SAFE Horses

SAFE News and Updates

Emmy Intake Photos 

Welcome a new horse to SAFE! Emmy was seized by Pierce County Animal Control after she was discovered abandoned on a property with a huge herd of starving pigs and cattle. While the owner of the animals was identified and charged with cruelty, he apparently fled the country, so we have no background information on this horse. However, she appears to be sound and sensible, so she has been signed…

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Stella is learning! 

Stella is learning to pick up her hooves softly without kicking. The rope allows us to desensitize her and get her used to picking up her feet at a distance where the handler can stay safe. She’s come a long way in the two weeks we’ve been working with her. By the end of this session today, I was able to pick up all four and put them down softly. [gallery link=“file”…

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Water, water everywhere! 

Something wonderful happened over the weekend at Safe Harbor Stables, something that will have a tremendous impact on the lives of the horses who live there and the volunteers who care for them. To truly understand the scope of this, keep in mind that in the two years we’ve resided at Safe Harbor, we’ve had one…that’s right, ONE…above-ground water spigot to deliver water to the entire…

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2014 Q2 Impact Statement 

New Horses Intake Date: June 12, 2014 Stella (Snohomish County Animal Control) Placed Horses Savannah Kat Ginger Euthanization Summer (euthanized due to the effects of old age)

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What’s so remarkable about this picture? 

So what’s so remarkable about this photo of Owen? It actually represents some pretty amazing progress that our newest gelding has made over the past several weeks. Owen is now allowing himself to be caught easily in his paddock when it’s time for a ground work lesson…so well, in fact, that he no longer has to wear his halter all the time. He’ll now allow me to approach him, pet him, even give…

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June Volunteer of the Month: Laura McCorkle! 

We are so pleased to announce our June Volunteer of the Month is SAFE volunteer trainer Laura McCorkle! Laura has given to SAFE in so many different ways. She donates her time to train our horses in ground work, liberty work, basic manners, and whatever else is asked, several times a week! Laura has also hosted training seminars for the SAFE volunteers to better understand horse behavior. She is…

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Thank you, farrier Jake Cowden! 

We’re starting to understand Finn’s lameness issues a little better, thanks to Dr King who has determined that Finn a few hoof related problems going on. He does have chronic laminitis, but that does not appear to be the cause of the lameness we’ve seen. The lameness is likely being caused by navicular syndrome. Navicular syndrome, more accurately called caudal heel pain, is a chronic…

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The way to Stella’s heart 

​Here’s SAFE volunteer Lisa doing some expert scratching on the (formerly) shy Stella. Apparently the way to this sweet mare’s heart is through her withers! 

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Who doesn’t love a happy ending? 

Here are SAFE we are so fortunate to have some great equine professionals on our team! Take for instance, Kim Lacy. Kim is a dressage trainer and rider who specializes in the Arabian breed. She is quite active on both the local Arab show circuit as well as in the Dressage arena, and she’s successfully trained many horses and riders through the levels at her beautiful dressage facility, Hidden…

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Kat’s found her person! 

We’ve said all along that Kat was a one-woman horse. After all, Kat isn’t the type to give her heart away to just anyone. She’s not the sort of girl who has hundreds of casual acquaintances. But she is the sort who is a friend to the end, once she decides to let you into her inner circle. So it’s with great joy and celebration that we announce that Kat has finally found her person! That person…

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Stella’s education begins… 

Terry has started working with Stella at liberty in the arena, giving her the chance to stretch her legs and learn a thing or two about approaching people. Fortunately she loves scritches, and that makes this introduction period a lot easier!

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Chip makes new friends 

Here’s Chip, making some new friends and behaving like a perfect gentleman around the young 10yr old that was grooming him. He would make a great companion horse for another gelding. Low man in the order so he doesn’t try to dominate other horses. Since he was a stallion for so much of his life he would do best as a buddy to a gelding and not mares. He is a sound, healthy, easy keeper, who is…

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Lola at the Show! 

