q1 Report Card: Esme 

Health & Feeding: Has a little bit of extra padding at the moment, but as it is winter, will not drop down her food amount. With the introduction of grass in the spring, will lower hay to account for extra calories. Notes: Esme is a sensitive mare. Can still be evasive occasionally about being caught in the paddock. Head mare in her group. Has a lot of life, but that can translate into…

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Violet in the Outdoor Arena

Violet in the Outdoor Arena 

Early on in her tenure at SAFE, we marked Violet as brave. Not long after first stepping off the trailer, she was already leading the way on walks across the property, supporting her decidedly more nervous half-brother, Scotty. Her energy was self-assured, even in the face of a new environment, and we expected to see that only continue to increase as she entered into our training program.…

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Q1 Report Card: Veronica

Q1 Report Card: Veronica 

Beginning this year, we have developed and implemented a horse ‘report card’ to be able to chart how a horse is progressing with their training, be it on the ground or under saddle. The intention is to check in with each member of the herd on a quarterly basis in an in-depth way. While we interact with all of our horses to some degree on the daily — from grooming to riding and all the ways in…

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Chip & Dale Seek New Home Together

Chip & Dale Seek New Home Together 

Chip and Dale, a pair of bonded and extremely huggable senior miniature horses in Snohomish, WA, seek a new home! They are a package deal and come ready to snooze in the sun, get all the scritches, and occasionally have their floofy manes braided. These two came to Save a Forgotten Equine (SAFE) in 2022 as an owner surrender case, and then spent a few months as therapy horses in a technology…

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