Joan started volunteering last September on the Saturday PM team. It wasn’t long before she reached out to me and asked if it would be helpful if instead of being on a regular schedule, she could just fill in on shorthanded shifts. What?! How could this be? It is every Volunteer Manager’s dream come true!! And so my dreams were answered and now Joan fills in at least 1–2 times a week. It is such a comfort knowing I have her to send a panicked text to when a team is struggling.
Knowing all of this, you might not be surprised to learn she is also a very kind person. Seeing her at the barn makes my day. I am very thankful to have Joan and SAFE is lucky to have her dedication to not only our horses, but also to helping our volunteers. Find out a little more about Joan below.
How and when did you first get involved with horses?
I started riding horses when I was about 8 years old. I’ve always been fascinated by Dressage and bought a Thoroughbred to train in this sport in my early 20’s. I was able to train and compete in dressage for many years with a number of different horses and breeds even including a Lipizzan! (And yes, we did have a few ‘airs above the ground’).
Do you have one now you want to tell us about?
I don’t own a horse now, but enjoy going to SAFE to be around these magnificent animals.

Joan gives Daisy much appreciated scratches
What do you like most about volunteering with SAFE?
I love to see the transformation that takes place as the horses are able to get a ‘restart’ in life.
Do you have a favorite SAFE horse? If so, why?
It is hard to have a favorite horse at SAFE as they are all special and my heart goes out to each one.
What do you do when you are not horsing around with us?
I also manage a Commercial Real Estate Co. I enjoy bird watching and love to train my two Cavalier Spaniels in Rally.
Do you have family or special people in your life who support your volunteer work that you would want us to mention in your write up?
Thank goodness for a patient husband that puts up with all my animal activities!