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Mesquite makes a new friend! 

Volunteer rider Claire got to spend some time with Mesquite this past week. He is learning to trust new people and let go of his past. Claire is very quiet and patient with him. You can see from the photos what a handsome fellow he is becoming. We continue to increase…

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Rehab plan for Karma 

Early last month, our sweet Karma came up lame on the left front leg. She was diagnosed with a check ligament lesion and a cyst in her splint bone. The bone cyst carried a prognosis of lifelong lameness if left untreated. Due to her young age and promising future as a…

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Introducing SAFE’s Operations Team! 

At the beginning of 2015, SAFE embarked on a new chapter within our organization with the separation of the Governing Board of Directors and the creation of our Operations Team. Over the last 8 months, the Operations Team has been growing and developing. Some…

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Foster Update: Finn 

We have found a fantastic foster home for Finn. He is alone for the moment but has an entire herd of horses across the street to keep him company until his foster person finds a horse of her own. Finn’s hooves seem to be feeling better on the soft hogsfuel footing at…

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Foster Update — Rocky 

Many thanks to Rocky’s foster family for continuing to take such fantastic care of Rocky. Here is their latest update: Rocky continues to do well. Dr. Colton “peeked” at him for me to make sure his weight was okay. He said it looked pretty good for his breed and his…

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Bingo at the Barn
Oct 6 from 1–4 pm
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Joel Conner Horsemanship Clinic
October 25–27
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Holiday Open House and Craft Sale
Dec 8 from 12–3pm
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Introducing Mina and Luna

Introducing Mina and Luna 

Mina and Luna are the latest additions to the SAFE herd and they are both pregnant. Mina and Luna have been in a vet’s care for 6 weeks and they have made nice recoveries from the neglect they faced in their previous lives. Their pregnancies have been confirmed by…

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Sage Gets a Spa Day, and Health Update

Sage Gets a Spa Day, and Health Update 

Our little Sage has blossomed! She came to us with a long, dull coat from neglect and malnourishment–so long and scruffy, in fact, that some of us referred to her endearingly as our little yak-pony. But after some good nutrition, a few baths, and a round with the…

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Piper’s New Foster Home

Piper’s New Foster Home 

Last week, we tearfully loaded Piper into a trailer and wished her well as she headed off to her new foster home. Because Piper is so young, she has a lot of growing up to do before she’ll officially start training. So we started thinking about sending her out to…

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Busy Bee update

Busy Bee update 

another brilliant update from Ruckus’ family: Hello hello, Here are some pics of Ruckus is his big boy bridle driving and also with his new fly sheet for this season with the cutest bee print ever 😂 We are calling it the “Busy Bee” very fitting for little man…

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Raven Takes Another Field Trip

Raven Takes Another Field Trip 

Raven’s colic saga has unfortunately continued since her last update. Although her colics are usually very minor, we still want to get to the bottom of the problem and find a solution if we can. We hauled her into Pilchuck Veterinary Hospital last week for an internal…

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