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Home from the Hospital! 

We welcomed Anakin to Safe Harbor Stables on Wednesday, a long awaited homecoming for everyone at SAFE. After four weeks at Pilchuck Veterinary Hospital, Anakin was released from their excellent care into ours. Finally strong enough to stand up without the aid of the…

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Health Update: Phoenix 

We are again working with our farrier to find the best shoe package to help Phoenix’s soundness. Last summer, Dr. Devine from Pilchuck did a big work up on our golden child which included x‑rays. The conclusion was that the root of his lameness is navicular syndrome.…

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Health Update: Emmy 

Emmy’s rehab after surgery went according to plan — or so we thought —until around the 6 week mark. We noticed her take a few bad steps in turnout and that raised a few red flags that something might be wrong. Dr. DeWard examined her and noted swelling in the stifle…

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Scammers make an unsuccessful attempt to defraud SAFE 

What nonprofit organization doesn’t dream of getting a major donation out of the blue, or hope that one day a wealthy philanthropist will hear of their good work and write them a big check? SAFE is a growing horse rescue with a pretty long wish list, filled with…

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Professor Anakin Gives Back 

We are preparing for Anakin’s release from the hospital on Wednesday, getting his feed delivered, getting his stall ready, and preparing for transport. In the meantime, we were delighted to find out that Anakin is already giving back to the horse community! We…

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Getting to know Bean 

New horses always take time settling into their new lives as SAFE horses. In the first few weeks they’re here, we get to know their personalities, what they like, what they don’t like. We start to dream of what kind of home will be the perfect match. Bean had been a…

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Anakin Update: Jan 13 2016 

Anakin has now been at Pilchuck for three weeks. We continue to see improvements in his condition. He’s steadily gaining about a pound a day, topping the scales at about 865 lbs now. (For reference, a horse his size should weigh between 1100 and 1200 lbs.) His calorie…

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Bingo at the Barn
Oct 6 from 1–4 pm
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Joel Conner Horsemanship Clinic
October 25–27
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Holiday Open House and Craft Sale
Dec 8 from 12–3pm
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Video: Remy Learns Herd Dynamics

Video: Remy Learns Herd Dynamics 

Remy is a 6yr old TB who was found on a property without any other horses so we are unsure how long its been since he’s had other horses as companions. He is currently in training and the two other horses in the video are personal horses of the trainers. Tapadero, the…

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Guess the Foaling Date for Luna and Mina! 

Do you think you can guess when Luna and Mina will have their foals? We’re going to have a fun contest to see who can guess the closest to the actual birth! We’ll give a you a clue to get you started. The two mares were both palpated and ultrasounded by equine repro…

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September Volunteer of the Month: Catherine Noyes

September Volunteer of the Month: Catherine Noyes 

Kirkland resident Catherine Noyes has been named as Save a Forgotten Equine’s September Volunteer of the Month. She was selected for this honor because of her interest in every aspect of horse rescue. Catherine helps with the basics of cleaning up after the horses,…

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2018 Q3 Impact Statement 

New Horses Intake Date: July 11, 2018 Remy (owner surrender) Intake Date: August 8, 2018 Timmie (owner surrender) Birth Date: September 1, 2018 Pippi (born to rescued mare Asha) Placed Horses Ruach Euthanized Horses Raven (colic)

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Luna’s Getting Closer!

Luna’s Getting Closer! 

Right on the heels of Pippi’s arrival, Luna is showing signs of getting closer to foaling. She’s right on track for the predicted foaling date of sometime in October. She has recently started having some mammary development, and she is producing some “milk.” It’s…

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Pippi Update

Pippi Update 

It’s hard to believe how quickly time flies when we look at our little Pippi! It seems like just yesterday she was a wobbly little bundle of legs, gangling awkwardly around the foaling stall. She appears to be growing before our eyes and is exploring her world like a…

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