
Here is today’s installment of Karen Wegehenkel photography. Our subject today is that lovely redhead Annie. In these images, she shows her pretty face, her incredible neck, and her sweet side too! 

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Let’s take a look at Dexter’s photos from last week’s Karen Wegehenkel photo shoot. How handsome is this horse? Click on the first photo to enlarge it and view the photos in a click-thru slideshow! 

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Next up in our series of beautiful Karen Wegehenkel photography…it’s our handsome old man Buckwheat. These photos are a testament to Karen’s ability to find and reveal the beauty of her subjects. Bucky is in his late twenties and while we’re not entirely sure what breed of horse he is, he is definitely a gaited horse. He’s also an incredibly sweet old guy. Click the first photo to view images…

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Lovely Zan

Equine photographer Karen Wegehenkel was kind enough to come out to the SAFE farm last week for a photography session with Zan, Dexter, Annie, Summer and Bucky. The results are simply stunning. We’ll be sharing some of these images with you over the next few days. Let’s start with the lovely Miss Zanadu: (click the photos to enlarge) 

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Charmeon — Adopted!

Congratulations to Peter and Helen J. of Port Orchards, WA on their adoption of Charmeon!  Char will be Peter’s trail horse.  Peter has been a course designer for the ACTHA and now he is thrilled to finally have a horse to compete with, as well as to ride with his wife Helen, who is a lifelong horse owner.  Char will join their 3 horses, two of which are retired, plus their mini donkey, on their…

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Aiden Update — June 4, 2011

I went up last weekend to visit Aiden and took some video and some photos.  If you missed the video clips I posted on Facebook last weekend, here they are:    Also, here are some photos.  You will see the lovely Delilah as his lead horse in several of the photos.  She looks amazing!  And Aiden, he’s such a good boy.  Since last weekend, he is no longer using a lead horse and is going in the…

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I have a secret

The man who scrapes my feet came this week. He’s a very nice man who never tries to sit on me, but sometimes we play a game. He takes my foot and pulls it to the front and then I try to take it back. The scraping man does not like to lose this game, and when I win too many times, my mom says Honeycutt, knock it off and that means stop playing the game. Then I let him keep my foot because I am a…

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June Volunteer of the Month: Chelsea Braswell

Choosing this month’s Volunteer of the Month was easy! Chelsey Braswell has only been with us for a few months, but she’s made a big impact in a short amount of time. Her dedication and enthusiasm, along with her genuine love and affection for the horses makes her the perfect addition to the SAFE team. Meet Chelsey: I started volunteering at SAFE in February this year, simply because I just…

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Mr Pibb — May 31, 2011

Here’s some photos of Mr. Pibb taken today by one of our volunteers, Brooke.  She reports that he is in love with his pasture buddy (also a gelding).  They have to bring him in at night to eat his mush (because otherwise his pasture buddy will eat it all), and he willingly does this but then immediately demands to be let back out again as soon as he is finished! 

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Career change

My mom went somewhere today to see some people sit on white horses. (Editors note: Honeycutt is referring to the Lipizzaner Stallion performance that took place today.) I was not impressed until she told me about the horse that bucked. This horse was a fine, fine bucker. He did not have anyone sitting on him. His only job was to come out and buck so that people would clap. The white bucking…

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Aiden Training Update

Quick update on Aiden, who has now been in training for one month.  He is progressing well, albeit a bit slowly at first.  He got kicked by another horse right after he arrived so he got a delayed start while that healed, and then he turned out to be a bit of a bronc with the saddle.  For two weeks, every time they saddled him up and put him on the lunge line, he would buck like a rodeo horse…

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Romeo Update

Dr. Hannah called me tonight to let me know that she developed the xrays and they confirmed what we suspected…Romeo has suffered further catastrophic injury to his leg.  It was helpful to be able to compare the xrays to the previous ones we took, while the leg was bad before in terms of the xrays, it is now completely dislocated, with the cannon bone no longer aligning to the P1 fetlock joint,…

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SAFE Update — May 24th, 2011

It’s been a busy few weeks at SAFE, with several events completed (Pins for Ponies, Saddle Fitting Clinic) and several events upcoming (Lipizzaner show which is SOLD OUT, Gelding Clinic June 4th, Open House June 26th).  We are working diligently on planning for the 2011 SAFE Benefit Show (our 5th Show!) which this year will be expanded to a two-day event August 6–7th at Donida Farm. A great…

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April Update — May 24

A great update for you on April! Dr. Hannah has worked her magic and the wound is now completely healed. She is off antibiotics and doing great! There will be a scar there, but once she gains some weight she will be ready to be made available for adoption!

