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First Day of School

Yesterday was a big day for Mr Curly Pants: he left his foster home, where he’s spent the last 6 months, and headed off to officially start his training. He’ll be spending the next three months with trainer Matt Olson, who will work with Owen in hand and then start…

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A Good Karma Update

Karma had permission to leave the hospital a few weeks ago, but we had no room for her at Safe Harbor, all the stalls were full! We finally were able to move Oscar into foster with our dear friend Helga Roberts at Dutch Mills Farm, so that meant that Karma could…

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Emmy is younger than we thought!

Emmy is 7!!! Dr. McCracken came out to do her dental float last week, and after examining her teeth, said that Emmy is actually closer to 7 than 8 or 9 as we were told. Now that’s she’s recovered from her cough, Terry has started working with her again and she is…

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August Training Notes

Phoenix: Going well under saddle with strengthening exercises in the walk including: shoulder fore, hauls, halt rein backs, and collected walk. He’s up to 7 minutes at the trot and continues to look sound. We’ve been working in some trot poles during the rides.…

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Rocky — Intake Photos

We have a new friend to introduce: this is Rocky, a 21 year old Paso Fino gelding, who was surrendered to SAFE over the weekend. As you can see, Rocky is severely emaciated, with an infestation of lice and badly overgrown hooves. We have taken him straight to the…

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August Volunteer of the Month: Nora C!

Please join us in honoring Nora C as August’s Volunteer of the Month! Nora came to us this spring, asking if she could celebrate her 15th birthday with a work party at Safe Harbor Stables. Nora and her friends spent the day scrubbing fences, sweeping the barn, and…

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the Happy Appy!

Big thank you to former SAFE volunteer Chelsey B for sharing this photo of Aiden on SAFE’s Facebook page along with this cute message: “Look who we found?! Our one & only Happy Appy AIDEN!! Save A Forgotten Equine (S.A.F.E.) alumni is a happy boy, being good as…

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Bingo at the Barn
Oct 6 from 1–4 pm
More info >

Joel Conner Horsemanship Clinic
October 25–27
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Holiday Open House and Craft Sale
Dec 8 from 12–3pm
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September Volunteer of the Month: Debbie Meyer

In recognition of her outstanding efforts to obtain sponsorships for the 2017 SAFE Benefit Horse Show, Save a Forgotten Equine (SAFE) is pleased to honor Debbie Meyer as Volunteer of the Month. Our September honoree had not been around horses before joining SAFE, “but…

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2017 Q3 Impact Statement

New Horses Intake Date: August 10, 2017 Cosmo (owner surrender) Angel (owner surrender) Callie (owner surrender) Nashville (owner surrender) Renee (owner surrender) Valor (owner surrender) Placed Horses Cameo Vida Ruger Nora

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Poor Anderson

It’s finally raining again and no one at SAFE is happier about that than Anderson. The smoke and dust in the air this summer have been exceptionally hard on his lungs. We started noticing that he’d cough a bit when asked to canter, so when Dr. Fleck came to do his…

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Banjo & Finn visit Safe Harbor

Our WONDERFUL foster mom Carrie brought the Finn and Joey for a visit during the last Joel Conner clinic. She had this to report about the experience: The boys both enjoyed their field trip out to SAFE for the Joel Conner clinic! They loaded into the trailer like it…

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Making Progress with Mason

Lori has been working with Mason since his arrival at SAFE last year. She continues to chip away at his issues, hoping that he may still become a safe riding partner. For now, all this groundwork is helping him to trust people and be more comfortable in his body. Here…

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