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April Volunteer of the Month: Lillian Hinett

April Volunteer of the Month: Lillian Hinett 

Snohomish resident Lillian Hinett has been named as Save a Forgotten Equine’s April Volunteer of the Month. She was selected for this honor largely because of the numerous times she fills in when there’s a vacancy on a shift. Lillian has a regular chores shift at the…

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Ru: A Face Only a Mother Could Love

Ru: A Face Only a Mother Could Love 

But if that is true, then Ruach has many moms (and dads) at SAFE because we love him a lot! He does have an interestingly shaped skull though… We hope that he was born that way, because it would break our hearts to image that someone could have hurt a horse like…

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Amelia is not Pregnant

Amelia is not Pregnant 

Dr Holohan, DVM from Pilchuck Vet Hospital did an examination of Amelia today and determined that she is not pregnant, but is suffering from mastitis, which is causing swelling and edema in her udder and abdomen. Amelia has been prescribed antibiotics to combat the…

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Teddi and Roscoe Training Update

Teddi and Roscoe Training Update 

A nice update from volunteer rider Lisa G about Teddi and Roscoe: Teddi is improving greatly in her groundwork. I slowed down and let go of my timeline expectations for her after the March clinic, and lifting that unconscious pressure has really helped our progress!…

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Two New Horses to Introduce

Two New Horses to Introduce 

SAFE has two new intakes to introduce to the community. Both of these horses have suffered some pretty serious neglect, and both have a long road of recovery ahead of them. Fortunately, that roads lead right through Save a Forgotten Equine and our rehabilitation team!…

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Open House and Tack Sale
Sept 28 from 12–3pm
More info >

Bingo at the Barn
Oct 6 from 1–4 pm
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Joel Conner Horsemanship Clinic
October 25–27
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March Volunteer of the Month: Sara Hummel

March Volunteer of the Month: Sara Hummel 

Sara Hummel, chores and more! Thank you, Sara, for all you do for the SAFE ponies and people! You have been a life-save this winter, turning up whenever we need you. You are always there ready to work hard and you never lose your smile. Congratulations! What do you…

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Slim’s Hoof: A Summary and Where We Are Today

Slim’s Hoof: A Summary and Where We Are Today 

We’ve been fighting a losing battle with Slim’s foot. Every time we think we’re making progress in getting him healed, another abscess pops up and the crack in his foot becomes even bigger. Because this has been going on for such a long time, let me summarize the…

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Getting to Know Alder and Pearl

Getting to Know Alder and Pearl 

Our two new bay beauties, Alder and Pearl, have settled in well to their new digs at Safe Harbor Stables. We have taken the first step in separating them, and they are now in two individual but neighboring paddocks. We never know how that first step will go when two…

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Rain Rain Go Away

Rain Rain Go Away 

With the recent and ongoing deluge of rain rain rain rain rain, we get calls from people concerned about horses they see standing outside in water, getting wet. As horse people, we know that most horses, when given a dry shelter to stand in, will choose to stand…

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