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Alumni Update: Jasper

Alumni Update: Jasper

Alumni volunteer Lisa G recently visited with Jasper and his adopter. Jasper is absolutely thriving in the Olympic Peninsula farm life. This happy and healthy fellow gets to spend his days turned out with a TRULY mixed herd; his 2 mare pals, Poppy and Sodee, 4…

Haltering Progression with Winter

Haltering Progression with Winter

Winter had lived for a number of years out on pasture without being caught. She remained curious of humans, but wary of their intentions, especially when it came to anyone handling her in a way that wasn’t on her terms. We were able to get a breakaway halter on Winter…

Alumni Update: Nyx and Echo

Alumni Update: Nyx and Echo

Update from Lindsay Henderson, Nyx’s adopter: The last few days we took a couple SAFE alumni (Nyx and Echo) out on a group camp out at Silver Falls. They were both rockstars! Echo and Addison Cory bravely led the way much of the time. So cool to be a part of and to…

Jupiter’s Back

Jupiter’s Back

Do you want the good news or the bad news first?   The good news is that at a recent lameness check back in early June, Jupiter was the soundest he’s ever been. Putting him on Equioxx, tacking on some front shoes, and legging him up has proven to be a tried and…

Alumni Update: Coco, Minnie and Teddi

Alumni Update: Coco, Minnie and Teddi

Coco, Minnie, and Teddi are happy as can be out on the beautiful Key Peninsula. They have graduated to shared/open shelter (so they each have individual stalls, but the doors are left open so they can all meander in and out together), as they get on wonderfully as a…

Alumni Update: Cameo and Mara

Alumni Update: Cameo and Mara

Cameo and Mara are still BFFs and enjoy going for hand-walks (and rides for Cameo) with Janelle outside of the arena on a path to the Tolt Trail.

Zuri’s Joints

Zuri’s Joints

A mid-90s baby, Zuri is one of the oldest members of our herd. Before her arrival, she was nursed back to health by one of Pierce County Animal Control’s amazing fosters, who brought her body condition up from the 1 out of 9 she was seized at. Considering the rough…

Alumni Update: Ruby

Alumni Update: Ruby

Ruby is living a nice life with her adopter Sophia. Ruby enjoys the company of two Percheron cross mares as herd mates. In addition, there are two dogs, goats, sheep, chickens and ducks.

Week in Review: September 23 — 27

Week in Review: September 23 — 27

A lot goes on at SAFE each week, and not all of it is reported on in depth. But in an effort to give you a glimpse into what a typical week looks like, we are compiling just a few of the moments into a weekly summary video. Check out last week’s below: …

Welcoming Oreo, Ranger, and Mabel!

Welcoming Oreo, Ranger, and Mabel!

SAFE welcomed three new faces this week, and what cute faces they are! Hailing from Pierce County, these escape artists came under Animal Control’s notice because they kept breaking out and getting loose. After multiple instances of this with no preventative measures…

Mahina Making Progress

Mahina Making Progress

As the days grow shorter, so does the list of Mahina’s ‘firsts’ here at SAFE. First time walking through the barn aisle, check. First time having her teeth floated, check. First (and second!) trims by the farrier, check and check. She has really shown herself to be a…

Barbie Dream Horse

Barbie Dream Horse

Barbie’s Dream Horse was named Prancer, and technically she was cremello. But it’s hard not to look at these beautiful pictures of Winter and not conjure up images of the toy you’d bring to show and tell. If one thing is true about Winter, it’s that she is calorically…

Alumni Update: Mesquite

Alumni Update: Mesquite

Mesquite shares a fence line, as well as turnout, with an Arab/QH cross. Mesquite gets four carefully measured feedings around the clock to maintain good gut health. He’s experienced a number of colic issues and this procedure is keeping colic at bay. Both Cory and…

Adopt Edward!

Adopt Edward!

Edward is more than ready to meet people who are ready to meet him. Could that be you? 

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