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Artie Shaw, Friend to Many

Artie Shaw, Friend to Many 

If SAFE had class superlatives, Artie would definitely win ‘friends with everyone.’ He is the horse that most other horses (at least if they’re geldings) first meet, and for good reason. Artie’s mellow demeanor around other horses helps introduce even the most…

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Theo’s First Groundwork Session

Theo’s First Groundwork Session 

We speak a lot about time here at SAFE — specifically as it relates to giving a horse the hours, weeks, months, years they needs to gain. Gain weight, gain confidence, gain the skills and tools they need to be successful going forward in life, be it as a companion or…

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Rest in Peace, Scotty

Rest in Peace, Scotty 

It is never easy to announce the passing of one of our horses, and harder still when the passing is so unexpected. Scotty left this earth last week, following a sudden and painful colic. This was his third colic in five months, in addition to the ulcers we had been…

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Introducing “Safe at Home” Community Assistance

Introducing “Safe at Home” Community Assistance 

For the past 19 years, SAFE has helped hundreds of horses and their owners through our Community Outreach Program. This safety net program was created to provide short-term assistance to horse owners struggling to care for their animals, with the ultimate goal of…

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Alumni Update: Mason

Alumni Update: Mason 

Mason is looking great and loves his home with adopter Lori M. Mason is great at groundwork and knows what to do, so he has a job as a groundwork trainer for new volunteers at Lori’s barn.

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Frosting’s Trick

Frosting’s Trick 

What better way to jumpstart your weekend than to watch Frosting exhibit her new trick? No smoke and mirrors — just a smart little mare who learned she could get scratches in exchange for curling her lip, and with that knowledge, is ready to do so on command. You…

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Inula, Teacher and Student

Inula, Teacher and Student 

Inula’s ringbone will keep her from being a riding horse, but it doesn’t mean that she can’t develop and hone her skills on the ground. While she is still young and relatively new to everything, Inula has been a fast learner. Our first impressions of Inula, when she…

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Groundwork with Blanche

Groundwork with Blanche 

Blanche has begun her foray into our training program, where she is proving to be a quick study. Based on how she is for the handling we’ve done so far (tremendously reasonable and very sweet), it maybe shouldn’t have come as such a surprise that she would be…

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WASART Presentation
Sept 7 from 12–3pm
More info >

Open House and Tack Sale
Sept 28 from 12–3pm
More info >

Joel Conner Horsemanship Clinic
October 25–27
More info >

April Volunteer of the Month: Laia Solsona-Holmes

April Volunteer of the Month: Laia Solsona-Holmes 

Congratulations to our April Volunteer of the Month, Laia Solsona-Holmes! We are incredibly fortunate to have had Laia join SAFE way back in September of 2021. Since then, she has been a standout member of the Thursday AM chore team, consistently demonstrating her…

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Rest in Peace, Lancelot

Rest in Peace, Lancelot 

Every once in a while, we are reminded of just how delicate horses actually are. While announcing the loss of one of our herd is never easy, this one is a bit more painful than most. During his first saddling, in a freak accident, Lance broke his leg. While a broken…

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Alumni Update: Piper

Alumni Update: Piper 

Piper’s adopter, Talia, recently provided an update. It’s been a long time since I gave a Piper update! We’re all trying to get in shape for spring with hikes up the big hill. The Arabian (Nova) led the way, and Piper and I did just a little huffing and puffing behind…

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March Joel Conner Clinic Report: Edward

March Joel Conner Clinic Report: Edward 

Kaya M has been riding Edward as of late, and the two of them participated in the March Joel Conner clinic together. Here’s what Kaya has to say about their time: “Edward and I had a little set back a couple months ago in the process of getting more life and have been…

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March Joel Conner Clinic Report: Theo

March Joel Conner Clinic Report: Theo 

As a young guy just starting out in our training program, the goal for Theo is to keep things light. We’re working to develop his balance and strengthen his confidence while wearing the saddle. Theo continues to get softer and is showing great improvement with…

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Snohomish Animal Control Officer Training

Snohomish Animal Control Officer Training 

This past week, SAFE hosted two of Snohomish County Animal Control’s newest officers, Sarah Weaver and Ashlynn Trujillo for a day of hands-on education. Even for those with knowledge of horses, encountering an unknown horse in the field presents its challenges and…

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