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Welcoming Ivy to Safe Harbor! 

Ivy has just arrived at Safe Harbor after 60 days in the care of the vets at NWESC. She’s part of an active Animal Control case, and although she’s currently in decent weight and condition, another horse seized from the same owner had to be humanely euthanized due to…

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A happy home for Skittles 

We talk a lot about dreams coming true for our horses when we finally get to send them off to their new home, but we’re happiest when an adoption can make a dream come true for the human side of the new partnership as well. Susanne M has supported SAFE for quite some…

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February Volunteers of the Month: Chloe and Allison 

Celebrate with us February’s Volunteers of the Month, Chloe & Allison!! Allison and Chloe have been volunteering with SAFE for almost three years. They are a wonderful Mother/Daughter team that we have come to depend on for many reasons. They have a regular Sunday…

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Aiden Update!! 

Here’s a note we received from Aiden’s adoptive family: “Aiden has been here at our house for a couple of months now with his new buddy. He is continuing his training and we are getting ready for the upcoming show season. He has been doing lots of trail riding,…

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Emmy veterinary update 

Emmy was seen by Dr McCracken at Rainland Equine last week for continuing diagnostics, following the discovery of the OCD lesion in her stifle. The results of these diagnostics were informative but not completely conclusive. Dr McCracken used Rainland’s “Lameness…

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Michael Sparling Clinic: Kai 

Kai did well for Stephanie in the Michael Sparling Clinic. He was, as Michael put it, the trickiest horse that came to the clinic. To ride Kai successfully, your timing has to be dead on and you have to be right there to support and help him find balance. It is…

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Sad news about Emmy 

A few weeks ago, Terry was showing Emmy to some potential adopters. She looked fine at liberty and on the lunge line, but when Terry got on her to ride, Emmy pinned her ears and kicked out at her leg…behaving in a way that was very non-Emmy like! Terry got off and…

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Bingo at the Barn
Oct 6 from 1–4 pm
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Joel Conner Horsemanship Clinic
October 25–27
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Holiday Open House and Craft Sale
Dec 8 from 12–3pm
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Catching up with Prince 

In the year that Prince has been with SAFE, he has grown into one of the barn favorites. This handsome fellow has been developing his arena skills and enjoying trail rides. Prince has a very important job helping the newer SAFE horses walk confidently out on the…

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Zoe’s Leg 

Zoe has been with us for a little over a month now, and her leg continues to look better all the time. We are relieved that a laceration that was so ugly to begin with has left her with no permanent lameness. When she originally came to us we were still at the point…

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Ben bangs up his knee 

Boys will be boys. In December, Ben played a little too rough in turnout and got himself a nice swift kick to the left knee by one of his buddies. His knee swelled to the size of a grapefruit and had a minor laceration. Our Barn Manager, Lori, put her equine…

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Cosmo Finds a New Home 

Sometimes we come across families looking for horses that we know will give the absolute best home for any of our horses. The sad part is we might not have the perfect match in our herd while they are looking. When Cosmo was ready to meet potential adopters, we called…

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