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Alumni Update: Piper

Alumni Update: Piper 

Piper’s adopter, Talia, recently provided an update. It’s been a long time since I gave a Piper update! We’re all trying to get in shape for spring with hikes up the big hill. The Arabian (Nova) led the way, and Piper and I did just a little huffing and puffing behind…

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March Joel Conner Clinic Report: Edward

March Joel Conner Clinic Report: Edward 

Kaya M has been riding Edward as of late, and the two of them participated in the March Joel Conner clinic together. Here’s what Kaya has to say about their time: “Edward and I had a little set back a couple months ago in the process of getting more life and have been…

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March Joel Conner Clinic Report: Theo

March Joel Conner Clinic Report: Theo 

As a young guy just starting out in our training program, the goal for Theo is to keep things light. We’re working to develop his balance and strengthen his confidence while wearing the saddle. Theo continues to get softer and is showing great improvement with…

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Snohomish Animal Control Officer Training

Snohomish Animal Control Officer Training 

This past week, SAFE hosted two of Snohomish County Animal Control’s newest officers, Sarah Weaver and Ashlynn Trujillo for a day of hands-on education. Even for those with knowledge of horses, encountering an unknown horse in the field presents its challenges and…

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March Joel Conner Clinic Report: Frosting

March Joel Conner Clinic Report: Frosting 

There are many things that we adore about Frosting but the overarching theme is her kind heart. As her understanding of the work grows so does the partnership with her handlers. Over the last few weeks she has been getting ridden consistently at least 4 times a week.…

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March Joel Conner Clinic Report: Barb

March Joel Conner Clinic Report: Barb 

Barb is named so because back when she was a wild thing, veritably feral as part of the Fall City 40, she ran herself through a barbed wire fence. This would not be Barb’s only brush with fencing, as several years later she would tweak her back crawling out of her…

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March Joel Conner Clinic Report: Blanche

March Joel Conner Clinic Report: Blanche 

Lexee N, who has been working with Blanche since her arrival at SAFE, put the first rides on this lovely lady at the end of March, and has the following to say about her:   “This mare! Blanche has been checking boxes left and right since she’s arrived at SAFE. She’s…

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March Joel Conner Clinic Report: Wren

March Joel Conner Clinic Report: Wren 

This mare has “try” in spades! One of the sweetest mares on the property, she is eager to meet you at the gate, accepting of everything asked of her and lets out the cutest nickers when you dismount. She LOVE her tummy scratches when you take off the saddle and…

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WASART Presentation
Sept 7 from 12–3pm
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Open House and Tack Sale
Sept 28 from 12–3pm
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Joel Conner Horsemanship Clinic
October 25–27
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Frosting for You

Frosting for You 

In her fourth year, Frosting is really proving herself as a solid little horse. Because of her age, her miles under saddle are on the lower side, but we have been making each one count. This mare has received a great start here at SAFE, and is ready for someone else…

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May Joel Conner Clinic Report: Sienna

May Joel Conner Clinic Report: Sienna 

Carrie S worked with Sienna during the May Joel Conner clinic, and has the following to say about their experience: “I had the privilege of working with Sienna in the groundwork class at the Joel Conner Clinic on May 3–5 2024.  I could easily just say ditto to…

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Ferrari for Sale

Ferrari for Sale 

The title is a bit misleading, but Veronica and a sports car do have quite a bit in common: flashy, sensitive, and one heck of a ride. With each ride a tune-up, Veronica gets better and better under saddle. On a loose rein, Veronica is going beautifully walk trot…

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From Green to Gold

From Green to Gold 

To watch her go under saddle, it’s hard to imagine that Blanche was only started a few months back, that she only has several handfuls of rides on her. Blanche is a very special type of horse, one who is relatively uncomplicated, as far as green horses go, and who has…

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Happy Birthday, Shasta!

Happy Birthday, Shasta! 

Though a lady never reveals her age, we would be remiss if we did not celebrate Shasta on this, her 24th birthday. It has been thirteen years since Shasta and her son Sunny D arrived at SAFE, which means that over half her life has seen her being properly loved and…

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Joel Conner Clinic Report: Jacob

Joel Conner Clinic Report: Jacob 

Ben H worked a bit with our guy Jacob at the May Joel Conner clinic, and has the following to say about their time together: “My time with Jacob was 3 days at a Joel Conner clinic this spring of 2024. When I first went to catch him, he was reluctant to be caught and…

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