Mesquite makes a new friend!

Volunteer rider Claire got to spend some time with Mesquite this past week. He is learning to trust new people and let go of his past. Claire is very quiet and patient with him. You can see from the photos what a handsome fellow he is becoming. We continue to increase his feed and he is gaining weight steadily. Dr McCracken was out to the stables 2 weeks ago to give the new boys a dentals and…

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SAFE’s clinic with Joel Conner and Colt starting demonstrations

It was a pleasure this past weekend to have Joel Conner visit the SAFE horses and teach our volunteers. We began each morning, with a colt starting demonstration where Joel worked with Hickory, Mesquite and Ben. Joel is an expert when it comes to working with un-started horses and it was clearly evident that his years of experience have giving him the timing and insight to know exactly what they…

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Rehab plan for Karma

Early last month, our sweet Karma came up lame on the left front leg. She was diagnosed with a check ligament lesion and a cyst in her splint bone. The bone cyst carried a prognosis of lifelong lameness if left untreated. Due to her young age and promising future as a riding horse, we decided to pursue shockwave treatment and also an injection of platelet rich plasma to aid in healing. After…

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Introducing SAFE’s Operations Team!

At the beginning of 2015, SAFE embarked on a new chapter within our organization with the separation of the Governing Board of Directors and the creation of our Operations Team. Over the last 8 months, the Operations Team has been growing and developing. Some absolutely amazing people have come forward to lead individual departments in our organization. Each of these roles are volunteer…

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Foster Update: Finn

We have found a fantastic foster home for Finn. He is alone for the moment but has an entire herd of horses across the street to keep him company until his foster person finds a horse of her own. Finn’s hooves seem to be feeling better on the soft hogsfuel footing at his new foster home and he continues to improve with each shoeing. Here is the update we received just a few days after Finn…

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Foster Update — Rocky

Many thanks to Rocky’s foster family for continuing to take such fantastic care of Rocky. Here is their latest update: Rocky continues to do well. Dr. Colton “peeked” at him for me to make sure his weight was okay. He said it looked pretty good for his breed and his medical condition. Okay for him to lose a few pounds too. So, we are in the ball park. His hind fetlocks seem to be doing okay. He…

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Oscar at the 2015 SAFE Show

Oscar and his rider Casey Anderson were nothing short of amazing at the 2015 SAFE Benefit Horse Show. The pair competed in Dressage, English, Western, Halter, and Trails, and came away with 4 blues, one red, and one yellow ribbon! They won the Champion Rescue Horse award for the show, and because Oscar is 19 years old, they also took home the Champion Senior Horse award. We couldn’t be more…

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Finn gets new shoes

We got to visit Finn recently and see how he is enjoying his new foster family. Our farrier Marla Karabinos was kind enough to travel to the foster’s home near SAFE Harbor and continue to shoe Finn for us there. The set up is perfect for Finn and his hoof comfort looks to have improved with the new pads Marla gave him 6 weeks ago and the turnout on hogs fuel. He looks overall very happy. I took…

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July Volunteer of the Month: Carol Olson!

Please join us in celebrating Carol Olson, our SAFE Volunteer of the Month for July! Carol Olson has been volunteering with SAFE for over 3 years. She is a dedicated weekly chore volunteer, and every Wednesday morning you’ll find her tirelessly cleaning stalls, feeding horses, and helping with turnout. She also agreed to take on the role of a shift lead to help coordinate both new and current…

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Michael Sparling and Ben

When Michael Sparling came to town for his most recent clinic at SHS, we asked him to work with Ben for a short session to help us assess him for training. Michael worked with Ben on the ground before getting into the saddle. Ben demonstrated both the anxiety under saddle reported by his previous trainer, and his tendency to try to bolt away when asked to trot on a long rein. Fortunately Michael…

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Update on Cameo

We are increasing Cameo’s hand walking to 15 minutes 2 times a day this week and so far so good. She is off all medication and is stable. She remains in good spirits and is relaxed for her hand walks and light massages. She loves her fan we set up outside her stall and she spends time with her mane flowing in the wind which is very cute to watch. It is truly amazing that this mare who had little…

