SAFE Horses

SAFE News and Updates

Corona Update April 23 2011 

Quick update for your Easter weekend…this beautiful day I took Corona out and cleaned him up. Finally, he is growing in a much healthier-looking summer coat where he had been bald in patches. He is still clinging on to some of the more stubborn long wiry winter coat hairs but is looking better every day. The penis injury is almost completely healed now and he has gained a lot of weight. He…

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Nadia — Pending Adoption! 

Nadia is not even back from training yet (she is coming back on Sunday), and she already has a potential adopter!  They went up and tried Nadia up at the trainer’s and feel she is a perfect fit for her family.  Pending adoption!

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breed: Percheron cross color: grey age: 14 (born 1997) sex: mare height: 16 hh location: Monroe, WA Charmeon is green broke and best suited for an intermediate or above rider. Charmeon is a very nice mare with good conformation and a beautiful, floating trot. She was rescued by her owner from a PMU farm. Her owner was facing serious financial problems, had lost her job and her farm, and sold…

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Charmeon Update — April 17 

Charmeon is coming along well in her training and is much better about steering. She starts out very forward but runs out of steam quickly as she’s not very fit, but she remains very level-headed, sweet, and easy to work with. She’s a powerful mover and a fun ride!  I brushed her tail out and banged it and it looks so cute. We have had quite a bit of interest in her as well, it’s easy to see…

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Nadia & Aiden Update — April 17 

Next weekend, Nadia will be returning from training.  She has been doing really well, and finally learning how to be a proper arena horse and not just having two speeds (“dead run” and “whoa”).  She is learning how to give to the bit and has not had any issues with grouchiness about being ridden since those first couple of rides.  When Nadia comes back, it will be Aiden’s turn to go to training!…

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Bucky B Lucky update — April 17 

We had an emergency call with Dr. Hannah last week when Corona managed to crib a board  so much that it broke, and then somehow Lucky managed to gouge himself on the pointed end of the board. He’s fine, but wasn’t too happy about it being touched for a few days to be cleaned. By the weekend he was fine and it was healing nicely, and Victoria even managed one more ride on him before he goes off…

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Annie & Zan — April 17 

Annie and Zanadu were stars this weekend! Annie had a potential adopter come and ride her on Saturday as did Zanadu, who was ridden in a lesson with our trainer. Both rode the horses really well and would make really great matches for them. They both plan to come back and ride again so we’ll see!  Zanadu also attended a Parelli clinic with another potential adopter, the same clinician that…

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Dexter — April 17, 2011 

Dexter has been doing really well at home. Last weekend, he gave Sara’s daughter Angelique her first ride ever on a horse, a lunge lesson with Andrea and was very patient as Angelique was learning to post. Yesterday, Sara rode him in a lesson and worked on starting to teach him to give to the bit instead of brace against it, and he was really starting to get it towards the end of the ride. He is…

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Sinatra Update — April 17 

Not so good news on Sinatra — Dr. Hannah was able to replicate his lameness after several days of lunging and using nerve blocks localized the issue to both front legs, in the area of the fetlock down. When she blocked out the right, which was the one he was visually limping on, he went lame on the left. She took xrays which did not reveal any issues, so the prognosis is strain to both front…

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Romeo Update 

Romeo is healing well after his castration and will probably be ready to leave NWESC in a week or two. At this point we are just waiting for him to realize he isn’t a stallion anymore and settle — he is still very fixated on other horses right now.

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Nadia Update — 4/17

Next weekend, Nadia will be returning from training. She has been doing really well, and finally learning how to be a proper arena horse and not just having two speeds (“dead run” and “whoa”). She is learning how to give to the bit and has not had any issues with grouchiness about being ridden since those first couple of rides. When Nadia comes back, it will be Aiden’s turn to go to training!…

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SAFE Alumni Update — Dory 

Dory’s adopter, Betsy, has moved to New Hampshire for her work.  She has left Dory in dressage training while she has been gone, and this spring, Dory will be joining her in NH.  We did her site check this March at her training barn.  She is doing very well in her training.  The pictures didn’t come out great as it was dark, but here is a photo of her under saddle with her trainer.

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Castle Rock horses — available as SAFE-Assisted placements 

SAFE is assisting in the placement of three horses located in Castle Rock WA. These horses are owned by a woman who has been recently diagnosed with cancer who will be starting chemotherapy and radiation therapy later this month. Because of this, her ability to care for these horses will be increasingly limited, and rather than let any harm befall her animals, she has asked for SAFE’s assistance…

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Char Update — 4/10/11

Today my neighbor, Natalie, who happens to be a Grand Prix show jumper/trainer, came over and helped me work with Char for her first ride since she arrived at SAFE a week ago.  We took her out and put her in the cross-ties, and she was very, very good for being tied, grooming, having her feet picked, saddling, bridling, all of it.  She was patient, sweet, and very good-natured as we found a…

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Holly — pending adoption! 

