March Volunteer of the Month: Heather Evans-Keliher!

It’s time once again for Volunteer of the Month! Please join us in congratulating our March recipient, Heather Evans-Keliher! Heather can be found at SAFE Harbor Stables on Mondays and Thursdays helping with feeding and farm chores.  You will recognize her by the friendly smile and trademark braids popping out from under her ball cap. Heather started with SAFE over year ago, and was barely…

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Sasha is looking for a new home

Due to some recent changes in her owner’s life, former SAFE horse Sasha is now looking for a new home. She is available as a SAFE-Assisted placement, which means that SAFE will be overseeing her adoption while she remains in the care of her current adopter, who has provided us with a wealth of wonderful information about this horse, as you will see below. Sasha has been given the very best care…

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April training update

April is being ridden on a regular basis by SAFE volunteer Kyranny and the two of them are getting along fabulously. April has shown some resistance to going forward when being ridden but SAFE trainer Brittney Stewart worked her through most of these issues. Happily she’s moving very well for Kyranny! Brittney would like to take April out on some trail rides, in hopes that April might make a…

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Lucky Update

Lucky and Brittney, enjoying the sunshine today at Safe Harbor. Brittney reports Lucky has been super so far and is several rides into his rehab. Lucky will receive 30–60 days of one-on-one time with Brittney before we make him available for adoption. So far, with consistent, no-nonsense, handling by an experienced handler Lucky is right on track to be available for adoption again soon.

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What’s new with Chip?

In order to make room at SAFE Harbor Stables for the return of Bucky B Lucky, we decided to give Chip a bit of a vacation and send him to the farm of SAFE’s Executive Director Bonnie Hammond, home of the infamous Honeycutt and Bonnie’s two OTTB gelding’s Jay and Chance. We felt it would do Chip some good to spend some time with some other geldings and have an opportunity to work on his social…

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Jewel Update!

A terrific update from Jewel’s foster mom! Thank you Janelle for taking such wonderful care of this filly! Just wanted to let you all know that Jewel has been doing really well. She has calmed down tremendously and is not spooking as easily, especially with being touched. Yesterday, I went into the barn to let the horses down to the pasture and she was laying down in her stall. She let me come…

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February Volunteer of the Month: Lara Lutz

SAFE is surrounded by wonderful people who each contribute to the mission in different ways. Our volunteer of the month for February, Lara Lutz, first came to us as an adopter, taking home the lovely Amber in May 2010. A long time supporter, Lara became a volunteer a few years later when she took over as our bookkeeper. Lara has done an excellent job in keeping SAFE on the straight and narrow,…

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The return of Bucky B Lucky

We have an old friend back in the herd…Bucky B Lucky has been returned to SAFE. He will be undergoing some remedial training and vet care before he will be once again offered for adoption as a SAFE horse. It is our intention — and our fondest hope — that when a SAFE horse is adopted, it has a home for life. That is why we put so much care and effort into our adoption process, and why we work…

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Heart of the Horse

Sunny and Shasta reprised their role as official greeters at the 2013 Heart of the Horse. Not a lot of horses get to visit Chateau Ste Michelle, so it was a special occasion to all. Special thanks to Kim and Sage for spending the evening with our two little stars, keeping them safe, dry, and happy! Photos by Justin Schmauser [gallery…

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ASPCA Awards Travel Grant to SAFE

A generous grant from the ASPCA Equine Fund will allow several of SAFE’s Board members to attend the ASPCA/Rosalind & Franklyn Schaefer Family Equine Welfare Professionals Workshop in Spokane on June 12, 2013. We are very excited to participate in this seminar where our leadership will learn about effective fundraising, board development, coalition building, and achieving national…

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2012 SAFE Volunteer of the Year: Chelsey Braswell

The SAFE Board of Directors has selected the 2012 Volunteer of the Year. Please join us in extending our congratulations to this year’s recipient, Chelsey Braswell!!! Chelsey has been a volunteer with SAFE for over 2 years. During that time, she has filled many roles to benefit the SAFE horses. She started where everyone starts, as a Farm Chore volunteer. Her reliability and dedication quickly…

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Bridgit left NWESC for her new foster home on Wednesday, where she made the acquaintance of our good friend Moonshine. The two youngsters hit it off right away! But Jackie awoke the next morning to find Miss Bridgit had had a little too much fun the night before!

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Jewel Update

Here’s an update from Jewel’s fabulous foster mom, Janelle! Jewel has been very respectful of me and my space without running away from me, just really polite. She is a bit nervous being caught but if you go slow she will let you halter her. She is terrified of the blanket going on her back. She’ll smell it and be ok, but when you lift it to put on her she dances around and when you try to flip…

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Welcome Brittney Stewart!

It is my great pleasure to formally introduce the newest member of the SAFE Harbor team: trainer and barn manager Brittney Stewart. Brittney joined SAFE as its second full time paid employee on the first of January, and already she has had a tremendously positive impact on our horses and our organization. Brittney works full time at SAFE Harbor Stables, dividing her time between managing the…

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Three pinto ponies on the move!

