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April Training Notes: Sapphire

We had a pretty big setback with Sapphire after Sasha’s passing. We’ve been doing ground work with her to gain her trust, and she regressed quite a bit and started showing some aggressive behavior again. But thankfully, by the end of the month, she was getting back to…

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April Training Notes: Atticus

Atticus has been very spunky and playful in turnout, now that he’s settled back in at Safe Harbor. He continues to have food aggression issues and does not want anyone near his food. Our volunteers are being trained to ask him to back him up before they enter his…

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April Training Notes: Finn

We’ve had some difficulties keeping Finn’s shoes on recently. His feet seem to be pretty soft and his shoes have just fallen off a few times. But they seem to be holding better now, and hopefully with better nutrition and hoof care, his feet will improve. We treated…

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April Training Notes: Oscar

Oscar has been doing much better under saddle, and we’ve seen good improvement in his willingness to move forward. Also the Dynamite Vit has helped his lethargic behavior and he is not drifting off while we are working with him anymore. He still has issue with…

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April Training Update: Kai

I’ve had some wonderful rides on Kai this month where he was feeling stronger and showed some good self carriage. I started working on sitting trot and found he is not ready for this on his weak back muscles. I will continue to slowly introduce more of this over the…

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April Training Notes: Lola

Lola has been making good progress this month, including some good independent trotting without the help of a ground person. I found that she loves to trot with Kat in the arena so I’ve been riding her during Kat’s rides so she gets some “help” when she starts getting…

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April Training Notes: Jewel

Jewel is doing well, learning to lunge and develop some ground manners. She still pulls on the halter when lunging and she overreacts when asked to go out on the circle. Treatment to the injury she sustained to her left hind foot was actually beneficial to…

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April Training Notes: Phoenix

Phoenix’s rehab is going well. We’ve re-introduced walking under saddle. He is up to 20 mins of riding, continuing some hand walking up to 30 without rider. Increasing both by 5 mins gradually over each the week until we reach 45–60 mins then continue with that…

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Bingo at the Barn
Oct 6 from 1–4 pm
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Joel Conner Horsemanship Clinic
October 25–27
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Holiday Open House and Craft Sale
Dec 8 from 12–3pm
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Cameo’s Horse Show Debut

What a superstar Cameo was for her first show! She looked great and continues to amaze us this year. Lindsay is doing great with her training and not only got Cameo comfortable with the trailer but also has taken her on a few trail rides! Cameo is ready to meet…

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Show Update: Cameo & Jewel

This past weekend Cameo and Jewel went to their first show of the season at the ride and review at Hollywood Hills Saddle Club. It was Cameo’s first show and she did amazing! Her volunteer rider Lindsay has been working on her trailer skills and our little frightened…

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May Volunteer of the Month: Michelle Stokke

For tirelessly volunteering on multiple chore shifts at the barn and for the many unsolicited hours she contributes, SAFE has chosen Seattle native Michelle Stokke as May’s Volunteer of the Month. Michelle’s lifelong love of horses started with a pony ride at…

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Everybody Loves Ruger

We’ve had a lot of people reach out to us over the last few days about Ruger, who many of know as Parnelli. At the moment, Ruger is not available for adoption. He’s only been with us for few weeks, and he is still recovering from the neglect he suffered. When Ruger is…

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Stevie Under Saddle

Stevie did very well while in training with Joel Conner. He accepted a rider well and there were no issues. Joel said that Stevie was the most well prepared horse that SAFE has ever sent him. Thanks to all the hard work Casey put into him, this phase of his training…

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