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Catching up with Prince 

In the year that Prince has been with SAFE, he has grown into one of the barn favorites. This handsome fellow has been developing his arena skills and enjoying trail rides. Prince has a very important job helping the newer SAFE horses walk confidently out on the…

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Zoe’s Leg 

Zoe has been with us for a little over a month now, and her leg continues to look better all the time. We are relieved that a laceration that was so ugly to begin with has left her with no permanent lameness. When she originally came to us we were still at the point…

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Ben bangs up his knee 

Boys will be boys. In December, Ben played a little too rough in turnout and got himself a nice swift kick to the left knee by one of his buddies. His knee swelled to the size of a grapefruit and had a minor laceration. Our Barn Manager, Lori, put her equine…

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Cosmo Finds a New Home 

Sometimes we come across families looking for horses that we know will give the absolute best home for any of our horses. The sad part is we might not have the perfect match in our herd while they are looking. When Cosmo was ready to meet potential adopters, we called…

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Stella is Ready 

SAFE owes a very big thank you to volunteer rider Casey for all her efforts and steadfast devotion to Stella through her rehabilitation and training. This little mare is full of life and has a BIG heart. She is more than ready to find her special someone and a family…

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Bingo at the Barn
Oct 6 from 1–4 pm
More info >

Joel Conner Horsemanship Clinic
October 25–27
More info >

Holiday Open House and Craft Sale
Dec 8 from 12–3pm
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A Beauty in the Making

A Beauty in the Making 

We’ve now known Beauty for a little over a week. She’s still on our standard intake quarantine for another week so we haven’t been interacting with her too much, but she’s proving to be a sweet mare with a desire to connect with people and other horses.  Beauty came…

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SAFE Mailing Address Change 

IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT: Someone broke into SAFE’s locked mailbox over Thanksgiving. We don’t think any mail was actually stolen, but we can’t be certain. IF YOU RECENTLY MAILED A CHECK TO SAFE, please contact Bonnie Hammond at 206–331-0006 or to…

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December Volunteer of the Month: Wendy Kettering

December Volunteer of the Month: Wendy Kettering 

Congratulations to SAFE’s Volunteer of the Month for December, Thursday AM Chores Team Player, Wendy Kettering! How and when did you first get involved with horses? Do you have one now you want to tell us about? I was the usual horse-crazy young girl. When I was in…

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Millie makes progress!

Millie makes progress! 

Millie has been doing great! She was worked in the Horsemanship clinic at the beginning of November and was a star. Joel used her in a round pen “join up” demonstration and showed how to help her be more accepting of the rope. Very simply put, he would swing the rope…

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Growing Pains

Growing Pains 

Piper is in a growth spurt right now. She looks a bit awkward with her long legs and high haunches but that is a phase that will be over soon. We have turned her out with several different buddies and she seems to get along nicely with a variety of personalities. This…

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