Marco and his assistant working on the hot wire

Marco and his assistant working on the hot wire

Let’s all celebrate our Volunteer of the Month for October, Marco S!

Marco is another volunteer who doesn’t hold down a chore or feeding shift, but plays an important role as a member of the Safe Harbor facilities team. Marco has been helping make improvements at the barn for over 2 years! There are so many upgrades at SHS that are his doing. Marco has installed new lights both inside the barn and arena, which was a monumental upgrade. However he didn’t stop there. Marco also installed lights that make it possible to see into the runs at night. He recently ran outlets from the main circuit breaker to allow us to have access to power in the arena. No more trail of extension cords for SAFE! Marco is also the person who willingly climbs up the giant ladders to clean gutters every spring. He has been a super star at work parties. Lending his help and knowledge where ever he is needed. SAFE relies heavily on volunteers with specific skill sets and he is irreplaceable for his!

Here is a little more about Marco.

Marco is originally from Chicago, IL but now lives in WA. He learned his roofing, construction and electrical skill from his family. (Thanks, Savarise family!!) He found out about SAFE from his wife when she became a volunteer. You can often find Marco at the barn on Sundays, bouncing around the hayloft in his Converse tennis shoes. The horses that hold a special place in his heart are the Minis. His face lights up when he sees them. He always has a special treat and a few minutes to spend with them before he gets to working. He wants to build onto their enclosure to keep them extra dry and comfy.  Marco also loves to see them out and running around. It seriously is the cutest thing EVER.

Thank you for all your hard work and dedication to this organization, Marco!