SAFE Horses

SAFE News and Updates

Training Update: Khianna 

  We have a wonderful group of volunteer riders at SAFE who not only make my life as the Operations Director easier but also are a vital asset to the horse’s preparation for adoption. The volunteers help with everything from turnout, hand walking injured horses, grooming, tack cleaning, groundwork, riding, taking the horses on the trails, showing and anything else you can think of that the…

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When can we play with Bridgit again? 

We have been patiently waiting to start working with Bridgit again….She “popped a splint” on her left front a few weeks ago and we have been waiting for the heat and swelling to go down. Meanwhile the little munchkin has been enjoying long turnouts next to her buddy Phoenix. They could be caught grooming each other every day for long periods of time. She has been very well behaved and taking it…

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Handsome Ben! 

Volunteer Jessica Farren was out to the stables last week and took some beautiful photos of Ben and volunteer Ann working in the arena. We also had a few others with Ben and Terry in the arena a few weeks ago. He is truly a stunning boy and his looking healthy and content with his new life. Getting excited to see where this boys journey takes him. He is going to be a very special horse for…

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Checking in with Annabelle 

If Annabelle could tell us all the stories of her life, I think we would all have a good long cry and then gather ourselves up and look to the future. She is a tough girl who has spent a good part of her life fighting for her safety. Annabelle has a deep soul and we can tell that she desperately wants to be with a herd and comforted by their peaceful community. After being rescued, SAFE has…

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Anderson is making great progress! 

Anderson is doing excellent in training with Darik. He has spent some time relaxing into being a good gelding and getting used to the life as a domestic horse. We got to spend some time with him and watch Darik work him in the arena. He still has a cautious nature but he was quiet willing for us the handle him. He shows no signs of being aggressive and was eager to be involved with the people…

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Health Update: Phoenix 

We wanted let everyone know where things are currently with Phoenix’s health and lameness status. After trying a few different shoeing options over the last few months, some that helped but some that didn’t, we decided to ask Dr. Devine from Pilchuck come out to take a look at him. We were happy to find that the suspensory injury that he had sustained in early 2013 has healed and this recent…

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Health Update: Lola 

It’s time for Lola to start her rehab and get ready to be shown to potential adopters again soon! Her lameness first showed up in December. After new shoes, X‑rays and even injecting her right coffin bone we came to the conclusion that Lola most likely had a soft tissue injury somewhere in her foot. Simply put, only an MRI could help us know exactly what had been causing her pain. After a good…

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Health Update: Nala 

The past few months have caused a bit of frustration for Nala and her friends here at SAFE, as we have been dealing with some lameness issues with no real conclusions. Her new shoes in May helped solve problems related to conformation, but a new lameness appeared. First in the right front, then the left front. Dr. Devine from Pilchuck came out to see her and suggested trying her with wedges in…

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A Message from Ginger’s Adopter 

I have had Ginger for a little over a year now and I can’t thank SAFE enough for everything you do. I am beyond blessed to have Ginger in my life. Horse ownership is not without its ups and downs but nothing could ever replace the bond I have with my little bay mare. She is truly one of a kind and the love of my life. I hope you can tell from the pictures that she is incredibly loved and in…

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Mesquite makes a new friend! 

Volunteer rider Claire got to spend some time with Mesquite this past week. He is learning to trust new people and let go of his past. Claire is very quiet and patient with him. You can see from the photos what a handsome fellow he is becoming. We continue to increase his feed and he is gaining weight steadily. Dr McCracken was out to the stables 2 weeks ago to give the new boys a dentals and…

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SAFE’s clinic with Joel Conner and Colt starting demonstrations 

It was a pleasure this past weekend to have Joel Conner visit the SAFE horses and teach our volunteers. We began each morning, with a colt starting demonstration where Joel worked with Hickory, Mesquite and Ben. Joel is an expert when it comes to working with un-started horses and it was clearly evident that his years of experience have giving him the timing and insight to know exactly what they…

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Rehab plan for Karma 

Early last month, our sweet Karma came up lame on the left front leg. She was diagnosed with a check ligament lesion and a cyst in her splint bone. The bone cyst carried a prognosis of lifelong lameness if left untreated. Due to her young age and promising future as a riding horse, we decided to pursue shockwave treatment and also an injection of platelet rich plasma to aid in healing. After…

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Introducing SAFE’s Operations Team! 

