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Alumni Update: Angel & Renee

Alumni Update: Angel & Renee 

Best friends Angel and Renee continue to enjoy retirement together. Renee is the boss mare in their herd of pasture mates. These two have found a comfortable, peaceful home with Carla.

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Alumni Update: Sebastian (Sparky)

Alumni Update: Sebastian (Sparky)

Sebastian, now known as Sparky, is having a happy retirement in the herd at Carla’s. Sadly, Alumni Camille, Sparky’s best SAFE buddy, passed on in September 2023. But he enjoys the friendship with SAFE Alums Angel and Renee who are also part of Carla’s herd.

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Esme’s Abscess

Esme’s Abscess 

Pop Quiz: your horse, who was sound as a music note yesterday, walks out of her stall with a major head bob the next morning. Do you: A. PANIC! Something serious must be wrong, and the vet needs to come out immediately! B. Treat it like an abscess — soak the foot in…

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Alumni Update: Lucy

Alumni Update: Lucy 

Alumni volunteer Lisa G recently contacted Diane and has this update on Lucy. Diane and Lucy made the move to Colorado in early 2023 and, after some adjustment to the new environment, soil, etc, they are both thriving! Diane has found an amazing community there, from…

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Ciara’s Crossroads

Ciara’s Crossroads 

We talk a lot about ‘time’ here at SAFE, the time it takes for a horse to reach certain milestones (varied), the time we give them to get there (endless, for the most part). But to frame this in a linear style is not always the most accurate. Yes, the paths some…

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Alumni Update: George

Alumni Update: George 

We received an update on George from Ana. Doesn’t he look amazing all grown up?! “George and I got to sneak in our first after-work ride of the year. The sunshine is coming and we need to work off some winter chub with our pony friends!”

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WASART Presentation
Sept 7 from 12–3pm
More info >

Open House and Tack Sale
Sept 28 from 12–3pm
More info >

Joel Conner Horsemanship Clinic
October 25–27
More info >

A Spoonful of Sugar

A Spoonful of Sugar 

We welcomed a new member to our herd this week: Sugar, who at 8.2 hands is certainly close to the size of a sugar cube! This mini horse was originally part of the seizure of horses that brought us such familiar faces as Jupiter and Theo. Sugar was in rough shape when…

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Volunteer Education: Animal Control Class

Volunteer Education: Animal Control Class 

As part of our continuing education series for volunteers, this past weekend we were lucky enough to be able to host Officer Brian Boman from the Pierce County Sheriff’s Animal Control Department. Brian has over 20 years of experience in Animal Control, and is a…

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Ride, Tiva, Ride

Ride, Tiva, Ride 

Inside the boundaries of a 6ft tall priefert round pen, Tiva rolls her hindquarters to the left. It’s the 5,000th time she’s done so (not today, but in general) but it passes without fanfare or recognition. She will roll them another 5000 times before the year is out.…

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Jacob in April

Jacob in April 

In the sunshine, Jacob shines like the copper of a new penny. While he and BFF Edward are a matched pair of chestnuts, Edward is shedding out into more of a liver, which makes differentiating between the two a little easier from a distance. Jacob has been taking it…

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Inula at Foster

Inula at Foster 

For the most part, once a horse comes to SAFE, they will stay on property until they make their way to their forever home. But on rare occasions, a circumstance arises that is too perfect for us to pass up. When an alumni adopter reached out to us expressing her…

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