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Working with Angel

Working with Angel 

SAFE horsemanship volunteer Kaya works with Angel from time to time, and had this to say about our favorite old gal: Angel is a super special horse. As our friendship has grown, she continues to surprise and impress me. Her ability to immediately find the best way to…

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November Volunteer of the Month: Blair Fleming

November Volunteer of the Month: Blair Fleming 

SAFE is pleased to announce our November 2018 Volunteer of the Month, Blair Fleming. Blair is a busy gal who recruits new volunteers for SAFE, plans and executes work parties, and works the Friday PM shift, all while working two jobs and putting herself through…

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Joel Conner Clinic Report: Lacey

Joel Conner Clinic Report: Lacey 

SAFE horsemanship volunteer Kaya M rode Lacey in the October Joel Conner clinic: Honestly, I was a bit nervous about riding Lacey in the clinic, since I had only recently started working with her, and we were still feeling each other out. I am now so glad that I had…

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Joel Conner Clinic Report: Bowie

Joel Conner Clinic Report: Bowie 

Volunteer Kaya M had been riding Bowie on a regular basis and worked with him in the groundwork sessions of the October Joel Conner Clinic: Bowie and I participated in the groundwork portion of the clinic and it was a very good experience for both of us! I’m still new…

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Check out miss Pippi! Apparently she is NOT going to be a light colored chestnut pinto…her winter coat is coming in dark! It leaves her looking a little comical. Pippi and Asha will be spending the next several months at a lovely nearby foster home, where they can…

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Raven Flies Free

Raven Flies Free 

We are so sad to announce that we lost a dear friend last week. Raven, our three year old Thoroughbred filly, was humanely euthanized on Wednesday after a bad colic. We love all of the horses that pass through SAFE, but every so often, a horse comes along that works…

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Open House and Tack Sale
Sept 28 from 12–3pm
More info >

Bingo at the Barn
Oct 6 from 1–4 pm
More info >

Joel Conner Horsemanship Clinic
October 25–27
More info >

Poor Air Quality: All Riding Horses Adoptions on Hold

Poor Air Quality: All Riding Horses Adoptions on Hold 

Well, this was not the end of summer we were hoping for! Wildfires in Washington and Oregon have severely compromised the air quality in our area, so we’ve made the following decisions regarding our horses: All riding adoptions are on hold. No showing, no visits, and…

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A Visit with Atticus

A Visit with Atticus 

We had a chance to catch up with our old pal Atticus recently! This 30 year old Arabian gelding is living the life of Riley, and is much loved by his adoptive family. He doesn’t have many teeth left, so he maintains his rugged figure by eating wet mashes twice a day.…

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Happy 2nd Birthday, Pippi!

Happy 2nd Birthday, Pippi! 

Happy Birthday to our little homegrown angel Pippi, who turns 2 years old today! Two years ago today, this gorgeous filly was born right here at Safe Harbor Stables. Her momma, Asha, came to us from an animal control seizure, and no one had the…

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September Volunteer of the Month: Pam Lloyd

September Volunteer of the Month: Pam Lloyd 

How and when did you first get involved with horses? Do you have one now you want to tell us about? As a preschooler, my mother enrolled me in dance class where I met my best childhood friend. Instead of dancing, we obsessed over horses. But her parents were…

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Callista, Welcome!

Callista, Welcome! 

Please join us in welcoming the newest member of the SAFE herd. Callista is a super sweet mare who has seen better days. We don’t have a whole lot of history on her but what we do know is that she needs some TLC. She appears to be about 30 years old and has a body…

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