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Itches From Above

Itches From Above 

Nova Nova Nova, no longer a baby and, indeed, making that known. I’ve spoken before about Nova’s hormonal struggles, the willingness and sweetness that can flip on a dime to something unpredictable and sometimes dangerous. She is a horse who wants attention and…

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The Saga of Harissa’s Swollen Face

The Saga of Harissa’s Swollen Face 

Imagine, for a moment, a slightly better than worst-case scenario that might occur at a horse rescue. Your mind probably jumps to something medical, right? Nothing life-ending (that would be more on the worst-worst-case scenario side) but something dramatic enough…

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Alumni Update: Rae

Alumni Update: Rae 

December 2023 Check your surroundings… the holiday shenanigans may sneak up on you when you least expect it — just ask Rae!

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The Night Before Christmas: A SAFE Story

The Night Before Christmas: A SAFE Story 

Twas the night before Christmas, and all through the barn, not a creature was stirring, because horses do not keep the same Gregorian calendar that us humans do, and therefore are primarily governed by their biological rhythms. And actually, I take that back, they…

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Pippin Is Adopted!

Pippin Is Adopted! 

When Pippin arrived at Sarah’s to foster back at the beginning of the year, she was a small, sickly thing. Her overall affect was flat, and despite her youth, she did not behave in the way that a young horse should. The curious, playful personality that typically…

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Brunch with the Gals

Brunch with the Gals 

Ciara joined one of the mare herds recently, making new friends with Fancy, Frosting, Bijou, and Inula (who was already a known quantity to her, being her daughter and all). Ciara is a good herdmate in that she is the opposite of meddlesome. In fact, at the first sign…

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Training Update: Violet

Training Update: Violet 

After a relatively uneventful first ride here at SAFE, Violet has been going well under saddle for the past few months. She had been started in her youth, but because a good deal of time had passed and we knew little about what that start looked like, we took things…

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Training Update: Jupiter

Training Update: Jupiter 

Getting to know Jupiter has been a pleasurable experience. Beginning his training journey here was not starting from scratch — he had some experience being saddled and ridden in the past — and while that doesn’t always mean that things will be easy (often it means…

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WASART Presentation
Sept 7 from 12–3pm
More info >

Open House and Tack Sale
Sept 28 from 12–3pm
More info >

Joel Conner Horsemanship Clinic
October 25–27
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Champagne is Adopted!

Champagne is Adopted! 

We are breaking out the bubbly, because little Champagne has been adopted! Champagne arrived at SAFE as a very nervous little stallion who was averse to being caught or handled. During his time at SAFE, we spent daily time with him, working to teach him that people…

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March Volunteer of the Month: Amelia Savage

March Volunteer of the Month: Amelia Savage 

Congratulations to Amelia Savage, our March Volunteer of the Month! Since 2019, Amelia has dedicated her time and compassion to SAFE, and she has taken on a very special role within our Safe at Home: Community Assistance program, specifically the Serenity Fund (Humane…

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Volunteer Education: Horse Health

Volunteer Education: Horse Health 

This past Saturday, our volunteers braved the cold to attend a Horse Health class, taught by former SAFE staff member Melinda Couvillion. It was a terrific presentation, and the volunteers who attended learned some very interesting facts about horses (did you know…

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Alumni Update: Nashville

Alumni Update: Nashville 

Here’s a March 1st update from Anna, Nashville’s adopter. Well, I haven’t updated on Nashville lately so here she is, sneaking past me and making a mess in the hay while I clean stalls. Guess I’ll clean that up next:) She has been on stall rest for a couple of weeks…

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Lacey in the Sunshine

Lacey in the Sunshine 

Have you seen a cute red mare recently? Even if the answer is ‘yes,’ it’s never a bad time to see another. When the sun is out at SAFE, Lacey never misses an opportunity to find the most optimal spot for a sunbathe. When the light hits her just right, she looks like a…

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Jupiter’s Soundness Evaluation

Jupiter’s Soundness Evaluation 

Jupiter’s great red spot, as it were, is a slight hitch in his step that we first noticed when restarting him under saddle. In our efforts to better represent our riding horses as we move them into the ‘adoptable’ category, we had our vets out to evaluate Jupiter’s…

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