SAFE Horses

SAFE News and Updates

Two New Intakes at SAFE 

Taking possession of new horses is one of the most challenging parts of our job. Usually, even when a horse has been neglected, it’s had some degree of handing. And loading an unfamiliar horse into a trailer can be a challenge, but with patient efforts, we usually get them home uneventfully. But every couple of years, we encounter a situation so dysfunctional that it pushes our hearts and spirit…

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Training Update: Cameo 

Cameo has officially grown up!! She went on her first real trail ride and did very well! She had a few jumps here and there but overall it was manageable and she came home a bit more mature then when she left. Couldn’t be more pleased with how grown up she is acting and the level of consistency in her behavior. She is still the hot little Arab but it is with in reason and rideable. She has a few…

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Hollywood Hills Schooling Show — May 2, 2015 

Nala, Misty, and Karma competed at the Hollywood Hills English/Western Schooling show this weekend, and all three girls were amazing! Nala won the English Walk/Trot Reserve High Point for our age division at her very first show!! She earned that award with a first place ribbon and a few seconds! Nala ended her day by placing 7th out of 15 horses in the Western Pleasure class in the afternoon. At…

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Farrier/Foster Update: Finn 

Finn has really been giving us fits trying to figure out how to keep his hooves comfortable! Our amazing farrier Jake Cowden recently decided to take Finn on as a foster horse, moving him to his home to be able to closely monitor him and make more frequent and subtle adjustments to his shoeing. Finn is such a sweet boy, it would be great if we could get him comfortable enough for light riding.…

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Einstein and Ivy at play! 

Sometimes goofy horses just need time to be goofy. But look at how deftly Ivy moves Einstein around the arena.…almost as if he were…a cow? Does Ivy have a secret past as a cutting horse?

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April Volunteer of the Month: Stephanie W 

Please join us in celebrating April’s Volunteer of the Month, Stephanie W! Stephanie has been volunteering with SAFE for about a year and what a year it has been. An excellent rider and horsewoman, Stephanie quickly became one of Terry’s most valued assistants around the barn. Her work with high strung horses like Kai and Ben has contributed so much to our efforts to find them both new homes. As…

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It gets better 

How’s this for an amazing transformation? On the left, Rocky at intake, Sept 2014. On the right, Rocky today. He’s come so far and overcome so much, but Rocky is still very, very unsure about people, especially strangers. We’re looking at bringing him back to Safe Harbor to start working on his socialization skills. But it’s great to see him looking so healthy! Our sincere thanks to Kellie…

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Emmy’s Surgery is Successful 

Update: Bone fragments successfully removed. Remainder of joint looks good. Surgery uneventful, tolerated anesthesia well. She was “smart” standing up after. She will be assessed for status and comfort tomorrow AM to determine if she can be discharged.

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Hello Dottie! 

Thanks to the efforts of Team Dottie, we are kept well up to date on the progress of our girl. Here are some recent photos of Dottie in her foster home: 

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Emmy says thank you! 

Thanks to an amazing group of people who pitched in their monetary support, Emmy is going to get the surgery she needs to remove the bone chip from her stifle. The surgery is scheduled for April 21st and she’ll be transported to Rainland Equine the night before to get settled in. Dr McCracken will be doing the surgery, and we are very hopeful that it will be a success for Emmy!

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Phoenix under saddle 

Phoenix had the opportunity recently to don the western tack and enjoy a ride with new volunteer rider, Jolene. Doesn’t he look handsome? 

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A field trip for Misty, Lola, Cameo, and Nala 

Misty, Lola, Cameo, and Nala had a little field trip today, leaving Safe Harbor with their riders and walking down to the nearby Hollywood Hills Saddle Club. There’s a schooling show coming up at HHSC on May 9th that we’re planning to bring horses to, so Terry wisely decided that a test run was in order. The four girls did well, especially Nala who was on her very first trail ride and handled it…

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Aiden at Donida 

Look who I ran into yesterday at the Donida schooling show! It’s Aiden! He competed in the hunter classes and did a terrific job. 