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A perfect HOME for Kai

It takes a village to rescue, rehabilitate and rehome a horse and we all celebrate and share the success when one of the SAFE horses finds their forever home. We are excited to announce that our handsome boy Kai has found a loving home with Barbara F. He has just completed his trial period and while the relationship is still new they are all ready building a strong bond. Kai is a beautiful boy…

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Stall Rest for Cameo

Two weeks ago, Cameo had a training mishap during a ground work session. She was being worked on a long lead rope, and she flipped her tail up and over the rope, clamped her tail down, and pulled the rope out of the hands of the person who was working her. In an effort to get away from the scary rope, she started spinning in circles, and kept spinning for about a minute. She finally unclamped…

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A Visit with April

Do you recognize this former SAFE horse? It’s April, who left SAFE over a year ago to live at Equamore Horse Sanctuary in Ashland OR. Jessica F visited her last week, and took some gorgeous photos of this lovely mare. April was brought into the barn to be groomed and photographed, and Jessica says that when she was taken back to her field, her companions were waiting for her and came to greet…

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Dental Day at Safe Harbor

Yesterday was a marathon day of dental care for the horses at Safe Harbor Stables. Dr McCracken of Rainland Equine did seven floats and some lameness consultations along with them. Here’s a rundown of how each of the horses did: Annabelle was not terrific about getting injections for her sedation, but considering it’s probably been several years since she’s seen a dentist, her teeth were in…

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Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness with Dottie Belle

Dottie Belle has been living in foster care at Pacific Moon in Arlington for about six months now. Under Karen Moore and her team, Dottie has settled into a happy life outdoors among horse friends. Since her arrival, Heather Evans-Keliher and Eve Tai have visited with Dottie regularly. Now that Dottie feels at home, it was a good time to consider liberty work for her. This type of work takes…

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It’s been a long time, Khianna!

Khianna has spent the past three years or so living the good life at her foster home in Enumclaw. There she shared a five acre field with three other horses and enjoyed the great care provided by Denise M and her family. Khianna came to SAFE as an 13 year old, and we were told that she’d been ridden in her previous home, but it had been quite some time since anyone had been on her back. So she…

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Welcoming Back an Old Friend

There’s a new face at Safe Harbor Stables, but it belongs to a horse that first came to SAFE way back in 2010. She was a 1997 registered Quarter Horse mare named Peppy Skippa Jewel, but we just called her Scarlett. She was originally signed over to SAFE by Animal Control, and we were able to quickly rehabilitate her and find her an adoptive home. Fast forward three and half years. SAFE is…

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California here he comes!

Leo is living the good life in sunny California! Like many of us from the PNW, the more arid climate is probably great for his breathing problems. Doesn’t he look happy?

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Ben returns to the fold

For the past 60 days or so, Ben has been on an extended trial with a Hunter/Jumper trainer who was interested in finding out if he had a future as a sporthorse. This was a wonderful opportunity for Ben, and a tremendous help to us because it meant that he would receive two months of professional training with Leah at Cypress Farm at no cost to our donors. Leah took things very slow with Ben, and…

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Our brave Sophie!

Apparently nobody told Sophie that horses are usually afraid of tarps! Our brave little girl walked over the tarp before Terry could even finish spreading it out on the ground! And it only took about 30 seconds to convince her it was haute couture. She’s amazing.

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Lola Off Work due to Lameness

2015 has not been a great year for Lola so far. She’s been lame on and off in front since the beginning of January, and although we’ve tried several shoeing changes and she’s been examined by our veterinarians multiple times, we still haven’t been able to pinpoint the cause of her lameness. Lola was seen by Dr Divine this week. She was examined a few weeks prior to this visit and the predominant…

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2015 Q2 Impact Statement

New Horses Intake Date: April 3, 2015 Einstein (Snohomish County Animal Control) Intake Date: May 5–7, 2015 Annabelle (owner surrender) Anderson (owner surrender) Intake Date: June 18, 2015 Sophie (owner surrender) Placed Horses Ruby Maggie Misty Kai

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June Volunteer of the Month: Susa Oram

Please come together to help us recognize an outstanding young woman and all her hard work and dedicate to SAFE. We are honored to introduce you to Susa Oram, SAFE Volunteer of the Month for June. Susa came to us last summer to fulfill volunteers hours needed for school. She had a large task to do: 90 hours by the end of the year. Volunteer Coordinator Heather was a little nervous that she…

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SAFE Horses

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