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Poor Anderson 

It’s finally raining again and no one at SAFE is happier about that than Anderson. The smoke and dust in the air this summer have been exceptionally hard on his lungs. We started noticing that he’d cough a bit when asked to canter, so when Dr. Fleck came to do his…

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Banjo & Finn visit Safe Harbor 

Our WONDERFUL foster mom Carrie brought the Finn and Joey for a visit during the last Joel Conner clinic. She had this to report about the experience: The boys both enjoyed their field trip out to SAFE for the Joel Conner clinic! They loaded into the trailer like it…

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Making Progress with Mason 

Lori has been working with Mason since his arrival at SAFE last year. She continues to chip away at his issues, hoping that he may still become a safe riding partner. For now, all this groundwork is helping him to trust people and be more comfortable in his body. Here…

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Training & Clinic Update: Tasara 

Sweet Tasara is coming along well in her training. She has been working steadily with a saddle on her back for a few weeks now and doing well. She is a very sensitive mare and we are working on helping her relax through the groundwork. There are many things we can do…

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Summer Fun with Sunny & Shasta 

What a fun summer we had…and Sunny and Shasta have their own Facebook page now!! Now that all the SAFE horses are settled in at the new barn in Redmond, Sunny and Shasta had the opportunity to get out into the community and make some new friends this summer. A team of…

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Sophie: Grown up and Looking Great! 

Sophie has been doing amazing things with her adopter Julie W. We are so happy to share this great video of them working at the Jaton Lord clinic this past weekend. Julie has done a wonderful job and is raising this girl right! They have a fantastic future ahead of…

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Open House and Tack Sale
Sept 28 from 12–3pm
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Bingo at the Barn
Oct 6 from 1–4 pm
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Joel Conner Horsemanship Clinic
October 25–27
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Spotlight on Lacey

Spotlight on Lacey 

SAFE was honored to be invited by Pet Connection Magazine and Dirtie Dog Photography on an exciting new television project called the Limelight Project. Their goal is to bringing more exposure to rescue organizations to help adoptable horses find families while…

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A Gentle Wind

A Gentle Wind 

Horses are remarkably resilient animals. Time after time, we’ve seen horses who are able to recover from terrible neglect, pulled back from the brink of death to transform back into the strong, healthy creatures they were always meant to be. These horses inspire us…

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Sienna, Making Progress

Sienna, Making Progress 

Sienna has made some excellent improvements since we took a little extra time with her groundwork training. Our friend Joel Conner felt that Sienna started out training holding so much trouble inside of her that once she started to free up her feet, her residual…

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Anderson aka Mr. Personality

Anderson aka Mr. Personality 

Anderson continues to do well working with Kaya. Here is a little update she wrote about him: Anderson is so much fun! As I work with him more, his adorable and ridiculous personality is really showing itself. He loves a good face scratch and playing with the water…

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Filling Holes with Cameo

Filling Holes with Cameo 

Cameo has been doing very well in her horsemanship training this summer. We realized that there were still some holes in her training, especially issues with her blind spots, and began concentrating on these areas. Cameo was not fond of having ropes touch her hind…

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Adoption Announcment: Dottie!

Adoption Announcment: Dottie! 

A truly wonderful thing has happened: Dottie’s foster family has decided that they can’t live without her and made her part of their family permanently! She is comfortable and very happy with her home and all the animals living with her. She has constant companionship…

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