At the beginning of 2015, SAFE embarked on a new chapter within our organization with the separation of the Governing Board of Directors and the creation of our Operations Team. Over the last 8 months, the Operations Team has been growing and developing. Some absolutely amazing people have come forward to lead individual departments in our organization. Each of these roles are volunteer…

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Foster Update: Finn 

We have found a fantastic foster home for Finn. He is alone for the moment but has an entire herd of horses across the street to keep him company until his foster person finds a horse of her own. Finn’s hooves seem to be feeling better on the soft hogsfuel footing at his new foster home and he continues to improve with each shoeing. Here is the update we received just a few days after Finn…

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Foster Update — Rocky 

Many thanks to Rocky’s foster family for continuing to take such fantastic care of Rocky. Here is their latest update: Rocky continues to do well. Dr. Colton “peeked” at him for me to make sure his weight was okay. He said it looked pretty good for his breed and his medical condition. Okay for him to lose a few pounds too. So, we are in the ball park. His hind fetlocks seem to be doing okay. He…

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Oscar at the 2015 SAFE Show 

Oscar and his rider Casey Anderson were nothing short of amazing at the 2015 SAFE Benefit Horse Show. The pair competed in Dressage, English, Western, Halter, and Trails, and came away with 4 blues, one red, and one yellow ribbon! They won the Champion Rescue Horse award for the show, and because Oscar is 19 years old, they also took home the Champion Senior Horse award. We couldn’t be more…

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Finn gets new shoes 

We got to visit Finn recently and see how he is enjoying his new foster family. Our farrier Marla Karabinos was kind enough to travel to the foster’s home near SAFE Harbor and continue to shoe Finn for us there. The set up is perfect for Finn and his hoof comfort looks to have improved with the new pads Marla gave him 6 weeks ago and the turnout on hogs fuel. He looks overall very happy. I took…

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July Volunteer of the Month: Carol Olson! 

Please join us in celebrating Carol Olson, our SAFE Volunteer of the Month for July! Carol Olson has been volunteering with SAFE for over 3 years. She is a dedicated weekly chore volunteer, and every Wednesday morning you’ll find her tirelessly cleaning stalls, feeding horses, and helping with turnout. She also agreed to take on the role of a shift lead to help coordinate both new and current…

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Michael Sparling and Ben 

When Michael Sparling came to town for his most recent clinic at SHS, we asked him to work with Ben for a short session to help us assess him for training. Michael worked with Ben on the ground before getting into the saddle. Ben demonstrated both the anxiety under saddle reported by his previous trainer, and his tendency to try to bolt away when asked to trot on a long rein. Fortunately Michael…

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Update on Cameo 

We are increasing Cameo’s hand walking to 15 minutes 2 times a day this week and so far so good. She is off all medication and is stable. She remains in good spirits and is relaxed for her hand walks and light massages. She loves her fan we set up outside her stall and she spends time with her mane flowing in the wind which is very cute to watch. It is truly amazing that this mare who had little…

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A perfect HOME for Kai 

It takes a village to rescue, rehabilitate and rehome a horse and we all celebrate and share the success when one of the SAFE horses finds their forever home. We are excited to announce that our handsome boy Kai has found a loving home with Barbara F. He has just completed his trial period and while the relationship is still new they are all ready building a strong bond. Kai is a beautiful boy…

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Stall Rest for Cameo 

Two weeks ago, Cameo had a training mishap during a ground work session. She was being worked on a long lead rope, and she flipped her tail up and over the rope, clamped her tail down, and pulled the rope out of the hands of the person who was working her. In an effort to get away from the scary rope, she started spinning in circles, and kept spinning for about a minute. She finally unclamped…

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