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Foster Update: Banjo and Finn

Here are some great photos of Finn and Banjo (aka “Joey”) and their foster parents Carrie and Derek. They are taking wonderful care of these two boys. We are so lucky to have wonderful fosters to care for and love our companion horses! [gallery link=“file”…

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Sophie: Baby is growing up!

Sophie had her first dental float this week! We were able to confirm that she is coming four years old this year. One baby cap came off during the float and one wolf tooth was extracted with no trouble. She needs a little work with needles for sedation but wasn’t too…

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Heath Update: Anakin

After six months in our care, we’re reaching the final stages of Anakin’s rehabilitation. Dr. McCracken came out Monday to do a dental float and give him his vaccines. Unsurprisingly, Anakin does not have the world’s greatest teeth…there was bad ulceration but he…

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May Volunteer of the Month: Sara Sluszka

When horses come to SAFE, they are often suspicious and fearful. In many cases, their hard lives have left them mistrustful of humans. It takes patience, sensitivity, timing, and powerful observation skills to bring them out of their hurtful pasts and into a healthy,…

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Health Update: Emmy

This week we brought Emmy home from winter turnout at foster. We had a lameness evaluation done on Tuesday (video posted below) and sadly, she is still slightly off on the right hind. The time off has helped her some, but there is clearly something still bothering…

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Check in with Cameo!

Cameo is getting back to work and doing very well. We are keeping things easy to start with, working on groundwork, saddling, and hooking up with her handlers. Already we are seeing good changes! Here is an update from her volunteer rider Claire: “Cameo has come a…

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Thank you from ALL the horses at SAFE!!!

A heartfelt THANK YOU to everyone who donated during the Seattle Foundation’s GiveBIG event May 3rd and 4th! Generous donors like you raised over $16 MILLION dollars for non-profits in the Greater Seattle area. SAFE is so very thankful to all of you who donated over…

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Training Update: Jewel

Claire has done an absolute AMAZING job training Jewel for SAFE. Our little palomino paint has transformed into a beautiful young riding mare with a TON of potential. Claire had a few things to tell us about the progress Jewel has made and riding her in last month’s…

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Bingo at the Barn
Oct 6 from 1–4 pm
More info >

Joel Conner Horsemanship Clinic
October 25–27
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Holiday Open House and Craft Sale
Dec 8 from 12–3pm
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November Volunteer of the Month: Blair Fleming

November Volunteer of the Month: Blair Fleming

SAFE is pleased to announce our November 2018 Volunteer of the Month, Blair Fleming. Blair is a busy gal who recruits new volunteers for SAFE, plans and executes work parties, and works the Friday PM shift, all while working two jobs and putting herself through…

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Joel Conner Clinic Report: Lacey

Joel Conner Clinic Report: Lacey

SAFE horsemanship volunteer Kaya M rode Lacey in the October Joel Conner clinic: Honestly, I was a bit nervous about riding Lacey in the clinic, since I had only recently started working with her, and we were still feeling each other out. I am now so glad that I had…

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Joel Conner Clinic Report: Bowie

Joel Conner Clinic Report: Bowie

Volunteer Kaya M had been riding Bowie on a regular basis and worked with him in the groundwork sessions of the October Joel Conner Clinic: Bowie and I participated in the groundwork portion of the clinic and it was a very good experience for both of us! I’m still new…

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Check out miss Pippi! Apparently she is NOT going to be a light colored chestnut pinto…her winter coat is coming in dark! It leaves her looking a little comical. Pippi and Asha will be spending the next several months at a lovely nearby foster home, where they can…

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Raven Flies Free

Raven Flies Free

We are so sad to announce that we lost a dear friend last week. Raven, our three year old Thoroughbred filly, was humanely euthanized on Wednesday after a bad colic. We love all of the horses that pass through SAFE, but every so often, a horse comes along that works…

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