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August Joel Conner Clinic Report: Barb

August Joel Conner Clinic Report: Barb

Working On The Volume Dial” by Candi K “The August Joel Conner Clinic brought another opportunity for Barb and I to work on our connection and skills in the world of horsemanship. We enjoyed being in the outdoor arena where there were a lot of horses and plenty of…

September Volunteer of the Month: Amy Owens

September Volunteer of the Month: Amy Owens

Congratulations to Amy Owens, our September Volunteer of the Month! For the last 2 years and 3 months, Amy has been a dedicated force at SAFE, consistently improving the lives of our horses. As a vital member of the Thursday morning chore shift, Amy shows up week…

Mahina’s Hoof Progress

Mahina’s Hoof Progress

Mahina means moon in Hawaiian and much like a moon, this bright mare continues to wax. Unlike a moon, there is no sign of her waning. Mahina’s curriculum grows by the day as she learns more about what it means to be a good equine citizen. Now that she is able to be…

Lacey & Lise

Lacey & Lise

Lise A has been grooming Lacey for the past little while, and has the following to say about this special mare: “One of the baby name meanings of “Lacey” is cheerful. And a descriptor used in a dictionary definition of “Lacey” is a web. I was offered the opportunity…

Alumni Update: Tilt (Korra)

Alumni Update: Tilt (Korra)

Julie recently shared this update: Because of my busy schedule, Korra (Tilt) and I haven’t had much time to work together so things have been moving slow. Today, however, was our first ride outside of the round pen! Korra was curious but calm. She’s going to make an…

Winter and Wren, Sitting in a Tree

Winter and Wren, Sitting in a Tree

Winter, who was without horse friends for a number of years, was recently introduced to some herdmates here at SAFE. As you can see, Wren took to her immediately, and the two quickly became thick as thieves. In the herd hierarchy, Winter has shown herself to be a…

Jupiter Out on the Trails

Jupiter Out on the Trails

Jupiter, brave Jupiter, recently hit the trails to showcase how all his hard work in the arena has paid off. This guy didn’t miss a stride on his recent trail walk, taking up the lead with the calm cool collected attitude of a seasoned pro. True, it wasn’t exactly his…

August Joel Conner Clinic Report: Deja Vu

August Joel Conner Clinic Report: Deja Vu

Having the chance to work with Deja Vu — a horse who has not had much in the way of experience with this style of horsemanship — during the recent Joel Conner clinic was a challenging and tremendous learning experience for the both of us.   At first, working Deja…

Hockey Helping Horses

Hockey Helping Horses

Have you heard of the Ladies of the Kraken? They’re an all-female fan group of over 7,000 members supporting the Seattle Kraken, and in addition to fostering community amongst hockey lovers online and at Kraken games, they do amazing things for the community. This…

October Joel Conner Clinic Report: Artie

October Joel Conner Clinic Report: Artie

The October Clinic with Joel was Artie’s 3rd Riding Clinic for us and Artie has settled into the routine. He has not only learned the ropes of the clinic but has also relaxed greatly while waiting for others during the 3 hour session. From saddling to warm up to…

Welcoming Cooper

Welcoming Cooper

About two weeks back, a couple in the Maple Valley area awoke in the middle of the night to find that there was a loose horse in their yard, sidled up to the pen beside their own horses. In the morning, they took to local Facebook pages, “is this your horse?” Though…

Bijou Goes to Foster

Bijou Goes to Foster

Over the hills and across the pass, to R&B Ranch Bijou goes! Longtime SAFE volunteer Blair recently purchased a beautiful property in sunny Ellensburg, and wanted to take in one of our companion horses to winter alongside her herd. She had previously seen Bijou…

Week in Review: October 20 — 27

Week in Review: October 20 — 27

Another week: done. This was a busy one, but aren’t they all? We had Joel Conner here for our last clinic of 2024, picked up a new horse (more on him later), and had all the things going on that normally go on here at SAFE. 

Seven Year Sienna

Seven Year Sienna

To know her is to love her. The ‘her’ in question is Sienna of course, but if you had to make an educated (or even uneducated) guess, it’s likely you would have reached that conclusion on your own, for Sienna is tremendously easy to love.     Something about Sienna…

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