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Dyna Finds Her Perfect Match! 

Some adoptions are just meant to be and have us saying YES without any hesitation. We are all literally jumping with joy to announce that Dyna has found a forever home with our amazing volunteer Jane! There was an instant connection between these two from the day Dyna…

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The latest on Ruger 

SAFE volunteers have been working hard to get Ruger through his rehabilitation. His weight has been holding steady for a while now and he seems to be doing well on a maintenance feeding of ten pounds of senior feed per day, broken into three meals. He is out on…

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Bridgit finds a home! 

All the horses that pass through the gates of Safe Harbor are special and placing them into wonderful new homes is the best part of our work. SAFE is happy to announce that Bridgit’s new family has been found and she is adopted! Bridgit’s sweet and gentle disposition…

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Training and Clinic Update: Mason 

Ian took Mason into our last clinic with Joel Conner. Here is what he had to say about the experience: Mason – Joel Conner Clinic – Groundwork – Day 1 – 6/10 Mason and I have slowly been building trust together since he first appeared at SAFE with both sides…

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Health Update: Stormy 

Here is a medical update from Melinda our Herd Health Manager about Stormy: A few months ago, we still believed that Stormy’s right eye maintained some ability to sense light and shadows. We continued to administer medication to manage the uveitis and save that eye in…

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Open House and Tack Sale
Sept 28 from 12–3pm
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Bingo at the Barn
Oct 6 from 1–4 pm
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Joel Conner Horsemanship Clinic
October 25–27
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Teddi Makes Progress

Teddi Makes Progress 

Teddi recently had a recheck exam with Dr. Fleck and it looks as though everything is healing the way it should. Her bones are still healing so she still has a limp if she trots, but that’s to be expected at this point. She has graduated to a slightly larger turnout…

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Fall City Forty: the Full Story

Fall City Forty: the Full Story 

We’ve had to stay pretty quiet about the situation with the Fall City Forty for two reasons. One, because we were being threatened with legal action for our involvement in this rescue mission; and two, because we were holding out hope that we would be allowed to…

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The Babies are Growing Up!

The Babies are Growing Up! 

It’s hard to believe how fast our little foals are growing up. It seems like just yesterday that they were trying to figure out how their legs work. Today they are three confident, adventurous, happy-go-lucky fillies who are ready to take on the world. And they’ve…

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Returning Friends

Returning Friends 

When SAFE adopts out a horse, we make it very clear to the new adopter that their relationship with SAFE is just getting started. Most of the people who’ve adopted from us over the last 14 years remain in regular contact with us, whether…

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SAFE Standards: Rescue Capacity 

SAFE Standards is written to provide insight into how things get done here at Safe Harbor Stables. SAFE has been in operation since 2005 and we’ve learned a lot about caring for horses in that time…through research, trial and error, and sometimes by making mistakes.…

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Meet Cyrus

Meet Cyrus 

As part of our work to support Animal Control agencies in Washington state, SAFE is often asked to take in horses that are part of active cruelty investigations. Sometimes we can make this information public right away, but in other cases, we are asked to keep these…

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