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Owen Update 

Owen continues to make steady progress adjusting to his new life as a SAFE horse. We’re taking things very slow with him to earn his trust. Fortunately Owen is a very good boy, gentle and willing and easy to deal with. It’s lucky for us that his behavior is so mild…

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Sasha, Rest in Peace 

On Friday afternoon, surrounded by friends who were there to comfort and say goodbye, Sasha was humanely euthanized. It is never easy to make the decision to let a horse go, but it is especially difficult when that decision is being made because we fear for the safety…

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Finn training update 

Finn has been in ground work for the past several weeks, and he’s been very impressive! He’s made a big impression on Laura M who has been coming to Safe Harbor Stables a couple times a week to help Terry with ground work. Laura is very enthusiastic about Mr…

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Foster/Training Update: Ginger 

Ginger is coming along well. She now going fairly solid walk/trot and they are working on the canter. Her canter is still very unbalanced and quick due to lack of strength but it is coming along. She has an especially hard time cantering to the right but she does pick…

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Volunteer update: Moments with Savannah 

Sandi N is a volunteer at SAFE Harbor who has been spending some quality time with Savannah, both as a friend and companion, but also helping her with her fibrotic myopathy. Terry asked Sandi to share her thoughts about her interactions with this lovely mare: Meeting…

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Skye Training Update 

Skye is currently living up at Half Trak Farm as she begins part 2 of her training journey with Andrea Lucianna. When Skye first arrived at Half Trak, she had a bit difficulty settling in. At first she would not tolerate being in a stall and would pace, refuse to eat,…

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New Tires for the SAFE Trailer! 

We would like to express our appreciation to Les & Jeannette Parrett and their family for the donation they made to SAFE for the purpose of acquiring new tires for our horse trailer. When we purchased the trailer last year, the safety inspection indicated it was in…

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Bingo at the Barn
Oct 6 from 1–4 pm
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Joel Conner Horsemanship Clinic
October 25–27
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Holiday Open House and Craft Sale
Dec 8 from 12–3pm
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Training Update: Jessel 

While in Ellensburg this past week, I visited with Jessel who is in training with Joel Conner. She has really grown up in the last few months and we are excited to see how she develops over the summer. Jessel has come a long way and Joel’s patient work with her is…

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Training Update: King 

I had the chance to visit and ride King at Joel Conner’s where he is getting started under saddle. King has become a very handsome boy with a very shiny black coat and a sweet personality. He is kind and gentle on the ground, easy to groom and saddle. He still needs…

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Nora Rejoins the SAFE Herd 

We always hope that we have placed our horses in forever homes…but from time to time, things don’t work out that way. Nora was with her loving adoptive family for almost three years when we got the call that their life situation was changing and they could no longer…

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A Beautiful Friendship: Dottie & Diana 

Our wonderful volunteer Diana sent us an email about Dottie. Anyone who has met Dottie will tell you that Diana has described her to a tee. We are very lucky to have a lovely friend to visit with Dottie in her foster home and these great photos by Jessica to share…

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Harley and Ruger Intake Photos 

Harley and Ruger were seized from their owner in mid January 2017 by Snohomish County Animal Control. Both horses were emaciated, suffering from rain rot, with overgrown hooves. They were both found standing in deep mud and manure on their owner’s property and…

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