SAFE Horses

SAFE News and Updates

November Clinic Report: Tiva

November Clinic Report: Tiva 

The transformative nature of the horse never fails to astound me. I suppose that in working with Tiva over the last year, it has been a bit like not being able to see the forest for the trees. Not that her progress does not feel like progress, but looking back to where she began, I can hardly believe she is the same mare as that petrified, snorting creature who arrived last February.   I’ve…

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Alumni Update: Dale

Alumni Update: Dale 

November 2023 Laura reports that Dale gets very, VERY furry for winter. With the new haircut, he resembles a mini baby bison!

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November Clinic Report: Brandy

November Clinic Report: Brandy 

Carrie S worked alongside Brandy in the November Joel Conner clinic, and had the following to say about their time together: “I participated in the November Joel Conner clinic in the groundwork class with Miss Brandy Snap.  This beautiful and kind mare has made stunning progress over the three clinics we participated in this year.  When we started out in March, she leaned on the lead rope, was…

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Introducing Dorothy

Introducing Dorothy 

We welcomed Dorothy and Blanche (the Golden Girls, despite their dark coloration) into our herd last week, two ladies both seized by Pierce County Animal Control (they met for the first time on the trailer ride to SAFE, but were fast friends). Dorothy is a 22 year old OTTB who, if we decoded her faded lip tattoo accurately, was born as ‘Jazz’n Off’ in 2001. She ran only once, at Portland…

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November Clinic Report: Inula

November Clinic Report: Inula 

Inula is the type of horse you want to take home to mom, especially if mom is slightly afraid of horses. She has a sweetness about her that’s unmatched by most, a real gentleness that radiates out from her in a little horsey aura. Not to say that there isn’t always the possibility of getting hurt around a 1,000 pound creature (or in her case, closer to 750), but if I had to put my trust in a…

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Gelding Grants Available 

This year, SAFE is honored to be the recipient of a grant from the Marion and Richard Graham Foundation, an organization created with the overall goal of preventing cruelty to animals and enhancing their lives. Marion and Richard Grant support small nonprofits who already have the infrastructure in place to help animals, but would benefit from additional financial support. SAFE was approached by…

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November Clinic Report: Mirana

November Clinic Report: Mirana 

Meghan N worked with Mirana in the November Joel Conner clinic, and reflects on the experience below: “Mirana’s Learning Adventure Continues  Mirana participated in her second Joel Conner Clinic this past weekend. This mare is smart, but has some troubles to work through so she can be comfortable and confident in herself and her ability to have freedom in her feet. One challenge we began to work…

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November Clinic Report: Edward

November Clinic Report: Edward 

Lexee N rode Edward in the recent Joel Conner Clinic, and had the following to say about their experience together: “Edward has been a blast to ride. A gentle guy, working on his life and balance through horsemanship. This guys is ready for a home! His future is bright and he was impressing many at the Joel Conner Clinic. “Through the class, the main goal was to keep him lively off my legs by…

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A Walk in the Park with Sunny and Shasta

A Walk in the Park with Sunny and Shasta 

Volunteer and Best Buddy to Sunny and Shasta, Debbie M, wrote the following about her time spent with SAFE’s ambassador littles recently: “Some of us are still adjusting to the time change of earlier this month when we “fell back” an hour to welcome earlier sunrises and sunsets as part of our cooler and shorter Fall days. To help us adjust, we often reflect back on the fun times we had during…

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Alumni Update: Boone (Mr. Fezziwig)

Alumni Update: Boone (Mr. Fezziwig) 

We received a delightful update and photos from Wendy G: I don’t do Facebook, but I do want to share some pics of my boy, Fezziwig, aka ‘Boone’. He is my SAFE horse and we love him.  These photos are from this July, but he’s just as cute now, albeit ‘Fezzier’ with his winter coat. This summer though, I didn’t shave him, these pics are just lots of au natural grooming. I think he slicked out…

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November Clinic Report: Moshi

November Clinic Report: Moshi 

Casey A, who has been working with Moshi over the last months, took her in the riding portion of November’s Joel Conner clinic. Here’s what she had to say: “This week marks the first time Moshi participated in the riding session of the Joel Conner Horsemanship clinic. She had never been in the arena under saddle with so many other horses, and she navigated it with calm confidence. Even when I…

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November Clinic Report: Lancelot

November Clinic Report: Lancelot 

Casey A worked alongside Lancelot in the groundwork portion of the November Joel Conner clinic, and had the following to say about their time spent together: “It might be fair to say that Lance is unrecognizable from the unhalterable, dangerous stallion he was just a few short months ago. Since August, the SAFE horsemanship team has put in a lot of time helping him understand how to give to…

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November Clinic Report: Ciara

November Clinic Report: Ciara 

Kaya M worked alongside Ciara at the November Joel Conner clinic and had the following experience: “We learned a lot about Ciara during this clinic and unfortunately discovered she wasn’t quite as comfortable being saddled as we’d thought she was. I threw my saddle on her on the first day of the clinic, not really thinking anything of it and Ciara had a really hard time feeling comfortable…

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November Clinic Report: Pepper

November Clinic Report: Pepper 

Candi K has worked with Pepper since her return to SAFE, and has the following to say about their time spent together, specifically about their time in the riding portion of the November Joel Conner Clinic:   “Who doesn’t love a little spice in their life? Pepper may be a common ingredient for some, but she is far from common in both personality and willingness to learn.  Since August of…

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November Clinic Report: Scotty

