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Alumni Update: Lucca

Alumni Update: Lucca 

Lucca and her adopter, Jane M., enjoyed trail riding this fall. Here, Lucca and Jane took a couple laps through Farrel-McWhirter Park before the rain. 10/15/23    

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Changes to the SAFE Alumni Program

Changes to the SAFE Alumni Program 

A letter from SAFE Alumni Program Manager Shar Conner: I wanted to let everyone know that I am going to be stepping down from my role as SAFE’s Alumni Program Manager. I’ve been in this role for 8 years now (hard to believe); it’s been a fun ride but I think now is…

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Domino’s Emotional Support Lacey

Domino’s Emotional Support Lacey 

While bringing anxious Domino into a stall every year has always been somewhat of a production, because of his friendship with Lacey we discovered last fall, this year coming inside for Domino was no big thing. The two neighbors munch their hay happily side by side,…

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Shoes for Roy

Shoes for Roy 

Roy is a special guy. His poor teeth keep him from eating hay, leading him to be on an all-mash diet. He is covered in lumps and bumps (which we think just add a cool topography to his handsome self, but understand how others might find them unseemly). He takes…

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Twinning with Artie and Pepper

Twinning with Artie and Pepper 

Halloween might be over, but it appears that Pepper and Artie are still dressing up as one another! These two are truly doppelgangers, and as they both hail from the Fall City 40 herd, it may be that there is some genetic connection to their similar looks. But…

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Glamorous Nova

Glamorous Nova 

Someone is ready for their closeup! The fall leaves and Nova go together like apples and pie — a winning combo. 

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November Volunteer of the Month: Cyndi McGarry

November Volunteer of the Month: Cyndi McGarry 

Congratulations to our November Volunteer of the Month, Cyndi McGarry! Cyndi first joined us back in August of 2022, and has helped in just about every aspect of the farm since! From being on the Tuesday AM team, to her  Friday PM shift, and helping to feed our horses…

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Alumni Update: Jewel 

November 2023 From Julie: So yesterday (November 29th) I realized I made a huge, sad blunder. November 4th is Jewel’s adoption day and the day we celebrate her birthday. I’ve never forgotten it — until now. Almost a month late! I felt so bad. I apologized and tried to…

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Heart of the Horse
July 20 from 5–10 pm
More info >

Joel Conner Horsemanship Clinic
Aug 16–18
More info >

Harrisa, Blanketed

Harrisa, Blanketed 

With this recent snap in cold weather, we are doing our very best to keep the horses warm and happy. Extra feedings, steaming sweet waters and hot mashes, blankets with fill — we set our herd up with these things and more to help them combat the cold. Harissa is…

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Sandy Jupiter

Sandy Jupiter 

It seems an inevitability of horses and horse ownership (or stewardship) that there will come a time when your horse suffers from the most base of afflictions: a stomachache. We can talk about how cruel it is that the design of horses is such that their digestive…

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Alumni Update: Rae

Alumni Update: Rae 

Our Alumni team recently checked in with Rae’s adopter Christina. Here’s what Christina had to share: I think Rae is still settling in nicely. Oddly enough, she has been stretching her “Boss Mare” muscle a bit which has been both hilarious and aggravating, depending…

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Alumni Update: Bubbles (Bella)

Alumni Update: Bubbles (Bella)

SAFE recently checked in with Bubbles’ (now Bella) adopter Mary. Bella is doing great and follows Mary around like a duckling. She has become best buddies with her pasture mate and Mary’s other horse, Jax. This lucky girl receives regular visits from the chiropractor…

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Blanche’s Glamour Shots

Blanche’s Glamour Shots 

Sweet Blanche has been settling in at SAFE nicely, having a nice mellow (and quite mild!) winter. She and Dorothy love to kick up their heels in the arena together, and when she’s not hanging with her buddy, Blanche is always eager to greet you at the gate or the hay…

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Introducing Champagne and Theo!

Introducing Champagne and Theo! 

We welcomed two new faces to our herd this week, Theo and Champagne! As they both arrived at SAFE early in January 2024, they are our little babies ‘New Year.’ The name is quite fitting, for while not technically babies, they are likely both under 4 – close enough.…

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