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The Further Adventures of Owen the Gelding 

Owen joined the ranks of happy geldings everywhere this week, when he underwent a successful procedure to rid him of his family jewels. Getting there was a bit of an adventure, but now that he’s a gelding, Owen starts the next phase in what is sure to be a wonderful…

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Stella Intake Photos 

Stella was signed over to SAFE today by Snohomish County Animal Control. She’s a tiny thing, still thin, but otherwise looking much improved from the photos taken of her a few weeks back by SCAC. Stella was one of two horses seized by SCAC in early May 2014 due to…

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June Training Notes 

Perhaps this is obvious, but we are just so proud of our horses! Every single one of them faced tremendous challenges in their lives before being rescued, and the courage and bravery they show us during their rehabilitation and retraining is nothing short of…

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Happiness is for horses 

Ruby was moved to her new foster home for the summer a few days ago. She and Jewel will be sharing Jackie’s lovely horse pasture for the next several months, soaking up the sun and enjoying life as only horses can. Here’s a video taken on the day of her arrival as she…

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Alumni News: Miah of the Mountain 

Here’s a great update from Miah’s adopter, Heather! Hi everyone, happy spring, Finally! Miah has been with me now for about 6 months. We did little during the winter except survive, although that time was well spent, Miah is home and I think she knows that. I was able…

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Tarp training for Cameo 

Cameo is pretty brave, but she’s not fond of loud or sudden noises. So Terry and Laura are working with desensitizing her. Here is Cameo’s first attempts at moving over a noisy tarp. Laura is very good at helping Cameo know she can take her time and think about it.…

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Lola videos and update 

Here are three new videos showing Lola’s progress under saddle. We’re also super pleased to report that Terry has had a couple of her volunteer riders working with Lola, and she has been as good for them as she is for Terry! Clearly, Terry and her team have unlocked…

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Bingo at the Barn
Oct 6 from 1–4 pm
More info >

Joel Conner Horsemanship Clinic
October 25–27
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Holiday Open House and Craft Sale
Dec 8 from 12–3pm
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Vida is officially a companion horse 

Unfortunately we are going to have to retire Vida as a riding horse. Off and on since we got her, she has had a slight lameness in her front right hoof. It would come and go but recently it was enough for us to call Dr. Fleck to come take a look. He discovered in the…

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Nora at Liberty 

You don’t have to ride to enjoy horses! Take a look at Sarah doing liberty work with Nora. This is an incredible way to create a bond with your horse. SAFE has so many unrideable horses that are waiting for homes! These are horses who have so much to give and so much…

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Nora’s World 

Nora has been back at SAFE for several weeks now, and she’s settling in well. She spends her days in a field with Vida, Rosie, and Prince, and her evenings resting in her stall. She’s being re-introduced to good ground manners, and although she’d probably prefer to…

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Lovely Tasara 

Our new friend Tasara got the fashion model treatment from Jessica and her camera. Isn’t she pretty? She’s so petite, and just a love. We are enjoying getting to know her! 

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Clinic & Photo Update: Lacey

Clinic & Photo Update: Lacey 

Here’s an update from Terry, who rode Lacey in the recent Joel Conner clinic: Lacey did wonderful in this past Joel Conner clinic! She was forward and willing and kept a good attitude for most of the workshops. She is still young and at 4 there is just only so much…

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