SAFE Horses

SAFE News and Updates

Catching up with Karma 

The new girl, Karma, was taken straight to NWESC after we picked her up from Pierce County Animal Control. We were concerned about some edema on her chest and belly, as well as the slightly snotty nose she was exhibiting. Since NWESC is better set up to quarantine a horse, we thought it best to send her straight there initially rather than risking the health of any of the horses at Safe Harbor.…

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The joy of Cameo 

What a joy this little mare is becoming! I had some really lovely quiet rides on Cameo this month. She can still be quite the four year old handful but she has a new peace about her and ground work is helping her find that more and more. Once she gets rid of the excess exuberance and focuses, she is a delight to work with. Her whole body changes from flighty Arabian to an easy Quarter Horse…

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Great news about Phoenix! 

Handsome Phoenix — lovingly referred to by his friends at SAFE as our overgrown golden retriever puppy — is staying sound and happy in his rehab. As you know, he was diagnosed with a left front high suspensory tear in January. As far as we could put together, this injury was quite old so any acute treatments would not be very helpful. Upon consultation with Dr Lisa Krauter from Pilchuck…

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Finn Update 

As we talked about in his last update, Finn needed some special treatment and thanks to Jake Cowden, he has been able to get the shoes he needs to feel great. We gave him a few weeks after the first set of shoes to getting used to moving in them. When we trotted him out, we were very happy to see how much better he looked. Last week he got his second pair of therapeutic shoes and everything is…

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Emmy update! 

Emmy has been a rock star for everything I have introduced to her. She’s been doing well with ground work, lunging over trot poles, bathing, spray bottles, wearing a saddle with a girth, and bridling and taking the bit. She is also very well behaved in turnout with other mares and loves Dottie. The only time she has shown me fear or worry has been working alongside the mounting block in…

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SAFE Alumni at the SAFE Show! 

It was so delightful to have six former SAFE horses come out to compete at this year’s SAFE show. We love nothing more than seeing our old friends again, and nothing beats seeing them shine in the show ring! Thanks to these lovely photos by Karen Wegehenkel, you can share some of their stellar moments: Strawberry Shortcake, also known as Maggie Stella and Maggie were sailing high in the…

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From the Horse’s Mouth: Adoption? Do you know that thing? 

Hello to all my friends! I have something wonderful to share with you, but first I have a question to ask: Adoption — do you know this thing? Adoption is when someone says “Oh horse! Please come to my home and live there forever. There will be lovely hays and tasty, tasty grain for you, and also friends and fields and little houses. I am a good peoples and I want you to be my horse!” That is…

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SHS Anniversary Open House — Sunday, August 24 

 You are invited to help us celebrate 2 years at Safe Harbor Stables in Woodinville at our next Open House! We’ll have vendors selling arts & crafts, a tack sale, a bake sale, and of course, the horses of SAFE will be there ready to say hello! We’ll also be grilling hot dogs for lunch! We hope you’ll stop by and join us! When: Sunday, August 24 from noon to 3pm Where: Safe Harbor Stables, 16509…

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Skittles at the SAFE Show 

What a “Show Pro” little Skittles turned out to be at the SAFE Benefit Horse Show! She had a wonderful “been there done that no big deal” attitude about everything. We all had a ton of fun at the show and she was so easy to work with in every way. She bathed, loaded and unloaded, settled into her stall, warmed up on Friday with no spooking or nervousness about anything, and went into each class…

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Lola at the SAFE Show 

I am very pleased with Lola’s growth overall the last 7 months. I have had countless volunteers and others remark at what a different horse she is to handle and how nice she looks under saddle. She was a star at the SAFE Benefit Show. Honest and well-behaved throughout the weekend…I couldn’t have dreamed of a better showing. Unfortunately, during turnout on Wednesday before the show, Lola was…

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Horsebytes Blog: SAFE Forever 

SAFE Forever by Monica Bretherton Posted August 8, 2014 I recently found the original ‘adopt me’ sash I made for Cedar. Only a few of the letters had fallen off.” That was an artifact from 2008, the second SAFE benefit show ever. According to my blog (well, that is why I write, because I have no memory), I made it as a distraction from potential pre-show nerves – it was thirty years since I had…

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A Long Overdue Update for Bucky B Lucky… 

Lucky has been on medical hold for a while now, while we worked to sort through a couple of issues. We now have more information to share regarding this handsome gentleman. First and foremost, Lucky’s behavior has been fabulous during his time in foster at White Birch Farm. Melonie reports that he is a joy to work with. In fact, he caught the eye of one of Melonie’s clients who applied to adopt…

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New photos of Karma 

The new girl, Karma, was taken straight to NWESC after we picked her up from Pierce County Animal Control. We were concerned about some edema on her chest and belly, as well as the slightly snotty nose she was exhibiting. Since NWESC is better set up to quarantine a horse, we thought it best to send her straight there initially rather than risking the health of any of the horses at Safe Harbor.…

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July Volunteer of the Month: Erika Stringer! 