Our three recent intakes, River, Jewel, and Bridgit, have spent the past six weeks at NWESC regaining their health and their weight. They are all going to be moving on to their next accommodations and starting their new lives. Jewel has already left NWESC for a foster home where she will get a lot of handling and attention. She’s been the problem child of the bunch, and so she needs to learn…

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Thank you, Dawn Anderson!

We are so lucky here at SAFE to have many outstanding individuals in the local equine community who support the work we do. One of the kindest, most generous of those is Dawn Anderson, of Anderson Equine Saddle Fitting Services. We first met Dawn when she contacted us to offer her services not only to check the fit of the saddles that we were using for the SAFE horses in training, but also to…

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Cameo update

Cameo got her feet trimmed earlier this week. Brittney reports that while Cameo seems to be getting over her fearfulness, and is no longer shaking in fear as she leaves her stall, she is now exhibiting some truly bratty behavior when it comes to allowing herself to be caught. Brittney and our fabulous farrier Daphne Jones spent more than 2 hours playing good cop/bad cop with her. She pulled some…

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2012 Q4 Impact Statement

New Horses Intake Date: October 24, 2012 Chance (former SAFE horse, returned by owner) Intake Date: December 12, 2012 River (owner surrender) Bridgit (owner surrender) Jewel (owner surrender)  Intake Date: December 20, 2012 Chip (Pierce County Animal Control) Logan (Pierce County Animal Control) Cameo (Pierce County Animal Control) Skye (Pierce County Animal Control) Placed Horses Oscar Noah…

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December Volunteers of the Month: the Murray family

Congratulations to our December Volunteers of the Month: the Murray Family!  In the year or so that Wade & Denise Murray have been supporting SAFE they are continually looking for more ways they can help. They volunteer at SAFE benefit events, and when it came time to start their own equine family, Wade fell in love with and adopted SAFE alum Holly. They also currently foster SAFE horse…

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Misty update

Misty moved to a new foster home about a week ago. She’s occupying the spot that was held by Louie, who is now out on a trial to be adopted. Misty’s new foster mom is an accomplished rider and trainer who will be working Misty under saddle during her foster, just as she did very successfully with Louie! Here’s an update from Lisa about her impressions of the new girl: Misty has done a great job…

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Logan is off to Pilchuck

Logan departed early this morning for Pilchuck Vet Hospital, where he will undergo a procedure to have a large polyp removed from his rectum. This poor horse cannot even lower his tail, and he’s clearly in discomfort and pain. We are praying this morning that the mass can be safely removed and that there will be a Christmas miracle for Logan. We’ll keep you updated as we know more. If you would…

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SAFE awarded a training grant from the ASPCA

We are extremely pleased to announce that SAFE has been awarded a $4,000 Training Grant from the ASPCA Equine Fund. This grant was given in recognition of SAFE’s commitment to producing good equine citizens who are ready to succeed, through the use of professional training, both offsite and onsite. The APSCA Equine Fund’s Training Grant was created to improve adoption rates through training for…

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2012: A Year in Review

As 2012 draws to a close and SAFE begins looking forward towards its 8th year of operation, we have a lot to celebrate! We accomplished a great deal this year! New Intakes for 2012 11 horses taken from Animal Control agencies (Oscar, Scooter, Marta, Shay, Louie, Maggie, Tilly, Chip, Cameo, Skye, and Logan) 7 owner surrendered horses (Kat, Opal, JR, Noah, River, Jewel, and Bridgit) 4 former SAFE…

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Cameo arrives at SAFE Harbor

Last Thursday, Animal Control officers transported Logan, Skye and Chip from Frontier Park to SAFE Harbor Stables, but the fourth horse that SAFE agreed to take from the seizure did not make the trip. That’s because the officers were unable to even catch Cameo in her stall. SAFE trainer Brittney Stewart set aside the entire day yesterday to drive down to Graham to work with Cameo and attempt to…

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Skye & Logan Updates

Brittney has been putting in a lot of time working with Skye and Logan, the new intakes who are at SAFE Harbor Stables. (Chip is at NWESC awaiting his gelding surgery and Cameo is still at Frontier Park). Here’s what she’s has to say about how each of them are doing: Skye Update: She is improving and is very smart, but should only be handled by very experienced handlers at this point. She easily…

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New horses at SAFE

SAFE has agreed to take four of the horses that were seized by Pierce County Animal Control in late September 2012 from a property in Graham, WA. Three of the horses were transported to SAFE and NWESC today; the fourth is currently still at Frontier Park where PCAC has been housing the horses from this seizure. According to the Pierce County prosecutor’s office, the horses were discovered when a…

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Aiden — Adopted!!

Nothing makes us happier than when we get to announce that one of our horses has been adopted. But when it’s a horse that has been with us for a significant period of time, it’s even sweeter to be able to say that another wonderful horse has found an equally wonderful home. Aiden came to SAFE almost 4 years ago…and we’ve had the pleasure of watching him grow from a starved and skinny little…

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Lola Photos — Dec 14, 2012

Paid a visit to Miss Lola on Friday. She was being treated for a sudden onset abscess (which has already blown out through her heel bulb), and was not the happiest of campers, but she posed for some photos anyway. Take a look at the white spots that have developed on her nose over the past year…those gray horses are never boring, I tell ya!! 

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SAFE Horses

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