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2023 Volunteer of the Year: Joan Yankis

2023 Volunteer of the Year: Joan Yankis 

We’ll say it again and again, volunteers are the heart and soul of SAFE; without them we couldn’t do all that we do, for horses! In 2023 we had over 180 active volunteers who came together and shared their time, skills and hearts, all to better the lives of horses.…

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Theo’s First Trim

Theo’s First Trim 

This golden boy deserves a star to match his pretty coat for how well he did for his first trim this week! Given his gentle personality and sweet nature, we weren’t too worried, but having your legs handled can be a bit of a challenge for even some of our more…

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Edward’s Flexion Tests

Edward’s Flexion Tests 

Have you been wondering what to expect from a soundness evaluation? Wonder no more — Edward is here to demonstrate some of the things that may be asked of your horse at a pre-purchase exam or lameness evaluation. Some good boxes to check before the appointment date…

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What do you do…?

What do you do…? 

What do you do if you are concerned about the condition or treatment of a horse that you’ve seen? Often people will contact SAFE about it, not knowing that we do not have the authority to seize animals from private individuals. We can advise you, but most likely we…

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Harrisa, Blanketed

Harrisa, Blanketed 

With this recent snap in cold weather, we are doing our very best to keep the horses warm and happy. Extra feedings, steaming sweet waters and hot mashes, blankets with fill — we set our herd up with these things and more to help them combat the cold. Harissa is…

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Sandy Jupiter

Sandy Jupiter 

It seems an inevitability of horses and horse ownership (or stewardship) that there will come a time when your horse suffers from the most base of afflictions: a stomachache. We can talk about how cruel it is that the design of horses is such that their digestive…

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Alumni Update: Rae

Alumni Update: Rae 

Our Alumni team recently checked in with Rae’s adopter Christina. Here’s what Christina had to share: I think Rae is still settling in nicely. Oddly enough, she has been stretching her “Boss Mare” muscle a bit which has been both hilarious and aggravating, depending…

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Alumni Update: Bubbles (Bella)

Alumni Update: Bubbles (Bella)

SAFE recently checked in with Bubbles’ (now Bella) adopter Mary. Bella is doing great and follows Mary around like a duckling. She has become best buddies with her pasture mate and Mary’s other horse, Jax. This lucky girl receives regular visits from the chiropractor…

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WASART Presentation
Sept 7 from 12–3pm
More info >

Open House and Tack Sale
Sept 28 from 12–3pm
More info >

Joel Conner Horsemanship Clinic
October 25–27
More info >

Alumni Update: George

Alumni Update: George 

We received an update on George from Ana. Doesn’t he look amazing all grown up?! “George and I got to sneak in our first after-work ride of the year. The sunshine is coming and we need to work off some winter chub with our pony friends!”

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Alumni Update: Zoe

Alumni Update: Zoe 

Zoe is doing really well and is very bonded to the other horses in her herd. She enjoys going on rides on the many trails accessible from her family’s property.

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Addie is Adopted!

Addie is Adopted! 

With the sound of a trailer door shutting, another Graham horse is out the door. Addie has found her family! Madison and Nicole came to SAFE looking for a horse who could also participate with Madison in her Washington High School Equestrian Team (WASHET) events.…

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Theo’s First Saddling

Theo’s First Saddling 

Theo wore a saddle for the first time at the end of February. It seems like just a handful of days before that, Theo was having his first groundwork sessions… and that’s because he was. The forward progress of this sweet guy has been swift and easy, making him…

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Aries Seeks New Home

Aries Seeks New Home 

We are helping to get the word out regarding the rehoming of one of our alumni: Aries. Aries was adopted back in 2021, but due to family circumstances, is currently looking for a new home. Aries had been a riding horse before she came to SAFE, and though she’d had…

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