Introducing Terry Phelps, barn manager!

We have a new staff member to introduce to everyone…her name is Terry Phelps and she is working part time at SAFE Harbor Stables as our Barn Manager. The position of Barn Manager was previously held by our amazing trainer, Brittney Stewart, but as often happens with amazing trainers, Brittney’s own training business suddenly took off, making it necessary for her to cut back her position with…

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Kai — Placed!

Kai has spent the past few months out on trial with a potential adopter…and we are delighted to announce that Debbie G of Bellevue WA has decided to go forward with the adoption. Kai resides at a beautiful farm on Bridle Trails State Park and Debbie takes him out on the trails nearly every day. Kai apparently loves trail riding and has been doing great with it. Debbie is also planning to do…

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Fall Work Party!

Fall is on its way (if it hasn’t already arrived!) and it is time to make preparations for the return of the rain.Each fall, we offer an opportunity for SAFE supporters to participate in our Fall Work Party. The purpose of the Work Party is to make repairs, improvements and complete general maintenance that will allow us to operate efficiently during the winter.  We can count on our dedicated…

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Logan, run free

As we told you back in June, after months of rehabilitation and care, Logan did not seem to be fully recovering from the neglect he suffered at the hands of his previous owner. We made the decision to move him out to a foster home where he could enjoy the summer in a large, lovely pasture and watch him carefully for any signs of further decline. It would be a blessing if he stayed comfortable…

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Portland photos

These photos of Portland were taken by photographer Karen Wegehenkel at SAFE Harbor in July. 

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Miah at the 2013 SAFE Show

Miah competed in Dressage at the 2013 SAFE show with her volunteer rider, Casey Anderson. They made a lovely pair! Photos taken by Bobbie Climer: 

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August Volunteer of the Month: Sheridan Jones!

Our August volunteer of the month is the fabulous Sheridan Jones!  Sheridan has been a longtime SAFE supporter and has fostered many SAFE horses over the years.  After showing SAFE horse Corona at the 2011 SAFE Benefit Horse Show, she fell in love with and adopted the talented gelding.  Recently, Sheridan agreed to foster SAFE horse Strider for a couple of months of pasture time.  We are very…

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Lola’s Amazing Trail Riding Adventures

Turns out all the trail riding that Lola & Brittney have been doing lately was in preparation for a big adventure: a four-day trip to Cle Elum in Eastern Washington! DAY ONE: We meet up at SAFE Harbor Stables to pick up Lola. Her guests on this adventure are gigantic warmblood Odin, ridden by Darby Stewart, and gigantic OTTB Chance, ridden by SAFE ED Bonnie Hammond. Most little five year old…

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Charmeon, rest in peace.

Our hearts are aching this morning as we say goodbye to an amazing mare, taken from us far, far too soon. Last night, adopted SAFE horse Charmeon was lost to colic. She fought so hard, and every effort was made to help her pull through, but in the end, her beloved friend and owner Helga had to let her go. We are heartbroken for Helga and her daughter Anna-Lynn who loved Charmeon so much and who…

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Does it seem a little quiet around here?

That is because SAFE Executive Director (and website guru) Bonnie Hammond has been taking a well deserved vacation!  Bonnie took her personal horse, Chance, on a camping/trail riding trip with SAFE Trainer Brittney Stewart and her husband Darby.  Brittney is riding SAFE horse Lola to add some advanced trail riding experience to this talented mare’s resume.  Reports are that all three riders and…

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Lucky at the SAFE Benefit Horse Show!

Lucky came to the SAFE Horse Show with Helga Roberts and the team from Dutch Mills Farm. Upon his arrival, he found the show environment to be somewhat electrifying, but after about an hour of handwalking to give him the opportunity to look at all the activity, he calmed down enough for Helga to ride him. He did two dressage tests — one in the Indoor arena in front of judge Paige Ruehl, the…

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Brandii’s Gift

A high school friend phoned SAFE adopter Kitti L to say that her 90 year old mother had a few things she wanted to do before she died. One was to sit on a horse and walk around; she had ridden as a child and young adult. This lady was a female pilot during WWII and awarded a medal by President Obama two years ago. She stepped off the mounting block onto Brandii with a little loving help. We…

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Sunny & Shasta at Northwest Aerials