November Clinic Report: Scotty 

Kaya M rode Scotty in his first Joel Conner Clinic this past November, and has the following to say about their rides together: “Scotty really proved that he’s a confident and capable riding horse this weekend! I’d only ridden him a couple times out in the big arena, so I wasn’t sure how he’d handle the big open space, but he was calm and with me even through the wind and downpour. We worked a…

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November Clinic Report: Bijou

November Clinic Report: Bijou 

Sara H worked alongside Bijou in the groundwork sessions in the November Joel Conner Clinic, and had the following to say about their time together!: “Who says old horses can’t learn new tricks? Bijou is a sweet and sensitive old gal who recently spent several days learning to move her feet with balance. This is a tough ask for a 20 year old mare who is heavy on the front, but she’s full of try…

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November Clinic Report: Frosting, Wren, Veronica, Artie, Esme

November Clinic Report: Frosting, Wren, Veronica, Artie, Esme 

We finished off 2023’s training program horsemanship clinics on a high note. The incredible dedicated volunteers were like a well-oiled machine over the intensive five days. Wednesday and Thursday, we got our hands on 21 SAFE horses! From the barely haltered to those loping out on loose reins in the arena and some starting leg-yields and counter canter.    I had the pleasure of working 5 horses…

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November Clinic Report: Sienna

November Clinic Report: Sienna 

Sue C worked with Sienna during the November Joel Conner clinic, and has the following to say about their experience together: “The lovely and sage Sienna was my groundwork partner for the November 2023 Joel Conner clinic. Sienna is a kind, experienced mare who is well versed in all the moves, so in many ways an easy horse to handle. She can, however, be easily stuck on her front end, and it was…

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Alumni Update: Lucca

Alumni Update: Lucca 

Lucca and her adopter, Jane M., enjoyed trail riding this fall. Here, Lucca and Jane took a couple laps through Farrel-McWhirter Park before the rain. 10/15/23    

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Changes to the SAFE Alumni Program

Changes to the SAFE Alumni Program 

A letter from SAFE Alumni Program Manager Shar Conner: I wanted to let everyone know that I am going to be stepping down from my role as SAFE’s Alumni Program Manager. I’ve been in this role for 8 years now (hard to believe); it’s been a fun ride but I think now is the right time for me to hand the reins over, so to speak, to somebody else. I’ve so enjoyed getting to know you over the years and…

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Domino’s Emotional Support Lacey

Domino’s Emotional Support Lacey 

While bringing anxious Domino into a stall every year has always been somewhat of a production, because of his friendship with Lacey we discovered last fall, this year coming inside for Domino was no big thing. The two neighbors munch their hay happily side by side, with Domino taking occasional breaks to check that his red-head neighbor is, in fact, still next door, and after their meal time…

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Shoes for Roy

Shoes for Roy 

Roy is a special guy. His poor teeth keep him from eating hay, leading him to be on an all-mash diet. He is covered in lumps and bumps (which we think just add a cool topography to his handsome self, but understand how others might find them unseemly). He takes Equioxx every day for his arthritis, and gets a tab of Prascend to manage his Cushing’s. He is prone to sweet itch and insect bite…

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Twinning with Artie and Pepper

Twinning with Artie and Pepper 

Halloween might be over, but it appears that Pepper and Artie are still dressing up as one another! These two are truly doppelgangers, and as they both hail from the Fall City 40 herd, it may be that there is some genetic connection to their similar looks. But regardless of if they are any percent related, they are both 100% cute!

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Glamorous Nova

Glamorous Nova 

Someone is ready for their closeup! The fall leaves and Nova go together like apples and pie — a winning combo. 

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November Volunteer of the Month: Cyndi McGarry

November Volunteer of the Month: Cyndi McGarry 

Congratulations to our November Volunteer of the Month, Cyndi McGarry! Cyndi first joined us back in August of 2022, and has helped in just about every aspect of the farm since! From being on the Tuesday AM team, to her  Friday PM shift, and helping to feed our horses in the afternoons. Cyndi and her husband, Ned, join us on facility days; power washing the barn, painting fences, cleaning up…

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Alumni Update: Jewel 

November 2023 From Julie: So yesterday (November 29th) I realized I made a huge, sad blunder. November 4th is Jewel’s adoption day and the day we celebrate her birthday. I’ve never forgotten it — until now. Almost a month late! I felt so bad. I apologized and tried to make it up to her with treats. Jewel is now 12.

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Alumni Update: Jewel

Alumni Update: Jewel 

We received an update from Jewel’s adopter, Julie: Some of you may remember the trials and tribulations I’ve had with Jewel over the past year. Last summer she was so scared of being saddled it took months to work our way back. After a half dozen rides, we had a relapse. After months of more work we’ve been riding again. Today, (10/07/23) we had a good workout in the round pen followed by a…

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Journeying With Montana

Journeying With Montana 

A horse’s progress is not always linear — in fact, it is often not. There are hills and valleys in horsemanship, and as living creatures with their own autonomy, it is only fair that we meet the horse where they are at each time we interact with them. Montana is a special guy. He has always been sensitive, and while he has let down a tremendous amount, this by no way means he is not still…

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Getting to Know Violet

Getting to Know Violet 

In getting to know Violet, we found two things to be true: she was in desperate need of a diet, and she was dull. Luckily, neither fact was without remedy. Over the last month, we have helped Violet shed a few lbs, and have already begun to see the true shape of the horse under all that extra adipose. Her body condition score might also be contributing to fact number two — it can’t feel…

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