  Terry and Lola, with vital assistance from Heather, went to the Hollywood Hills Schooling Show this past weekend. It was Lola’s first horse show outing since Terry has started working with her, and she was a great girl! The pair competed in Walk/Jog and Walk/Jog/Lope classes and placed 3rd in one of them. Terry reports, “She was very good and never try to break into the walk. She trotted…

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The Further Adventures of Owen the Gelding 

Owen joined the ranks of happy geldings everywhere this week, when he underwent a successful procedure to rid him of his family jewels. Getting there was a bit of an adventure, but now that he’s a gelding, Owen starts the next phase in what is sure to be a wonderful life. Owen’s initial gelding appointment was scheduled for last week, one month following the tetanus shot he got at his last vet…

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Stella Intake Photos 

Stella was signed over to SAFE today by Snohomish County Animal Control. She’s a tiny thing, still thin, but otherwise looking much improved from the photos taken of her a few weeks back by SCAC. Stella was one of two horses seized by SCAC in early May 2014 due to starvation and neglect. She was thin (BCS 1.5/9) with lice and a fungal skin infection. She spent six weeks in the care of SCAC…

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June Training Notes 

Perhaps this is obvious, but we are just so proud of our horses! Every single one of them faced tremendous challenges in their lives before being rescued, and the courage and bravery they show us during their rehabilitation and retraining is nothing short of astonishing. The horses of SAFE have an incredible team of humans helping them on this journey, led by our trainer Terry Phelps and the…

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Happiness is for horses 

Ruby was moved to her new foster home for the summer a few days ago. She and Jewel will be sharing Jackie’s lovely horse pasture for the next several months, soaking up the sun and enjoying life as only horses can. Here’s a video taken on the day of her arrival as she checks out her new surroundings: And take a look at what a difference two months of good care can do for a starving horse: Ruby…

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Alumni News: Miah of the Mountain 

Here’s a great update from Miah’s adopter, Heather! Hi everyone, happy spring, Finally! Miah has been with me now for about 6 months. We did little during the winter except survive, although that time was well spent, Miah is home and I think she knows that. I was able to take her out in April when we had a few good weather days that just happened to coincide with my days off and was quite…

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Tarp training for Cameo 

Cameo is pretty brave, but she’s not fond of loud or sudden noises. So Terry and Laura are working with desensitizing her. Here is Cameo’s first attempts at moving over a noisy tarp. Laura is very good at helping Cameo know she can take her time and think about it. Two days later, another attempt at tarp training. After slowly making the tarp larger and larger, you can see in this video the…

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Lola videos and update 

Here are three new videos showing Lola’s progress under saddle. We’re also super pleased to report that Terry has had a couple of her volunteer riders working with Lola, and she has been as good for them as she is for Terry! Clearly, Terry and her team have unlocked the secret to a happy and productive Lola…and as much as they are enjoying working with her, we’d still love to see her get…

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May Volunteer of the Month: Heather Andreini 

Please join us in celebrating the selection of our May Volunteer of the Month…SAFE supporter Heather Andreini! Heather has contributed to our mission in a variety of ways.In addition to volunteering her time to do adoption and alumni site checks, she organized the 2nd Annual Highbrow Hack and did a smashing job! But the fact that she has opened her home to not one, but two SAFE foster horses…

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Sometimes fairy tales do come true 

We could not be happier to officially announce that Atticus has been adopted! Our sweet old man has found himself a wonderful new home where he will live out the rest of his life in comfort, and receive the kind of care that he has always deserved. We’d like to thank Bernice and Joe S for opening their home and hearts to Atticus. Bernice tells us it feels like Atticus has always been part of…

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Ginger Makes Us Smile 

We are overjoyed to update everyone on Ginger’s progress! This girl has made such a wonderful transformation under Kim Lacy’s training. When we contacted Kim about taking on a SAFE horse to foster she happily accepted and offered to donate her training services and start Ginger under saddle. I was able to go visit and ride Ginger earlier this week and believe me, I am ecstatic! Not only has…

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The girls are back! 

Cameo and Skye graduated from training at the end of April and returned to Safe Harbor Stables to continue their education under Terry’s guidance. The two are settling in nicely, and are both healthy, happy, and feeling good. Terry’s been giving them both some refresher training in ground work to remind them about good manners…and they’re both doing really well. Skye, especially, seems to…

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