SAFE Horses

SAFE News and Updates

Funny, but not funny 

I was awake, but hadn’t yet gotten out of bed around 7 this morning, when I heard an unusual racket from outside. Something was on my front porch, something bigger than a raccoon, something…white? With hooves? Sinatra, is that you? You see, Sinatra has learned a new trick in the past 48 hours, and that is that if you stick your head through the fence and just keep moving forward, eventually…

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The Second Happiest Strider Update We Could Hope For 

Since our move to SAFE Harbor Stables back in July of 2012, life hasn’t been entirely easy for our friend Strider. For several months after the move, the burned area on his back still needed to be protected from sun and rain, so he lived in a covered enclosure next to the indoor arena, which was good for his healing process but hard because he had no nearby neighbors to socialize with up close.…

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Bath time for Ginger! 

Ginger let us give her a real bath! She was a little upset at first but I told her it was to help the itching and she seemed to understand. She did great! Fly spraying and baths will soon be easy! Xoxo Ginger Rogers! 

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Misty is back to work! 

Foster/Trainer update on Misty to share: Misty is just coming out of about three weeks off work due to a splint. She wasn’t lame, but we thought it best to rest her for a bit. (Unfortunately, we missed the show!) During her time off she was so sweet and personable, the perfect patient for the icing and DMSO. I also began bringing my daughters to the barn to spend more time with her and she…

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Champion SAFE Pony: Maggie 

We’re so proud of all the SAFE horses who competed at the SAFE Show this year, but one of them in particular put in an especially impressive performance. Along with her young rider, Miss Kirann Gable, our Mustang pony mare Maggie was champion of both the Trot Poles and Cross Rails Hunter Divisions, took Seconds in both of her Dressage tests, scoring 70.5% at Intro C and 62.292 at Training 1, and…

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A positive Chance update 

Great news…Chance’s drain came out today. Brittney reports that his wound is closing up nicely, so in a few days we can hopefully release him from the high-line in his stall so that he can lie down again if he want to. He’s been getting SMZs to fight infection in the wound, and those are fed to him by hiding them in a mash, which he loves. He’s been a very, very good boy for his twice-daily…

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Rehabilitated horses thrive thanks to SAFE rescue 

Rehabilitated horses thrive thanks to SAFE rescue By Denise Whitaker Aired on Aug 2 2013 WOODINVILLE, Wash. — There’s been an increase in horse rescues in recent years and the KOMO 4 Problem Solvers have been there to help in several cases. But what happens after a horse is taken away from an abuser or a neglectful situation? In the case of Corona, a 12-year-old thoroughbred, he was nursed back…

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Another setback for Chance 

Chance’s shoe boil blew up again and Dr. Hannah was called out yesterday to look at it. Dr Hannah was initially going to just try another round of antibiotics, but after examining it decided that because there was a tremendous amount of fluid and that it should be lanced and drained. She also installed a drain to help us keep it clean and keep it healing correctly from the inside out. So, Chance…

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Teaching future vet technicians 

Today, a group of Vet Tech students from Pima Medical Institute took a field trip to SAFE Harbor Stables. The goal was to practice doing a physical exam, venipuncture, and administering dewormer. In exchange for providing the opportunity for the students to gain hands on experience, SAFE received free fecal floats, blood tests, and deworming for 12 horses. We are pleased to be able to…

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Ginger & Sinatra = BFF 

Ginger and lover boy Sinatra are joined at the hip. She was much more relaxed having a buddy in turnout. They were eatting this close the entire time. Two needy horses found each other and I mean both of them! I thought he wouldn’t leave her but SHE was stuck to him like glue! Literally had to walk them into their stalls together! Awe young misguided love lol! @ SAFE

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Congratulations to River & Jenny! 

