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Jacob in April

Jacob in April 

In the sunshine, Jacob shines like the copper of a new penny. While he and BFF Edward are a matched pair of chestnuts, Edward is shedding out into more of a liver, which makes differentiating between the two a little easier from a distance. Jacob has been taking it…

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Inula at Foster

Inula at Foster 

For the most part, once a horse comes to SAFE, they will stay on property until they make their way to their forever home. But on rare occasions, a circumstance arises that is too perfect for us to pass up. When an alumni adopter reached out to us expressing her…

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Alumni Update: Breve and Checkers

Alumni Update: Breve and Checkers 

Due to family circumstances Breve and Checkers were re-homed and now live with Lola Lang on a family farm that was started by Lola’s mom and dad. Lola has continued the family tradition of building a place where people can learn about horses. There are roughly 50…

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Alumni Update: Heidi

Alumni Update: Heidi 

Heidi and her 34-year-old pasture mate, Prince, love spending time grazing together. Heidi is healthy, well cared for and dearly loved.

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Alumni Update: Nyx

Alumni Update: Nyx 

An update from Lindsay: Boy, do I love this horse I got from SAFE. Getting my own horses for the first time in my late 30’s and then moving them home soon after has been a trip. Sooo many life lessons. There’s just not a real way to fully prepare for it. Nyx is a guy…

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Watch Over Me

Watch Over Me 

Horses come to us for different reasons. For many, it’s a first step toward a new and better life. Others get their chance for some much needed peace and caring, and a chance for us to rewrite their final chapter. Dorothy is one such horse. Dorothy is a beauty of a…

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Brandy’s Hobbies

Brandy’s Hobbies 

Brandy, one of the matriarchs of SAFE, will turn 30 this July according to our records. So what is she getting up to so far in her 30th year? Well, first and foremost, keeping close with BFF Bandit. While Brandy finds a lot of support in humans, and has made great…

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A Bath for Montana

A Bath for Montana 

What’s brown, off-white, and dark bay all over? A dirty Montana! This guy earned the nickname of ‘cat’ last summer for two reasons: he was known to sunbathe on the regular, and he had an uncanny ability to look clean(ish) despite spending so much time in the dirt,…

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WASART Presentation
Sept 7 from 12–3pm
More info >

Open House and Tack Sale
Sept 28 from 12–3pm
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Joel Conner Horsemanship Clinic
October 25–27
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Progressing with Poppy

Progressing with Poppy 

Casey A has been riding and working Poppy for some months now, and speaks about her experience riding Poppy out in the big arena amongst other horses during the recent Joel Conner clinic: “Poppy has come a long way from the defensive, stoved up pony who would strike…

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Alumni Update: Alder

Alumni Update: Alder 

Alder moved to Arizona with his family about two years ago. He is doing well and living the good life with a pal on two acres of grass. With Jill’s daughter, Halle, in school Alder hasn’t been ridden much. Jill is looking for a trainer to re-start him. There are…

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Walkin’ Into SAFE: Zuri, Bailey, Cleopatra, Deja Vu

Walkin’ Into SAFE: Zuri, Bailey, Cleopatra, Deja Vu 

Four new mares Tennessee walked into SAFE last week: Zuri, Bailey, Cleopatra, and Deja Vu. Their story is one of neglect, as is so often the case with our new intakes, but as they were seized by out friends down at Pierce County Animal Control, they have been in very…

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Roy Health Update

Roy Health Update 

It is no secret that Roy has been dealing with various ailments since he first arrived at SAFE, all of which we have been managing, or doing our best to manage. Roy is a very special guy, with special needs, and we keep a close eye on him and give him what comforts we…

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Arrow is Adopted!

Arrow is Adopted! 

Arrow had a whirlwind beginning to his spring. For the last several months, he had been living his best life at a nearby foster location, napping and grazing to his heart’s content alongside his temporary playmates. But changing circumstances meant that he would need…

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Alumni Update: Biscotti (Rowdy)

Alumni Update: Biscotti (Rowdy)

Biscotti’s (Rowdy) adopter, Tracy, reports Rowdy is the healthiest horse she has ever known, not once needing medical attention beyond his basic care. Tracy’s oldest daughter rides Rowdy as part of her high school equestrian team and 4H. Her younger daughter hopes to…

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