Sunny & Shasta paid a visit to the kids at Northwest Aerials yesterday. The visit was part of a package auctioned off at this year’s Heart of the Horse and won by Patti Gable, raising $500 for the SAFE horses in the process! Brittney and her friend Judie brought the two mini horses to Northwest Aerials and spent some time talking to two groups of kids, 30 from Cedar Springs camp and 25 from…

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35th Annual Woodinville Parade & Basset Bash

Sunny & Shasta, along with SAFE Board members Victoria and Sharman, made an appearance at Woodinville’s 35th Annual Parade & Basset Bash last weekend. Shasta was totally in her element and when she figured out that Victoria was trying to guide her to the side to talk up SAFE and let the little kids, seniors, and people who had never pet a horse before, she starting taking her towards groups of…

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Adventures in Trail Riding with Lola!

Lola got the opportunity to go out on not one but TWO trails rides this weekend! First she hit the trails at the Redmond Watershed with Brittney: Then she headed out to the watershed again on Saturday, but this time with Brittney’s husband Darby in the saddle. Darby is a volunteer rider for SAFE and is most often seen riding Sinatra in lessons with Brittney. This was Darby’s first ride on Lola.…

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A dry lot for Shay & Marta

Shay was showing some increased signs of lameness last week, so she was seen by Dr Owens of Owens Equine. As we already know, Shay has clearly had laminitis in the past and has a 30-degree rotation in both front feet. Despite being carefully managed (which Dr. Owens said Eileen/SAFE was doing a good job), she may be showing signs of IR/metabolic syndrome. The vet report makes it clear that if…

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Funny, but not funny

I was awake, but hadn’t yet gotten out of bed around 7 this morning, when I heard an unusual racket from outside. Something was on my front porch, something bigger than a raccoon, something…white? With hooves? Sinatra, is that you? You see, Sinatra has learned a new trick in the past 48 hours, and that is that if you stick your head through the fence and just keep moving forward, eventually…

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The Second Happiest Strider Update We Could Hope For

Since our move to SAFE Harbor Stables back in July of 2012, life hasn’t been entirely easy for our friend Strider. For several months after the move, the burned area on his back still needed to be protected from sun and rain, so he lived in a covered enclosure next to the indoor arena, which was good for his healing process but hard because he had no nearby neighbors to socialize with up close.…

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Bath time for Ginger!

Ginger let us give her a real bath! She was a little upset at first but I told her it was to help the itching and she seemed to understand. She did great! Fly spraying and baths will soon be easy! Xoxo Ginger Rogers! 

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Misty is back to work!

Foster/Trainer update on Misty to share: Misty is just coming out of about three weeks off work due to a splint. She wasn’t lame, but we thought it best to rest her for a bit. (Unfortunately, we missed the show!) During her time off she was so sweet and personable, the perfect patient for the icing and DMSO. I also began bringing my daughters to the barn to spend more time with her and she…

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Champion SAFE Pony: Maggie

We’re so proud of all the SAFE horses who competed at the SAFE Show this year, but one of them in particular put in an especially impressive performance. Along with her young rider, Miss Kirann Gable, our Mustang pony mare Maggie was champion of both the Trot Poles and Cross Rails Hunter Divisions, took Seconds in both of her Dressage tests, scoring 70.5% at Intro C and 62.292 at Training 1, and…

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A positive Chance update

Great news…Chance’s drain came out today. Brittney reports that his wound is closing up nicely, so in a few days we can hopefully release him from the high-line in his stall so that he can lie down again if he want to. He’s been getting SMZs to fight infection in the wound, and those are fed to him by hiding them in a mash, which he loves. He’s been a very, very good boy for his twice-daily…

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Rehabilitated horses thrive thanks to SAFE rescue

Rehabilitated horses thrive thanks to SAFE rescue By Denise Whitaker Aired on Aug 2 2013 WOODINVILLE, Wash. — There’s been an increase in horse rescues in recent years and the KOMO 4 Problem Solvers have been there to help in several cases. But what happens after a horse is taken away from an abuser or a neglectful situation? In the case of Corona, a 12-year-old thoroughbred, he was nursed back…

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Another setback for Chance

Chance’s shoe boil blew up again and Dr. Hannah was called out yesterday to look at it. Dr Hannah was initially going to just try another round of antibiotics, but after examining it decided that because there was a tremendous amount of fluid and that it should be lanced and drained. She also installed a drain to help us keep it clean and keep it healing correctly from the inside out. So, Chance…

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SAFE Horses

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