SAFE Horses

SAFE News and Updates

Misty at the Hollywood Hills Saddle Club Dressage show 

Misty and Aiden competed today at the dressage show at the Hollywood Hills Saddle Club. Misty is 4 years old and has only been under saddle for 5 months, but you wouldn’t know it from the way she handled this new experience. She was a superstar. We couldn’t be prouder of our girl!             Misty’s first test (Intro A, came in 2nd in the class) Misty’s second test…

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2012 Q2 Impact Statement 

New Horses Intake Date: April 5, 2012 Maggie (King Co Animal Control) Tilly (King Co Animal Control) Intake Date: April 17, 2012 Annie (former SAFE horse, returned by owner) Intake Date: June 26, 2012 Kat (owner surrender) Placed Horses Mr Pibb Arnie (SAFE-Assisted Placement) Deeds Holly Scooter Annie Euthanization Bud (complications of old age)

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Goodbye, Bud. 

We said goodbye to our dear old friend Bud today. Bud was in his mid-30s and his health was starting to decline, so we made the difficult decision to let him go before his condition started getting worse. He passed away quietly and peacefully, surrounded by people who loved him. Bud and his girlfriend Brandy came to SAFE badly neglected, with protruding hips and ribs, overgrown hooves, and…

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June Volunteer of the Month: Suvi Lyrintzis 

Please congratulate our June Volunteer of the Month…Suvi Lyrintzis!  Suvi is originally from Finland, and her delightful accent makes me smile.  She is a hard working, dedicated volunteer who handles morning feeding and chores.  She is super reliable, and always willing to pitch in to cover an extra shift.  She recently gave up most of a day to help me move several SAFE horses around.  She is…

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Moving Day 

Last Thursday three lucky SAFE horses moved to their new foster home for the summer. Maggie and Tilly were sent over from NWESC and Moonshine came back from Fire Creek to enjoy life in a big grassy field with friends. The three of them seemed to hit it off quite well.

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AIden Videos 

Aiden and Allison have been taking lessons together while Aiden is at Fire Creek Stables in Monroe. Here are some videos of their work together: 1) Aiden working on canter departs to the right Aiden has been a bit silly about his canter departs lately. In their lesson today, Andrea had Allison work with trot poles to help him with the depart. It really seemed to make a difference. Aiden is going…

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Introducing Maggie & Tilly 

SAFE has two new horses to introduce to everyone. Maggie and Tilly have been in our possession since being seized by authorities due to severe neglect. We sent these two mares to NWESC right away as they were both dangerously underweight and needed round-the-clock vet care. They were covered in rainrot, loaded with parasites, and infested with lice. It took two months before they were strong…

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Happy Trails, Scooter!

Happy Trails, Scooter! 

In February 2012, SAFE was contacted by Pierce County Animal Control about 16 horses seized from an Arabian breeder the previous November. SAFE rallied to the call for help, agreeing to take five of the horses, including two stallions. What we did not know at the time was just how difficult those two stallions would prove to be. We made arrangements to transport them directly to Northwest Equine…

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Khianna Update: Vet Day 6/14/2012

Khianna had her annual check up and was a very good patient. During her dental float Dr. DeWard confirmed the poor mouth conformation but noted that the last float did a good job in helping  the issues he would have expected to see. He suggests a visual check in 6 months but expects her to go 12–18 months before her next float. During her exam he noted an 8mm inclusion on her left eye about the…

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A new facility for SAFE! 

We are very happy to announce that we’ve found a new home base for Save a Forgotten Equine. The lease has been signed, and we move into our new home on July 1. The new SAFE facility is located in the Hollywood Hills area of Woodinville. There is a newer six stall barn with attached all weather paddocks. Another five stalls, four with attached paddocks, run along one side of the large covered…

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Shiloh’s Training Diary 

We cannot thank Shiloh’s foster mom Brittney enough for the work and care she is putting into this lovely mare. Here’s Shiloh’s training diary for the past several weeks. As you can see, with consistent handling, our girl is making amazing progress! Friday 6/1 Hand grazed then groomed her in the wash rack and just hung out as she chomped calmly on an apple in the wash rack. Today I was reviewing…

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Bud Update 

Bud’s been getting all kinds of attention recently. Last week he got his teeth floated & a sheath cleaning. This week he had a farrier visit and a bath! Since he hadn’t had a real bath we weren’t sure how he’d do with the hose so after he got trimmed today I hosed off his legs. He danced a little at first but seemed to settle into it pretty well. I kept spraying a little higher & higher.…

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Sunny & Shasta in foster care! 

Foster update: our mini ambassadors, Shasta and Sunny, are currently residing with board member Debi Shatos. They were in need of some additional training and she’s agreed to work with them to ensure they are both adorable AND well behaved. Yesterday they participated in a clinic with trainer Michael Sparling. Don’t they look cute in their matching halters? Thanks for all you do, Debi!