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Herd Dynamics

My herd is made up of three mighty horses. When we run together, the leaves fall from the trees. My two friends were both racehorses and they both think they’re the fastest. But I know that neither one of them won any horse races. Me, I have my dignity to consider, but even if I wanted to run in a horse race, I’m the wrong kind of horse. Apparently. But take a look at this: I’ve lived with Jay…

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Update — May 24, 2011

Zanadu’s potential adoption unfortunately fell through. Some concerns over her soundness in her right knee were raised by the vet which caused the adopter to back out of the adoption. We had Dr. Hannah out the following week to further evaluate her knee, which is slightly larger than her left. Dr. Hannah saw no lameness on the lungeline, but she did show a mild, Grade 2/5 lameness with flexion.…

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A few words from Honeycutt (May 23 2011)

Everybody wants a horse they can ride. I say that any horse that would permit a human to sit on him has a serious lack of dignity. I say if humans want to go around in circles, they are fully capable of doing so under their own power. I had to do some righteous bucking before the humans at SAFE got the message, but they don’t try to sit on me anymore. Which is good for my dignity. But it leaves…

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Lucky update

Lucky is doing fabulous! He has graduated to turnout in the round pen which he is quite happy about.  He tolerates stall rest very well, but he’s a young, active horse with a lot of energy, so actually getting some time to stretch his legs makes him much more sensible.  He will be ready to come back to our main facility in another week or two.

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Bud and Brandy Update

Bud and Brandy are doing well in their new foster home in Sammamish.  Bud is almost completely shed out, but Brandy is still holding on to some of her winter coat.  They are both eating their mush well and also have 5 acres of lush pasture to munch on.  Bud looks great for his age, and is still quite spunky — Brandy looks much more her age of 37.  Bud is a bit sassy — getting a bit of an…

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Whisper — 2011 Update

We have a wonderful update and some photos to share of Whisper, who is now called “Domino” by her adopter, Sabra, from their site check in early April this year. Sabra and Domino seem very comfortable with each other.  Domino ran up to us in the pasture and was easily haltered.  Sabra has decided to give her one more year before breaking Domino to ride as she had such a hard start and she feels…

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Introducing the SAFE Advisory Board

We are privileged to have a number of talented and dedicated people working behind the scenes for SAFE, and the time has come to recognize them for their hard work. The SAFE Advisory Board meets once a month to discuss current SAFE business and make future plans. They handle everything from event planning to grant writing, and in addition to serving on the Advisory Board, each of them volunteers…

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Holly — Adopted!

Congratulations to Mary H. and her daughter Megan of Sammamish, WA on their adoption of Holly!  Holly was originally part of a large animal control seizure in King County in February 2008.  Only 2 at the time, she was fostered and later adopted by Merle S. of Duvall, WA.  Merle had Holly started under saddle and took her on many trail rides.  Unfortunately, Merle suffered a serious head injury…

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Shasta and Sunny D — Intake 4/12/11

Shasta and Sunny D are two Miniature Horses that King County Animal Services seized from a property in Fall City on April 12th, 2011. They are eating well and past any refeeding concerns after a slow transition onto free-choice hay. They are also eating soaked hay pellets, beet pulp and senior feed twice a day.  They both need their teeth done and have trouble chewing the stemmier pieces of hay.…

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Mr Pibb — 2 week post-rescue update — 4/30/11

Here are some photos of Mr Pibb from 4/30/11 showing his progress.  Still a long way to go, and he is losing his winter coat in big chunks due to the rain rot and general neglect so has that typical “it looks worse before it looks better” stage.   We will take some more photos in another week or two and I suspect we will begin to see some real progress.  This horse is a…

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Mr Pibb — Intake photos and description — 4/12/11

“Mr Pibb” is a late-20s QH-type gelding that was surrendered by his owner, along with another horse, to King County Regional Animal Services and is currently in SAFE’s care as of April 12th, 2011.  While we cannot discuss the details of the circumstances surrounding Mr Pibb’s previous situation as there is a case pending, Mr Pibb came to us in extremely poor condition with…

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Bud and Brandy Update

Bud and Brandy came to us on February 27th after being surrendered by their owner to King County Regional Animal Services.  While we cannot share any details of their situation as there is a case pending, we have been given permission by the county to begin releasing photos and updates on these two horses to our supporters.  While they are still in rehabilitation, they will…

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May Volunteer of the Month: Caiti R

Our volunteer of the month for May is Caiti Raimer. Caiti is one of the volunteers at the SAFE farm in Monroe, but she’s done a lot more for SAFE than just cleaning stalls and grooming horses. This past November, Caiti’s passion for horses led her to write an article on the racing industry which was published in the Monroe Monitor.And during her spring break this year, Caiti spent her spare time…

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April — Before photo

Dr. Hannah’s assistant sent me this horrible photo of April’s injury, just before it was sutured up.  THIS IS WHY BARBED WIRE IS NOT SUITABLE FENCING FOR HORSES!!!  If this doesn’t convince you, I don’t know what will.   Everyone horse owner should see this photo, as gross as it is — feel free to share it! April is doing well.  She’s a little shy and doesn’t appear to have been handled much, but…

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Lucky — post-surgery update

Lucky made it through his surgery with flying colors.  Dr. Bryant said he removed some HUGE chips and Lucky should be feeling much better without them.  The day after the surgery he was moved to NWESC to start his rehabilitation, which begins with stall rest and daily bandaging.  So far, Lucky is handling his stall rest like a pro, and is calm and quiet and his normal sweet self.  The wound is…

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SAFE Horses

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