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Orbiting Planet Jupiter

Orbiting Planet Jupiter 

There’s an old adage that begins, ‘boys go to Jupiter…’ followed by a statement that implies it is where one goes to lose intelligence. Jupiter, the horse, is grounded enough to not take offense from such slanderous statements (and the fact that he does not…

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Alumni Update: Flynn

Alumni Update: Flynn 

Flynn is doing well! In his late 20s now, he is retired from riding and living with seven other horses. He was in a kid’s program but would lie down when ridden! Now he is happy just teaching kids how to groom, etc. 

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Alumni Update: Kat

Alumni Update: Kat 

Kat is doing well and lives with her buddy, a 21-year-old Mustang. Adopter Shar says that Kat is her usual sassy self. At 27 now, Kat is retired from riding but gets hand walked regularly and Shar does some basic groundwork with her whenever she can. 

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Welcoming Trixie to SAFE

Welcoming Trixie to SAFE 

Trixie was the fifth chestnut mare to join our herd in the span of a week (the other four being the Tennessee Walkers), but apart from the color of her coat and the blaze she shares with two of them, the similarities end there. Trixie is her own horse, after all, an…

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Progressing with Poppy

Progressing with Poppy 

Casey A has been riding and working Poppy for some months now, and speaks about her experience riding Poppy out in the big arena amongst other horses during the recent Joel Conner clinic: “Poppy has come a long way from the defensive, stoved up pony who would strike…

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Alumni Update: Alder

Alumni Update: Alder 

Alder moved to Arizona with his family about two years ago. He is doing well and living the good life with a pal on two acres of grass. With Jill’s daughter, Halle, in school Alder hasn’t been ridden much. Jill is looking for a trainer to re-start him. There are…

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Walkin’ Into SAFE: Zuri, Bailey, Cleopatra, Deja Vu

Walkin’ Into SAFE: Zuri, Bailey, Cleopatra, Deja Vu 

Four new mares Tennessee walked into SAFE last week: Zuri, Bailey, Cleopatra, and Deja Vu. Their story is one of neglect, as is so often the case with our new intakes, but as they were seized by out friends down at Pierce County Animal Control, they have been in very…

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Roy Health Update

Roy Health Update 

It is no secret that Roy has been dealing with various ailments since he first arrived at SAFE, all of which we have been managing, or doing our best to manage. Roy is a very special guy, with special needs, and we keep a close eye on him and give him what comforts we…

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WASART Presentation
Sept 7 from 12–3pm
More info >

Open House and Tack Sale
Sept 28 from 12–3pm
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Joel Conner Horsemanship Clinic
October 25–27
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Alumni Update: Kai

Alumni Update: Kai 

SAFE recently checked in with Kai and his adopter, Barb. Kai has mostly had the winter to hang out with his herd mates, but Barb is looking forward to trail riding this summer. Kai is as handsome and sweet as ever and he is clearly adored by Barb! 

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Alumni Update: Tabitha (Willa)

Alumni Update: Tabitha (Willa)

Tabitha, now called Willa, lives with Alyssa in a beautiful area with trails across the road that go for miles. They do a lot of trailing riding, but Willa tends to prefer loping the trails when possible. Recently, they attended a dressage clinic in Spokane.

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Blanche is Adopted!

Blanche is Adopted! 

We interrupt your weekend to bring you good news: Blanche has been adopted! Blanche, now called Joule, headed out on a beautiful sunny day to join Elissa’s family, whose non-human members include a handful of Nigerian goats and new horse-brother, Watney. Elissa had…

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Jupiter’s Masterson Session

Jupiter’s Masterson Session 

Jupiter has been dealing with a sore back as of late, and in the midst of his rehabbing (he can do his carrot stretches in his sleep!) he had a visit with our good friend Natalie for a session of bodywork utilizing the Masterson Method. Jupiter was very responsive to…

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Brandit Loves Grass

Brandit Loves Grass 

These two mares may be older in their years, but put them on pasture and they sure don’t act like it — these girls can rip! A necessary part of any turnout includes a good roll, and Brandy and Bandit, particularly the latter, prove how well-versed they are in the art…

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SAFE Arena Grader Raffle 

SAFE is holding a prize drawing for this brand new Land Pride AG1560 Series arena grader, donated to us by Issaquah Honda Kubota. 60″ wide, made from heavy-duty tube framing with adjustable S‑tine shanks. Five-position leveling bar to smooth the soil and a mesh roller…

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