We are thrilled to announce that River has been adopted! If you’ve been following his story, you know that he went into training with Andrea Lucianna at Half Trak Farm, and after a bit of a slow start while this young horse gained his confidence, he graduated from under saddle training with honors. River won a lot of hearts at Half Trak Farm, with his flashy looks and his sweet, sensible…

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Ginger update 

Ginger is settling in pretty well at SAFE Harbor. She’s got some things to learn, but we’re taking it slow and making good progress. She came to us with bad dermatitis along her mane and tail dock that has to be treated, so she is learning how to take a bath. We’re thankful for the recent hot weather, as this makes things more pleasant for everyone.We haven’t had any success turning her out with…

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Special Guests at the SAFE Benefit Show 

The Seattle Police Department’s Mounted Patrol will be stopping by Donida Farm to put on a special demonstration during the SAFE Benefit Horse Show!! The demo will take place at the start of our Exhibitor Party on Saturday evening at 5pm. The Patrol horses and their riders will demonstrate their amazing skills using tarps, road flares, and, of course, the gigantic inflatable horse ball that’s…

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Problems with Kat 

Over the past month or so, we’ve been noticing that Kat has been tripping more and more, both under saddle and even when being led. It’s gotten to the point where we’ve decided to pull her out of training with Brittney until we can have a vet examine her and possibly do a neurological exam. Our attempts to treat this problem through shoeing have not yielded much change. We’ll have updates on…

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Photos from the Open House 

We had a great time at last Sunday’s Open House with lots of folks stopping by to meet the horses and enjoy a grilled hot dog or two. SAFE supporter Margaret C took these gorgeous photographs and was kind enough to share them with us.

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Moonshine Training Video 

Moonshine started cantering under saddle this week without a lead pony! He’s doing great!! Here’s a video taken the week before last of his first ride off the lunge line. Look closely and see if you recognize the horse that he’s working with in the arena…it’s Delilah!! A rescue horse helping to train another rescue horse! How cool is that? Great work, Andrea and Co.!!

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Lucky Training Update 

Lucky continues to do well in his work with Helga Roberts at Dutch Mills Farm. Recently she had this to say about his behavior and his attitude: “Lucky has been at my barn since the beginning of June and has not shown ANY bad barn behavior. He gets turned out every day, from 7am until about 3pm, he is super friendly with the other horses, respects the hot wire and has been nothing but a good boy…

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Strider…Mystery Solved? 

Strider has been puzzling us for months with an on-again-off-again urinary tract issue. His only symptom was random bouts of leaking urine. Sometimes he would “dribble” significant amounts of urine, splashing himself and making a mess of his stall. Other times, he would go outside, stretch out and relieve himself with a completely normal urine stream. Each time the unusual urine dribbling was…

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Cameo is now wearing a saddle! 

Cameo wants everyone to know she has been wearing a saddle for a few weeks now, but today was the first time it was put on while she was standing in the cross-ties. You’ll notice that Cameo is wearing a chain in the photo. That’s because she is still learning how to lead like a polite little lady. When she leads nicely, no pressure from the chain is applied to her nose because Brittney leads her…

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Portland Update 

Portland’s condition is continuing to improve, but he is still very thin. He’s also covered in bites, scrapes, and scars — evidence of the life he was leading before he was rescued. His coat is improving and he has shown us some glimpses of spirit and energy, which is wonderful to see In his previous life, Portland was very much on the low end of the pecking order in his herd, which is partly…

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Checking in with Nora 

Everyone is pretty much in love with Nora. She’s a doll, just sweet and loving and really, really pretty. Her physical condition is slowly improving and while she still needs to put on more weight, she’s looking healthier and her coat has improved. Nora’s biggest problem is the condition of her hooves. She doesn’t have much in the way of hoof wall so she’s pretty much walking on her soles, and…

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A new foster adventure for Chip 

Chip has spent the past four months in foster care with three other geldings where he has learned a great deal about getting along with other horses, now that he is no longer a breeding stallion. It hasn’t always been easy for him, but he worked hard and eventually won the respect and friendship of his herd mates. Through it all, he was a good boy for his foster mom: easy to handle, friendly,…

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Open House this Sunday at SAFE Harbor 

On Sunday, July 14, SAFE will be celebrating its one year anniversary at SAFE Harbor Stables in Woodinville with an Open House that day from Noon to 3pm. Come by and meet the horses and have a tour of the farm. We’ll be grilling hot dogs for lunch and selling cupcakes, candy and more. We’ll have several vendors joining us as well, selling everything from tack to handmade cards to horse treats…

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