We would like to congratulate Erika Stringer as July’s Volunteer of the Month! Erika joined the SAFE team about 8 months ago and has become a valuable member since then. Erika volunteers in several positions around the barn. She has a weekly chore shift and will fill in when ever she is able. Erika also donates her time as a volunteer groom and rider on a weekly basis. And she’s always willing…

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Getting to know Emmy! 

Emmy’s been at SHS for two weeks now, and she’s become everyone’s favorite girl! She’s tall and beautiful, but she’s also a sweetheart who is kind and willing and just plain nice to be around. Here are two updates that Terry shared with us last week: Big day for Emmy- 1st time lunging with a girth on. She did great and didn’t bat an eye. We have no history on her so we are taking things slow and…

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Is there such thing as a horse that’s too easy? 

Owen is always teaching me things, which makes interacting with him such a joyful experience. His smarts and his willingness make our sessions a lot of fun. He takes most everything he’s asked to do in stride…he always tries and he hardly ever overreacts. Which led me, a few days ago, to make a pretty big mistake with him… It started with a horsefly. This sucker was as big as a baseball and…

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Stella learns to halter herself! 

I have been working on catch and release games with Stella. She is a very timid girl but is coming along nicely. We have been practicing with the halter and her putting her own nose down into it. Finally got someone to hold the camera for me so I can show you all. She is really funny about it now. She see the halter and literally shoves her head into it. She was so afraid of people approaching…

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Emmy Intake Photos 

Welcome a new horse to SAFE! Emmy was seized by Pierce County Animal Control after she was discovered abandoned on a property with a huge herd of starving pigs and cattle. While the owner of the animals was identified and charged with cruelty, he apparently fled the country, so we have no background information on this horse. However, she appears to be sound and sensible, so she has been signed…

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Stella is learning! 

Stella is learning to pick up her hooves softly without kicking. The rope allows us to desensitize her and get her used to picking up her feet at a distance where the handler can stay safe. She’s come a long way in the two weeks we’ve been working with her. By the end of this session today, I was able to pick up all four and put them down softly. [gallery link=“file”…

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Water, water everywhere! 

Something wonderful happened over the weekend at Safe Harbor Stables, something that will have a tremendous impact on the lives of the horses who live there and the volunteers who care for them. To truly understand the scope of this, keep in mind that in the two years we’ve resided at Safe Harbor, we’ve had one…that’s right, ONE…above-ground water spigot to deliver water to the entire…

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2014 Q2 Impact Statement 

New Horses Intake Date: June 12, 2014 Stella (Snohomish County Animal Control) Placed Horses Savannah Kat Ginger Euthanization Summer (euthanized due to the effects of old age)

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What’s so remarkable about this picture? 

So what’s so remarkable about this photo of Owen? It actually represents some pretty amazing progress that our newest gelding has made over the past several weeks. Owen is now allowing himself to be caught easily in his paddock when it’s time for a ground work lesson…so well, in fact, that he no longer has to wear his halter all the time. He’ll now allow me to approach him, pet him, even give…

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June Volunteer of the Month: Laura McCorkle! 

We are so pleased to announce our June Volunteer of the Month is SAFE volunteer trainer Laura McCorkle! Laura has given to SAFE in so many different ways. She donates her time to train our horses in ground work, liberty work, basic manners, and whatever else is asked, several times a week! Laura has also hosted training seminars for the SAFE volunteers to better understand horse behavior. She is…

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Thank you, farrier Jake Cowden! 

We’re starting to understand Finn’s lameness issues a little better, thanks to Dr King who has determined that Finn a few hoof related problems going on. He does have chronic laminitis, but that does not appear to be the cause of the lameness we’ve seen. The lameness is likely being caused by navicular syndrome. Navicular syndrome, more accurately called caudal heel pain, is a chronic…

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The way to Stella’s heart 

​Here’s SAFE volunteer Lisa doing some expert scratching on the (formerly) shy Stella. Apparently the way to this sweet mare’s heart is through her withers! 

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Who doesn’t love a happy ending? 

Here are SAFE we are so fortunate to have some great equine professionals on our team! Take for instance, Kim Lacy. Kim is a dressage trainer and rider who specializes in the Arabian breed. She is quite active on both the local Arab show circuit as well as in the Dressage arena, and she’s successfully trained many horses and riders through the levels at her beautiful dressage facility, Hidden…

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Kat’s found her person! 

We’ve said all along that Kat was a one-woman horse. After all, Kat isn’t the type to give her heart away to just anyone. She’s not the sort of girl who has hundreds of casual acquaintances. But she is the sort who is a friend to the end, once she decides to let you into her inner circle. So it’s with great joy and celebration that we announce that Kat has finally found her person! That person…

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Stella’s education begins… 

Terry has started working with Stella at liberty in the arena, giving her the chance to stretch her legs and learn a thing or two about approaching people. Fortunately she loves scritches, and that makes this introduction period a lot easier!

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