Holly has had quite a bit of interest in her (no surprise there).  Merle’s been understandably picky about where her Holly will go, but we think we may have found a great home for her.  Pending adoption!

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Dexter — NH clinic 

One of our volunteers, Debi, has a small boarding facility in Clearview and she has a Parelli instructor named Michael Sparling come to her barn and do clinics.  She spoke to Michael about Dexter and he agreed to work with Dexter at no charge to SAFE.  Here’s a synopsis of how the clinic went, from Debi: I am grateful to SAFE for allowing me to take Dexter for the weekend to participate in a…

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Corona Update April 3 2011 

Corona is doing well, but still not completely healed.  He remains very tolerant for his treatments, however. He is also doing something we have seen with a few starved horses, where they come in with a thick winter coat with a top layer of really long, wiry guard hairs on top.  The winter coat sheds out, but the guard hairs don’t right away, and because of a lack of nutrition or their bodies…

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Romeo — April 3 

Romeo is doing very well after his castration, and tolerating his forced exercise well.  Dr. Hannah reports he is still somewhat agitated and pacing in his stall, which is actually helping keeping the swelling under control.  That should go away in a couple more weeks as the hormones completely leave his body.  In other news, Dr. Bryant reviewed his x‑rays and was pretty impressed by the…

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Sinatra — April 3 

Sinatra has been lunged the last several days to see if his lameness issue got any worse, and to make it more easy to detect with nerve blocks because it was very mild at best and not sensitive to hoof testers and not positive on a flexion test.  So far, he has remained completely sound, so he may be fine.  He does have someone interested in him as a possible foster to adopt situation, so cross…

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Zan Update — April 3 

Zanadu was a popular girl this weekend, having two potential adopters come and meet her this weekend.  She has been a little grouchy lately on the ground, not sure if it is related to coming into heat or what.  She’s fussy and overly sensitive about being groomed before she is ridden, but after that she is much happier and more settled.  Holly also had two visitors this weekend, so hopefully we…

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Charmeon arrives at SAFE — April 3 

Charmeon arrived at the SAFE facility on Saturday afternoon.  As part of our commitment to Char’s owner, we had placed her on a waiting list for when we had an opening for Char to come into our program, and meanwhile she had kept her in training until the end of March. Char has apparently done extremely well with her training, and she goes English and Western, has been out on the trails alone…

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April Volunteer of the Month: Allison Sheka 

Our volunteer of the month is Allison!  Allison is our longest volunteer, having been with us since 2006.  Allison is now our Volunteer Coordinator and she has also had the opportunity to ride some of the wonderful horses at SAFE — most notably Cedar (RIP) and now Annie.  A little about Allison in her own words: I’ve been a volunteer with SAFE since 2006, when I learned about horse slaughter and…

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2011 Q2 Impact Statement 

New Horses Intake Date: April 5, 2011 Mr Pibb, 25+ yo Morgan gelding (King Co Animal Control) Shasta, 11 yo mini horse mare (King Co Animal Control) Sunny D, 2.5 yo mini horse gelding (King Co Animal Control) Intake Date: April 28, 2011 April, 6 yo paint mare (Skagit Co Animal Control) Intake Date: June 30, 2011 Lucy, 8 yo Halflinger mare (owner surrender) Leo, 2.5 yo Halflinger colt (owner…

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Romeo — Gelded! 

Romeo was successfully gelded today by Dr. Hannah at NWESC.  She reported that he did very well, she was a little worried about the recovery because of his leg and his age, but he stayed down very quiet after he woke up and then got up without drama.  He will stay at NWESC for the next few weeks while he recovers. In other news, his xrays, which showed a congenital defect in his right hind…

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Romeo — 6 year old Hackney stallion 

Romeo is a 6 year old (7 in May) Hackney stallion, dark bay/white pinto, 14.2h, that was surrendered to SAFE after being abandoned on a property in Mill Creek two years ago.  The property owners have been feeding the horse and lost contact with the owner two years ago, after the owner asked if she could keep the horse in their pasture for a while.  After they realized that the horse had been…

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Biscotti Site Visit 2011 

Here are some photos of Biscotti and his adopter Tracy at his site check on 3/20/11.  He is just shy of 3 years old and as you can see, Tracy has started some light under-saddle training with him.  He looks just great! 

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