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May Volunteer of the Month: Emily Bullard 

Please join me in congratulating our May Volunteer of the Month, Emily Bullard! When Emily was nominated for Volunteer of the Month, SAFE Development Director Bonnie Hammond has this to say: Emily is one of my absolute best go-to gals when it comes to “customer service” type stuff, like the horse show office or registration/check out for the auction. She’s quick and smart, with a great attitude.…

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Buckwheat update 

Great update on Bucky!!  He can be a bit of a woolly mammoth so foster mom Krissy clipped him to make him more comfortable. Doesn’t he look great? “We are having the best best best time with Buckwheat!  He has a nice new hair cut and is feeling better than ever!  He is spunky and a lot more lively.  We all [yes, the whole family] took a walk down the road this weekend and bucky was so excited,…

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Another update from Brandii Bask 

Seems we just updated Brandii’s page to share her ponying adventure on the trails, but we’ve got another foster update to tell you about! Brandii was ridden on Sunday in the arena by KristiM (thank goodness for small rider). She was much more relaxed and went in all three gates. Next time we hope to get her on the trails if the weather will cooperate. Doesn’t she look cute in her new purple…

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JR Update 

JR left last week for his new foster home at the newly rebuilt barn at Dutch Mills Farm. JR is one of six horses that are now living in Helga Roberts’ beautiful new barn, and we are grateful to Helga for offering him a place during this time of rebuilding and recovery. Helga reports that JR is settling in well and that she’s enjoying having him at her farm. He’s enjoying his big turnout area and…

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Shiloh’s next big adventure! 

Shiloh arrived yesterday to her new digs at lovely Bear Creek Farm in Woodinville. Lucky Shiloh has been invited to stay there for the near future and while she is there, she will be getting 5 days a week of riding and handling from her foster mother, Brittney. Brittney has ridden Shiloh before and recognized that she would benefit from a regular riding and training program. She offered to take…

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A message for our supporters 

As many of you know, SAFE is in a period of transition following the recent resignation of Jaime Taft. During this transition, we want to assure everyone that SAFE will continue to be a vital presence in our community. Upholding the commitments that SAFE has made to its horses and to its community is very important to all of us. Even as we undergo change, we have the strength and the resources…

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Announcing a Change in Leadership 

The SAFE Board of Directors has accepted the resignation of Jaime Taft. As Co-Founder and President, the Board recognizes the impact of her service and her passionate commitment to the horses and organization of SAFE. With the support of our community and the strength of our leadership, we look forward to continuing the mission of SAFE. Please join us in thanking Jaime for 7 years of dedication…

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Brandii Bask 

We’ve gotten another wonderful update from Brandii’s foster home, along with some great photos! Thank you to Sharon for taking such good care of our girl and exposing her to new experiences! Brandii was ponied out at Sawyer Woods on Saturday and did wonderfully. She followed respectfully and seemed to really enjoy the outing. No spook in this girl (even on ‘spooky’ trail with the little hanging…

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JR under saddle 

JR had his first ride today. Unfortunately he seems to suffer from sweet itch and his belly is covered in bites and scabs. He was a good boy, but wasn’t happy about being girthed up and was pretty distracted by the bites. We’ve been slathering his belly in SWAT and fly spray. 

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Mr Pibb — placed! 

Congratulations to Laura Y. on her adoption of Mr. Pibb! Laura adopted Annie, a 9 year old Saddlebred mare, last summer. Unfortunately, Annie was not a good match for Laura and has been returned to SAFE (she is currently fostered at White Birch Farm where Mr. Pibb is). Laura is adopting Mr. Pibb who is a much better fit for her skill level. Pibb and Laura will just be doing some easy…

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Khianna update 

Khianna has been a busy girl lately! She’s spent the last month at Horsepitality Too! getting some extra handling and attention from Chrissy Lynch and some of her riding students. She’s now moving down the road to her new foster home at Third Watch Farm. Chrissy & I stopped in this evening to check in on her and she’s having some herd bound issues when their other horse, Fiona, walks into…

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April Volunteer of the Month: Sharon Bradley 

Please join us in congratulating our April Volunteer of the Month, Sharon Bradley. Sharon began volunteering with us a year ago. When she first started, she was a little bit intimidated if the horses got too close. A year later, she has gained knowledge, skill and confidence in working around the horses. And even though she regularly does two chore shifts per week, she is still willing to answer…

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You’d be grumpy too… 

…if your teeth looked like this. Poor Louie had the terrible fangs… This is why we stress the importance of annual dental checkups for horses! 

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2012 Q1 Impact Statement 

New Horses Intake Date: February 17, 2012 Oscar (Pierce Co Animal Control) Louie (Pierce Co Animal Control) Scooter (Pierce Co Animal Control) Marta (Pierce Co Animal Control) Shay (Pierce Co Animal Control)  Intake Date: March 4, 2012 JR (owner surrender) Intake Date: March 12, 2012 Holly (former SAFE horse, returned by owner) Placed Horses none Euthanization…

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