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Marta and Shay greet springtime 

Spring has sprung, apparently, and what better way to celebrate than letting the ponies into the pasture! Yesterday Marta and Shay enjoyed a very serious bit of rolling and then took off and galloped a few laps around the pasture. Their foster mom Eileen took this video afterward. “Turns out there is a woodpecker who has returned to the neighborhood and is pecking every loud surface he can…

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Einstein Intake Photos 

Einstein is a 15 year old Quarter Horse gelding seized by Animal Control for lack of care. He’s already gained about 50 pounds since he was taken from his home, and he’s starting to shed his scruffy starvation coat. His hooves are going to need a lot more care as they were very flared with underrun heels when he came in. The condition of his hooves seem to be having an effect on his movement, he…

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Kai Training Update 

Kai is doing “amazing well” during his tuneup training with Joel Conner. We couldn’t be happier with his progress and how soft, relaxed, and balanced Joel has him going. Take a look at these fun photos of Kai getting accustomed to a rope being thrown from the saddle and the weight of pulling the training log. This work is building trust in his rider and teaching him to be more focused on what’s…

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2015 Q1 Impact Statement 

New Horses Intake Date: January 2, 2015 Ivy (City of Snohomish Animal Control) Boone (City of Snohomish Animal Control) Dillon (City of Snohomish Animal Control) Intake Date: March 31, 2015 Maggie (returned by adopter) Placed Horses Owen Skittles Bucky B Lucky   Euthanization Dillon (euthanized due to extreme neglect)

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March Volunteer of the Month: Jackie Liles 

SAFE depends on volunteers in many different ways. Jackie Liles is one of our most important volunteers: she is a SAFE Foster! Jackie has been fostering horses with SAFE for several years. She opens her home and heart for any horse we ask of her. There have been times when we needed a hospice home for a horse, which can be a lot to ask of someone. We knew Jackie was the right person for the job.…

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Lucky in Love 

Obviously, adoptions are special to us…nothing makes us happier than being able to announce that one of the SAFE horses has found a home. But every so often, an adoption will fall into place that just reaches into our hearts and gives a little squeeze. An adoption that makes us pinch ourselves to be sure we’re not dreaming. On Saturday afternoon, over birthday cake and carrots, we celebrated…

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New Board Members: Welcome Lara Lutz and Meghan Hoey! 

We would like to introduce two new additions to the SAFE Board of Directors: one, a familiar face, and the other, a new friend! Lara Lutz has been involved with SAFE since the day she opened her home and heart to a rescued mare named Amber, way back in 2010. Since then, Lara has been an active volunteer for SAFE, lending her expertise in accounting, bookkeeping, and event planning. And since the…

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March training update: Karma 

I cannot lie, this horse is my favorite to ride and work with at Safe Harbor. She is very smart, sensitive and loyal. We continue to progress every week with more consistent riding, light aids and very soft contact in her mouth. We have restarted Karma using the style of groundwork and riding taught by Buck Brannaman and I can in all honesty say this was a perfect way to help this very abused…

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March training update: Misty! 

Misty is going very well for her volunteer riders. She is working on good ground manners and we have had little to no problems managing her behavior at Safe Harbor. She did have an allergic reaction a few weeks ago to what we could only guess was a bee sting. It caused her face and eyes to swell up. Dr Fleck came out to see her and gave her some steroids to help reduce the inflammation. All the…

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Ben training update 

Ben has been getting some good work with our volunteer riders. He is a very interesting fellow who has a playful side that has to be carefully managed. He is not for an inexperienced horse person. Even walking him to and from turnout requires the handler to be mindful of Ben’s energy and helping him to make good decisions. He’s like an overgrown puppy, unaware of his size or that he can’t play…

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Video: Ben Jumping (baby fences!) 

Ben really seems to enjoy free jumping! Terry set up this little jump chute in the arena, and Ben was more than willing to show us how easily he can soar over a 6″ cavaletti! Go Ben go!

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Letters from friends: Skye and Strider 

We were delighted to receive some very special mail last week that included letters and photos from two adopted SAFE horses, Strider and Skye! They both sound very happy in their new home! First a letter from the big horse himself: Hi SAFE Friends, It’s Strider! I’m loving it at my new home. I recently moved out of the old barn and into the new barn my people built for me, in an extra big stall.…

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March training update: Cameo 

Cameo has improved so much over the past several months. She’s become very steady under saddle and seems so much more mature. She is lovely to handle and work with now that she has lost that flighty edge. She has really settled into the ground work and being ridden on a loose rein. She is walk, trotting and cantering with a more relaxed manner. I think this is a combination of all the wonderful…

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A Message from the President: “Am I crazy?” 

Am I crazy?”   This was the title of the document SAFE’s president, Debi Shatos, shared with the Board of Directors last September. Our resounding answer was “NO!” The potential craziness in question outlined a plan to lease the house adjacent to Safe Harbor Stables and establish both an office and a residence. Today, four weeks after helping unload a 20-foot U‑Haul truck, I am thrilled to…

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