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Instant Karma 

Since coming to Safe Harbor, Karma has gone through some very positive transformations. It took her a little while to relax and settle in, but with the help of Terry and her volunteers, she’s making great progress. For example, she initially was very reluctant to…

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Portland is home 

We couldn’t be happier to announce that Portland has been adopted and one of his new friends is an old friend of SAFE. Portland found his forever home with the person who adopted Goliath from SAFE back in 2010. He now resides on a lovely 10 acre horse property on…

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First ride on Emmy 

They can’t always tell you what they know…so sometimes you just have to climb aboard and see what happens! Emmy came with no history, no background, but in the time she’s been with us, she’s proven to be kind, smart, and brave. Yesterday Terry climbed carefully into…

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Hello, Mr Chip! 

Chip has been enjoying a lovely stay in foster, but this weekend, he returned to Safe Harbor to start training with Terry. We don’t think Chip’s been ridden much, if at all, so we’ll be starting with ground work training and go from there. It’s our hope that we can…

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First Day of School 

Yesterday was a big day for Mr Curly Pants: he left his foster home, where he’s spent the last 6 months, and headed off to officially start his training. He’ll be spending the next three months with trainer Matt Olson, who will work with Owen in hand and then start…

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A Good Karma Update 

Karma had permission to leave the hospital a few weeks ago, but we had no room for her at Safe Harbor, all the stalls were full! We finally were able to move Oscar into foster with our dear friend Helga Roberts at Dutch Mills Farm, so that meant that Karma could…

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Emmy is younger than we thought! 

Emmy is 7!!! Dr. McCracken came out to do her dental float last week, and after examining her teeth, said that Emmy is actually closer to 7 than 8 or 9 as we were told. Now that’s she’s recovered from her cough, Terry has started working with her again and she is…

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Bingo at the Barn
Oct 6 from 1–4 pm
More info >

Joel Conner Horsemanship Clinic
October 25–27
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Holiday Open House and Craft Sale
Dec 8 from 12–3pm
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Belle and Aurora Join the Herd 

SAFE welcomed two new horses to our herd today. Belle is a 19 year old Thoroughbred mare, and her daughter Aurora is 11 years old. The two girls are sharing a quarantine space at Safe Harbor for the time being, and seem very interested in all the goings on around…

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Adoption Announcement: Cameo! 

It may take some time but when the right fit comes into one of our horses lives the adoption process seems to have always been meant to be. This is exactly how it was when Cameo’s adopter Lindsay realized that she couldn’t see her life without this mare in it! We all…

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Adoption Announcment: Vida! 

We are so pleased to announce the placement of our sweet companion mare Vida. She is now loving her new life with JoElla! A few months ago JoElla came to us, interested in getting a horse. She has never owned a horse before and while she did have family to help her…

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September Volunteer of the Month: Debbie Meyer 

In recognition of her outstanding efforts to obtain sponsorships for the 2017 SAFE Benefit Horse Show, Save a Forgotten Equine (SAFE) is pleased to honor Debbie Meyer as Volunteer of the Month. Our September honoree had not been around horses before joining SAFE, “but…

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2017 Q3 Impact Statement 

New Horses Intake Date: August 10, 2017 Cosmo (owner surrender) Angel (owner surrender) Callie (owner surrender) Nashville (owner surrender) Renee (owner surrender) Valor (owner surrender) Placed Horses Cameo Vida Ruger Nora

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