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Veronica’s Training Continues

Veronica’s Training Continues 

Our major goal for Veronica is to help her to be responsive instead of reactive. Over the next weeks we will work to get her feeling 100% confident with the saddle before anyone needs to ride her. She is working on relaxing into a one rein stop from the ground and…

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New Adventures for Barb

New Adventures for Barb 

An update on Barb’s training progress from Kaya: Barb has been gaining new experiences on the ground and in the saddle. We took a hand walk out on the trails and have been ground working on different parts of the property. While Barb initially has many opinions and…

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November Volunteer of the Month: Joan Yankis

November Volunteer of the Month: Joan Yankis 

Joan started volunteering last September on the Saturday PM team. It wasn’t long before she reached out to me and asked if it would be helpful if instead of being on a regular schedule, she could just fill in on shorthanded shifts. What?! How could this be? It is…

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Finding Peace Under Saddle for Nyx

Finding Peace Under Saddle for Nyx 

As expected, we’ve discovered some trouble in Nyx as we’ve started transitioning him back into a riding horse. It appears he may have had some “liberty” type training in his past that has left him with some resentment toward humans. This is evident in working with him…

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Edward, Esme, and Jacob Updates

Edward, Esme, and Jacob Updates 

We are moving at a fairly good pace with Edward despite his continued breathing issues. He is still very wary about people approaching him to be caught but each time he is quickly haltered and doesn’t have the opportunity to get away, he finds the event less and less…

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Good Girl Darla

Good Girl Darla 

Darla is a pleasure to get to know and very rewarding to work with so far. She has a huge heart and a ton of try. She was very shy and afraid coming into SAFE. Now after just a few weeks, she is more comfortable with haltering and has been walking nicely into the…

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Riding Rae

Riding Rae 

Rae is coming up on her 3‑year-old birthday next week, November 1. How fast does time fly! She is just transitioning from being ridden by Joel to Terry as we come into the winter months. Over the past year, she has been worked each month in which Joel visited and…

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George on the DL

George on the DL 

George is a young and rambunctious gelding. From time to time, he thinks he should show off his smooth moves. Unfortunately, a few weeks ago, his less-than-stellar aerobatic performance ended with him slipping and totally biffing it into the dirt. He got up shook it…

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Open House and Tack Sale
Sept 28 from 12–3pm
More info >

Bingo at the Barn
Oct 6 from 1–4 pm
More info >

Joel Conner Horsemanship Clinic
October 25–27
More info >

Unsticking Sienna

Unsticking Sienna 

To work with a horse is to embark on an archaeological mission of sorts, uncovering within both the horse (and yourself!) hidden spots of trouble. Sometimes such spots are obvious — a horse who is worried about the flag flapping, or rope around their feet, or a…

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Training Update: Pepper

Training Update: Pepper 

Pepper was saddled for the first time last June, and has come a tremendously long way since then. These days, she’s riding in the big arena more often than not, and is learning how to carry herself with more balance and straightness. It’s hard to imagine this little…

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Curious About George?

Curious About George? 

George is more than ready to find his forever home! He is a 4‑year-old Yakima Reservation gelding with a personality that much exceeds his 13.3 hands. Started at the end of 2020, George is going phenomenally under saddle – walk trot lope – with the potential to go…

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All Grown Up

All Grown Up 

There is one certainty in this life — time will pass. Sometimes like molasses (often when we are in less than pleasant situations, reclined in the dentist’s chair, or when waiting on an important phone call — the seconds slug along) but more often than not it seems…

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Alumni Update: Shortbread and Whisky

Alumni Update: Shortbread and Whisky 

We recently got an update on these two cute buttons! Whisky and Shortbread are lucky to enjoy grass time and Sherry says they sometimes get the zoomies and it’s fun to watch them run and roll around. She said “They are both so sweet and a joy of her life.” [gallery…

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Alumni Update: Billy

Alumni Update: Billy 

Billy’s family sent a few photos from the past year. Marin had this to say about our Billy: “Billy is doing great! He somehow gets sweeter and more curious every day. I can now give him kisses on his face, braid his forelock, touch his ears freely and without flinches…

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