SAFE Horses

SAFE News and Updates

February Volunteer of the Month: Sherrie Adams 

Congratulations to SAFE’s Volunteer of the Month for February, Sherrie Adams! Sherrie has been a hardworking SAFE volunteer since July of 2011. She originally discovered SAFE when she was looking for a horse to adopt. She saw Dexter’s before and after pictures, and was moved to begin volunteering. Sherrie did chores at the farm for a time, then she accepted the additional responsibility of…

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Strider Skin Grafts Update 

Seven days after after Strider’s skin graft procedure, Hannah removed the bandages to take a look. Strider has been a good boy, even though his banadages are itchy. It will be a bit more time before we know if it worked, but so far so good. Keep Strider in your thoughts. 

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Never too much of a good thing… 

…when that good thing is photos of Sinatra and Aiden! These two boys are always happy to drop what they’re doing and come say hi. Friendly, outgoing, and oh so funny! Thanks to Alexis for the pics! 

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KOMO-TV: Auburn Couple Accused of Starving Horse Charged with Animal Cruelty 

Auburn couple accused of starving horse charged with animal cruelty By Denise Whitaker Aired on Feb 2 2012 AUBURN, Wash. — An Auburn couple is facing animal cruelty charges after they allegedly let one of their horses nearly starve to death. Prosecutors say Jason Markley and Cherish Thomas were negligent for not consulting a veterinarian and allowing the condition of their horse, Mr. Pibb, to…

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Animal Cruelty is a very bad thing! 

Reprinted with permission from Honeycutt’s Blog at I have a friend named Mr Pibb. He is a SAFE horse like me, and when he came to SAFE he was very, very pointy. This is how pointy Mr Pibb was.————–> I know that horses are not supposed to be pointy, and you know that horses are not supposed to be pointy, but apparently his owners did not know this because…

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Strider’s Skin Graft Procedure 

Strider is resting comfortably tonight after a three-hour skin graft procedure. Last August, Strider survived a fire that destroyed the barn at Dutch Mill Farm and killed 6 other horses. He was badly burned all across his back. Since the fire, he’s been treated with daily debriding and lotions, and while he made good progress initially, over the last few months, his healing has slowed. To…

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Moonshine update 

Moonshine is enjoying life at his new foster home. He’s recovered from his gelding surgery and is now living a life of leisure as he grows up. His foster mom had this to say about him: Moonshine is doing very well here with us, and has bonded extremely well with our older TB gelding. He is very much a baby, with all the baby antics like nipping, breaking fences and playing with everything,…

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Sinatra and Aiden in the snow! 

Sinatra and Aiden had a lot of fun in the snow. Being young geldings, they tend to play pretty rough but like most horses, it’s all for show — they don’t really want to hurt each other. Here are some photos of the two of them: 

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Miah update 

In late October 2011, Miah and her herd mates Shiloh and Khianna, arrived at the SAFE farm. SAFE had tried for several months to place these mares for their owner through our SAFE-Assisted Placement program but without any luck, mostly because these horses had not received much handling due to their owner’s illness. Therefore, once we had space available for them, we sent some brave volunteers…

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Shiloh update 

In late October 2011, Shiloh and her herd mates Miah and Khianna, arrived at the SAFE farm. SAFE had tried for several months to place these mares for their owner through our SAFE-Assisted Placement program but without any luck, mostly because these horses had not received much handling due to their owner’s illness. Therefore, once we had space available for them, we sent some brave volunteers…

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Brandii Bask Update! 

It’s time for another SAFE foster home update! This time we check in on Brandii Bask Here’s a little update on Brandii. First, she so wants to be with my paints! The pastures are set up with single stalls/run-ins, so for now she’ll be coveting from afar. She’s enjoying the grassy pasture and spends very little time in the stall or covered shelter (even in the rain and snow!). She’s got a lot of…

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Strider Update 

A group of SAFE volunteers gathered recently at NWESC to see a demonstration by Hannah Evergreen, DVM of the daily wound care provided to Strider. While the process is uncomfortable for him, his attitude about the treatment is remarkably tolerant. Dr. Evergreen explained that Strider has made great progress in his healing…with scar tissue forming in many areas and even some hair regrowth. The…

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Announcing the SAFE 2011 Volunteer of the Year: Abby Gambrill 

You may have noticed that we haven’t announced a Volunteer of the Month for December. We didn’t forget, we have just been planning something special…a new Volunteer of the Year award! Each December, the SAFE Board of Directors will select one dedicated SAFE volunteer to honor with this award. The recipient’s name will be engraved on a plaque which permanently resides at the SAFE farm. Our very…

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Goodbye Brandy 

On the morning of December 13, Brandy ate her breakfast of mash and seemed fine, but not long after, she was found down in her pasture, sweating and in pain. The sudden onset of these colic symptoms led us to believe that she had a lipoma, which is a benign fatty tumor that can cause a twist in the horse’s intestines. This is somewhat common in both older horses and Arabs, and Brandy, at 37…

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Jazzy & Joker — placed! 

CONGRATULATIONS to the Hartness-Hollis family on their adoption of Jazzy and Joker! Their daughter is in pony club and will ride them while she is still small enough to, and they also have plans to train them for driving! Don’t they look adorable in their new blankets? Read about Jazzy & Joker’s history with SAFE

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Dexter Update — 12/10/11

For the past couple of months, Dexter has been fostered by our friend Kyle and boarded at Feature Farm in Auburn, WA, a beautiful and extremely large, busy boarding facility.  This has been a great experience for him as he learns to deal with lots of horses in the arena with him, including mares, and a lot of comings and goings and constant activity.  He gets ridden regularly and handled daily…

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