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Getting to know Duchess 

Duchess is a lovely gentle mare that we really hope will prove to be suitable for a beginner rider. She settled into Safe Harbor last week nicely and we have lightly started groundwork as we becomes accustom to our barn and getting back into work. Overall, things are…

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We welcomed back an old friend today. Duchess is a 12 year old palomino Saddlebred mare, who came to SAFE as a two year old during a major Animal Control seizure in 2008. Duchess arrived at SAFE emaciated and unhealthy with badly overgrown feet and a dreadful parasite…

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Valor’s Strength Training 

Valor’s rehabilitation is going super! The barn managers at SAFE began with walking him 2x a day, added ground poles and walking up hills. He then was able to graduate to roundpen work with Jolene to prepare him for saddling and ultimately to be ridden. As part of his…

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And the nominees are… 

2017 was an absolutely incredible year for SAFE. We moved our entire operation from 3 acres in Woodinville to 11 acres just down the road in Redmond. We also had a record setting year in terms of adoptions, new intakes, and new volunteers, but the story for 2017 is…

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December Volunteer of the Month: Cathy Olson 

Washington native Cathy Olson has been honored as Save a Forgotten Equine’s (SAFE) December Volunteer of the Month in recognition of four years of consistent service that includes working barn shifts and performing night shift, various clerical tasks, editing the…

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Welcoming Melinda! 

SAFE is overjoyed to introduce you to a new staff member who will be joining us in early January. Melinda Merryman is a veterinary technician who has accepted a position with SAFE to oversee the health and well-being of our horses. Melinda has been volunteering with…

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Valor: A Good Little Helper! 

Valor was on site to help Caren with the installation of his new turnout slow feeder. He inspected the work and was very helpful in making sure everything was level. Many of the turnouts are now equipped with these wonderful boxes that keep the hay dry, limit waste,…

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Getting to Know Aurora 

Aurora is a beautiful young mare with a lot of potential. We are very excited to be helping rehabilitate and train this big bodied and elegant Thoroughbred. She is now up to date on all of her medical and farrier needs. She did well for her dental visit with Dr. Fleck…

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Open House and Tack Sale
Sept 28 from 12–3pm
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Bingo at the Barn
Oct 6 from 1–4 pm
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Joel Conner Horsemanship Clinic
October 25–27
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Butterscotch: Joel Conner Clinic Update

Butterscotch: Joel Conner Clinic Update 

Lori helped Butterscotch get introduced to horsemanship in our recent Horsemanship clinic. Here is what she had to say about working with this smart senior mare: Butter came to SAFE about a month ago. She’s a sweet girl but didn’t understand much about horsemanship. I…

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In Praise of the Older Horse

In Praise of the Older Horse 

There’s something especially sad about an elderly horse in need of a home. If this were a perfect world, every horse would grow old and eventually pass on in a comfortable, safe place, surrounded by friends and familiar faces. But this world is far from perfect, and…

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Butter’s New Look

Butter’s New Look 

Bathing Butter has been something that we’ve wanted to tackle due to her perpetually grimy, shaggy haircoat. The hope was that a bath with a medicated shampoo would help her be less itchy. None of the oral supplements and antihistamines that she’s been on have seemed…

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Amelia’s Trip to the Hospital

Amelia’s Trip to the Hospital 

Sweet Amelia has battled GI issues since before she arrived at SAFE. But so far, we had only seen her have one colic episode, and it was a minor one. But just before Halloween we found her down in her turnout, not wanting to get up. She hadn’t finished her most recent…

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Understanding PPID (Equine Cushing’s Disease)

Understanding PPID (Equine Cushing’s Disease) 

We’ve taken in several “shaggy” senior horses lately. Honeycutt, Butter, and Mara all came to us looking suspicious for pituitary pars intermedia dysfunction (PPID), and all of them tested positive. Last year, our cute pony, Sage, also got the diagnosis. PPID, also…

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Luna Finishing Training 

Here are some highlights from Luna’s training with Donohue Horsemanship in Banks, Oregon at the end of 2019. SAFE is thankful for all their hard work in helping us offer such well trained horses to the public. What a great foundation this young mare has received!…

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