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Video: Remy Learns Herd Dynamics

Video: Remy Learns Herd Dynamics 

Remy is a 6yr old TB who was found on a property without any other horses so we are unsure how long its been since he’s had other horses as companions. He is currently in training and the two other horses in the video are personal horses of the trainers. Tapadero, the…

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Guess the Foaling Date for Luna and Mina! 

Do you think you can guess when Luna and Mina will have their foals? We’re going to have a fun contest to see who can guess the closest to the actual birth! We’ll give a you a clue to get you started. The two mares were both palpated and ultrasounded by equine repro…

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September Volunteer of the Month: Catherine Noyes

September Volunteer of the Month: Catherine Noyes 

Kirkland resident Catherine Noyes has been named as Save a Forgotten Equine’s September Volunteer of the Month. She was selected for this honor because of her interest in every aspect of horse rescue. Catherine helps with the basics of cleaning up after the horses,…

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Luna’s Getting Closer!

Luna’s Getting Closer! 

Right on the heels of Pippi’s arrival, Luna is showing signs of getting closer to foaling. She’s right on track for the predicted foaling date of sometime in October. She has recently started having some mammary development, and she is producing some “milk.” It’s…

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Pippi Update

Pippi Update 

It’s hard to believe how quickly time flies when we look at our little Pippi! It seems like just yesterday she was a wobbly little bundle of legs, gangling awkwardly around the foaling stall. She appears to be growing before our eyes and is exploring her world like a…

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Remy: School is in Session 

Remy is just beginning his work with Nick Donohue and thing are progressing well. He is a very intelligent, willing gelding. He is progressing a little every day and his kind personality is coming through. The biggest challenge for Remy has been that he was an…

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WEG 2018, Tryon NC

WEG 2018, Tryon NC 

What started as a vacation turned into a bit of a work holiday for three members of SAFE’s staff, who traveled to Tryon, North Carolina for the first week of the World Equestrian Games. This was a trip planned a year in advance and made possible by a personal friend…

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A New Beginning for Aiden 

Aiden spent several wonderful years with the Henwood family, but sadly, changes in circumstances meant that Aiden needed to be rehomed. The Henwoods did a very responsible job of finding a new home for Aiden that would meet SAFE’s standards, and they found…

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Open House and Tack Sale
Sept 28 from 12–3pm
More info >

Bingo at the Barn
Oct 6 from 1–4 pm
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Joel Conner Horsemanship Clinic
October 25–27
More info >

The Power of Positive Energy on Horses, by Marty Abdo

The Power of Positive Energy on Horses, by Marty Abdo 

My name is Marty Abdo and I am a Friday morning shift volunteer. One of my several passions in life is a therapy method called Reiki. I have a business offering Reiki long distance to people and animals in need of relaxation, pain relief and emotional balance. I was…

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Choosing a Path for Cyrus: Lameness Exam

Choosing a Path for Cyrus: Lameness Exam 

After Cyrus returned from training, we began to notice a slight lameness under saddle. Dr. Lewis from Rainland came out a few weeks ago to do a lameness exam which was inconclusive. She told us that he would be a candidate for the lameness locator to help get to the…

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SAFE Alumni Update: Rico

SAFE Alumni Update: Rico 

We had a great visit with Rico recently. He is living the good life with his adopter, Barbara. She really loves him, and takes immaculate care of her friend. She takes him for walks every day, and he is very sound and healthy. This is the type of adoption we dream of…

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Joel Conner Clinic Update: Amelia

Joel Conner Clinic Update: Amelia 

SAFE Volunteer Sarah V shared her experience at the recent Joel Conner clinic: I had the pleasure of working with Amelia in the June Joel Conner clinic. This lovely little mare has changed so much since we first worked together in the September clinic that Joel didn’t…

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SAFE Alumni Update: Lucy

SAFE Alumni Update: Lucy 

from Diane: Thought you might like to see a recent photo of my little cutie Lucy while we wait for the virus to ease when you can see her in person.She is such a spunky and loving little lady! Thanks for the work you do! Diane and Lucy

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SAFE Alumni Update: Tilly

SAFE Alumni Update: Tilly 

Here’s an update on Tilly, who is now known as Emmy! The family that adopted Emmy planned to let her retire at their home when their daughter Anna went to college. Anna had only been at the University of Idaho for one month when she found a barn to work at in Pullman.…

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